After finding Nagato, Ryu looked at Nagato playfully, and before Nagato could speak, he controlled Penn Liudao forward and attacked Nagato.

Nagato's legs were injured, but it doesn't mean that Nagato has no combat effectiveness. The abilities used by Penn's Six Paths can be used by Nagato, which is the body of the outer channel.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

Nagato and Shenluo Tianzheng of Tiandao Payne are used at the same time, boom! ! ! The rock was destroyed, Nagato's body smashed out, and his internal organs were damaged to varying degrees.

"How is it possible, how do you control Penn's Six Ways? How can you control Penn's Six Ways to use the ability?"

Getting up with difficulty, Nagato, who barely stood still holding a large rock, asked Ryu.

"Can't you see my eyes?"

Ryu faintly said to Nagato. At this time, Ryu had already activated Tenseigan, the reincarnation of the nine-goed jade, which was a suppression of pupil power, which made Nagato feel that it was difficult to open his eyes.

Tenseigan, the jade reincarnation of the nine hooks, was far more complicated and powerful than Nagato's eyes. When Nagato was about to ask, the attack of Shura Dao had already arrived in front of Nagato.

Shura Road Summoning's weapons are more like thermal weapons, bombarding Nagato frantically, and the inconvenient Nagato is miserable.

"Nagato, you are too weak. Even with your strength, you dare to come here to find my trouble. In fact, I suspect that you came to die on purpose."

Ryu only controls Penn's Six Paths and didn't do anything at all, but even if Ryu didn't make a move, he still slapped Nagato.

Scars continued to appear from Nagato's body, and within three minutes, Nagato fell under the attack of Penn's six frantic bombardments.

"So not resistant?"

Ryu looked at the unconscious Nagato and shook his head slightly.

"Get out of here." Ryu glanced in a certain direction, and White Zetsu, Black Zetsu, and Obito were all hiding there.

"If you don't come out, I don't mind asking you to come out, but if you ask me, it might not be so gentle."

Under the threat of Ryu, Obito walked out half white and half black.

"Master Ryu, can you save Madara and let us take Nagato back?" White Zetsu asked Ryu kindly.

"Give Uchiha Madara face? Okay, let Uchiha Madara come to see me first, and I will discuss with him whether to give Uchiha Madara face."

Ryu said flatly.

White Zetsu didn't speak anymore, Uchiha Madara was already dead, how could I let him come over?

"Master Ryu, Master Madara also left some backs. I hope we can take a step back." Black Zetsu said gloomily.

Hearing Black Zetsu's words, Ryu stared at Black Zetsu. To tell the truth, Ryu is not interested in White Zetsu, nor Uchiha Obito, but Black Zetsu can arouse some of Ryu's interest.

The third son of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Uchiha Madara, who became Ten Tails Jinchūriki, was finally overcast. He still has two brushes.(Read more @

Perceiving Ryu staring at him, Black Zetsu felt a very dangerous feeling, as if Uchiha Ryu could pose a fatal threat to him.

This was the first time Black Zetsu saw Ryu, and when he saw Ryu, Black Zetsu felt that the other party was extremely dangerous, especially the other party's eyes, which were definitely above Rinnegan's eyes.

Uchiha Obito was in front of Ryu, and even Mangekyō Sharingan could not be turned on.

"What are the conditions to let Nagato go?" Obito asked.

Now it is very simple for Ryu to kill Nagato. Since he hasn't killed him yet, it means there should be room to rescue Nagato.

"In the future, you know the organization, don't come to Wuren Village if you have nothing to do, do you understand?"


White Zetsu answered quickly. Just as Ryu finished speaking, White Zetsu nodded immediately.

"In addition, if you want Nagato, you naturally need to pay a price. Do you have anything valuable in your hands?"

Although Ryu didn't want to kill Nagato, he still needs to get something. If Obito can't get anything out, don't let him let Nagato go.

"This is all that Madara-sama left behind. It should be enough to save him."

Black Zetsu did not know where to take out the seal scroll, which contained a large number of items.

"This sword is good."

Ryu took a sword from among the items that Black Zetsu gave him, and looked at the shimmering blade. Ryu slashed towards the rock and cut through the hard stone like tofu.

"This is one of the Kusanaru swords." Black Zetsu immediately told Ryu the origin of this sword.

There are more than one Kusanagi swords in the Naruto World. The spirit weapon ten-fist sword is also one of the Kusanagi swords. The Kusanagi sword in Orochimaru's hands and the Kusanagi sword in Uchiha Sasuke's hands are actually not the same.

"It turned out to be the Kusana sword." Ryu became interested, and the Kusana sword was indeed a weapon of magic.

In addition, there are other things, they are some secret techniques, and precious items, many of which are not circulated in the Ninja World today.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Black Zetsu has lived for more than a thousand years, and these things must have been collected by Black Zetsu before.

Now Black Zetsu says it's what Uchiha Madara left behind, and Ryu hasn't dismantled Black Zetsu either.

"This is a token of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, you should be very interested." Uchiha Obito took out the flame ball fan and gave it to Ryu, in addition to the sickle left by Uchiha Madara.

Homura fan, Ryu has already exploded, so I am not so interested, but now that Uchiha Obito handed it over, Ryu will naturally accept it.

"Reluctantly, you can bring Nagato back. Don't let him come to Wunin Village in the future, otherwise, you will not be able to bear the price."

.... ........ 0

Ryu uses Hiroizumi Hirazaka to leave, leaving Obito Kazuzu who is not in a good mood.

If Obito knew that Nagato would be defeated so quickly and the body was still found, he would definitely try his best to dissuade Nagato from coming.

Although I have saved Nagato now, I have paid a lot of things. If the flame group fan can, Obito doesn't want to hand it over.

"Black Zetsu, does Madara-sama have anything else left? Why don't I know." White Zetsu asked Black Zetsu at this time.

White Zetsu was a little confused about what Black Zetsu brought out.

"Of course you don't know, Madara-sama didn't tell you." Black Zetsu confuses White Zetsu directly.

Obito glanced at Black Zetsu, did not ask more, let White Zetsu take Nagato and Penn Liudao and leave quickly.

Payne Six Ways Ryu also stayed, and he wouldn't use it anyway. I played with Payne Six Ways before, but it actually feels pretty normal.

For example, Rinnegan's power cannot be fully exerted by relying on the Six Paths of Payne. The Six Paths of Payne are completely redundant.

Of course, this is for Ryu, for Nagato, a disabled person with limited mobility, Penn's Six Paths are still quite useful.

After Ryu came back, Konan looked at Ryu very entangled, opened his mouth and didn't know whether to speak or not, and didn't know how to talk to Ryu.

Ryu saw Konan's tangled appearance and knew what Konan was thinking. He just wanted to know what happened to Nagato and whether Nagato was still alive.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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