Ryu floats in midair, Tenseigan, the reincarnation of the nine-goed jade, with 360 degrees of vision without blind spots, so he is really not afraid of being attacked.

"Appear behind me again."

The place where Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo reappeared was still behind Ryu, this time he had just appeared, and Ryu's fist smashed before he could do it.

This was a punch that condensed all of Ryu's strength. The fairy tin rod was bent by a punch, and was finally interrupted by Ryu's full punch, and the fist penetrated Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's heart.

"Penetrate Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's heart. Such an attack shouldn't kill him, right?"

Ryu looked at Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, who was retreating rapidly. He looked embarrassed and injured very badly, but Ryu could feel that he was still very alive.

And the position of the heart that was pierced by Ryu is recovering rapidly at this time, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hey, I know it won't be so easy to solve."

Ryu was not surprised, and the failure was expected.

"Monthly reading."

The effect of the physical attack is not very good, so Ryu comes to try the mental attack and uses the monthly reading to kill the spirit and soul of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo.

It took Ryu a lot of effort to pull Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo into the illusion space.

Standing in the illusion space 28, Ryu looked around the entire space, cracks appeared, and then quickly repaired.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo relies on pupil power and extreme mental power to destroy the illusion space, while Ryu consumes pupil power and mental power to stabilize the illusion space.

The two sides started a tug of war, and at the same time Ryu continued to torment Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and gradually gained the upper hand.

Ryu's pupil power is still more terrifying than Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo.

"Although I can let you stay in the illusion space forever and grind you to death a little bit at the end, but this is too slow, and I don't want to waste so much time."

Ryu spoke to Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo.

But even if Ryu talks to Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo will not pay attention to himself. The character projection drawn by the system will not communicate with Ryu at all, which makes Ryu feel very boring.

If you can communicate, Ryu doesn't mind playing with the other party for a while, but the other party doesn't care about him at all, so Ryu doesn't have this patience.

Opening his eyes, Ryu's spirit left the illusion space, but Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's spirit was still trapped in the illusion space.

Looking at Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's body, at this time Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's body is motionless, his mental will is still in the illusion space, and no one controls the body, of course it won't move.

"Golden wheel reincarnation explodes."

There is no need to enter the Tenseigan Chakra Mode. Ryu's use of Golden Wheel Reincarnation is basically handy. Truth-Seeking Balls are arranged together and fly into Ryu's hands, and then the golden lightsaber spreads to the sky.

"Goodbye, I don't believe you can survive after being cut in half."

Ryu controlled the lightsaber, cut off from the top of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's head, and then split Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo in half in the middle.

[Ding, you kill Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, get: 500,000 points, six powers of yin and yang, six levels of Chakra! 】

Sure enough, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo does not have the same special physique as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. It seems that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is very special.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It's a pity, the things that burst out are not of much use to me."

Ryu took a look at what Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo had exploded. First of all, the six powers of yin and yang. This Ryu itself possesses the six levels of Chakra. Does Ryu lack Chakra now?

The Chakra obtained is at best the icing on the cake for Ryu.

"Fortunately, I didn't have any expectations."

Ryu didn't expect much, mainly because of the abilities that Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo had mastered. Ryu basically mastered them, and the things he broke out were definitely what he already had.

For Ryu, the biggest gain is the points.

There are a lot of points. You can exchange points for things in other worlds. Unfortunately, it takes ten times more points to exchange for things in other worlds.

So as long as you are not stupid, Ryu will definitely not exchange things in other worlds, because it is not worth it.

"Xiaomeng, if you travel to other worlds, how many points will it cost?"

"I don't know, you need to upgrade the system once to travel through other worlds, and then you can know how many points it consumes." Xiaomeng said to Ryu.

"Then do you know when the system will be upgraded?" Ryu asked Xiaomeng again.

"I do not know."

Xiaomeng shook his head again.

"Aren't you a system wizard? How do you feel that you don't know anything." Ryu couldn't help but complain. Xiaomeng, the system wizard, is just like the mascot.

"Oh, it feels like you are a mascot, completely useless."

After a sigh, Ryu said disappointedly.

"Why am I useless? I can talk and chat with you. Isn't that okay?" Xiao Meng said dissatisfied.

I hate Ryu for saying that she is useless. If it weren't because Ryu is her master, and she couldn't do anything to Ryu, she would definitely kick it angrily.

"I'm leaving."

Ryu intends to leave the system space.

"Hey, wait a minute, can you chat with me?" Xiaomeng took Ryu's hand and asked pitifully to Ryu.

It's very pitiful to stay in the system space by myself, alone, waiting for when Ryu can enter the system space and chat with her.

"Well, for your poor sake, I will promise you."

Ryu looked at the pitiful Xiaomeng, and he couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't stand it anymore in the face of Xiaomeng.

Although she always says that Xiaomeng is useless, Ryu still cares about Xiaomeng's feelings.

"I knew, Ryu, you still care about me." Xiaomeng rushed into Ryu's arms.

"After you become a celestial beast, you will rush into my arms."

Ryu held Xiao Moe by the back of her neck and said to Xiao Moe.

Xiaomeng turned a Byakugan to Ryu, the hateful master who wanted to take advantage of her. Xiaomeng showed contempt for Ryu.

"It seems that you don't want it anymore, that's all, since that's the case, I will leave and not chat with you." Ryu made a gesture to leave the system space.

"Wait a minute, I promise you that."

Xiaomeng glanced at Ryu faintly, and in the white light, she transformed into a celestial beast with an explosive body.

After staying in the system space for several hours, Ryu then left the system space.

"Suddenly disappeared for a long time, there is still a scent on my body, Ryu, I think you need to explain it."

Ryu, who had just come out of the system space, was caught by Kushina. At this time, Kushina looked at Ryu with suspicion.

"Scent?" Ryu sniffed his body carefully. There was indeed a scent. Could it be from Xiaomeng?

But the scent is not obvious. Is Kushina's nose so sensitive?

"Terumi Mei told me that there are some things that need to be handled by me personally, so I'm leaving first."

Ryu glanced at Kushina with a headache.

It's hard to explain, so just choose to go as the best policy.

However, Ryu's departure made Kushina even more suspicious. Kushina went to Mikoto angrily and told them about Ryu's cheating.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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