In the evening, Ryu returned home and faced the scrutinizing gaze from Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsunade.

"What do you guys look at me doing like this? Don't believe what Mikoto, Tsunade, and Kushina say." Ryu saw Mikoto and Tsunade, and knew that Kushina must have said something to them.

Suddenly Ryu felt a headache.

"Hmph, you cheated and didn't admit it, it's horrible."

Kushina stared at Ryu angrily.

"Frankly be lenient." Tsunade knocked on the table and looked at Ryu with a smile.

"Ryu, let's talk about it, we won't make it difficult for you."

Mikoto looked at Ryu with a ‘gentle’ face, and Ryu felt a chill in his heart.

"Uncle, it's not good for you." Hinata blamed herself on the side, letting Ryu hold her forehead speechlessly.

"Hinata, do you know if you call me."

Putting his hand on Hinata's little head, Ryu said to Hinata.

They are called Kushina and their sisters, but they are called themselves but brothers. What do you mean, is he very old?

Well, although Ryu's age is called uncle by Hinata, that is more than enough, but Ryu's appearance is still around twenty years old.

And the reason why Hinata calls him uncle is also the reason for Kushina. Thinking of this, Ryu can't help but want to teach Kushina a lesson.

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson?" Kushina looked at Ryu warily.

"Well, you can read mind?"

Ryu looked at Kushina in surprise. The idea of ​​teaching Kushina just popped up in his mind. Kushina knew it, did he really have mind-reading skills?

Kushina flipped over Byakugan. Of course, she didn't have mind-reading skills, but Kushina felt a chill just now and thought it must be Ryu who wanted to teach her.

"Mikoto, it's time to eat, I'm almost starving to death." Ryu said to Mikoto.

Change the subject so that Mikoto and the others will continue to ask Ryu. Although Ryu has done nothing and has a clear conscience, they can't tell them.

Do you want to tell them about Xiaomeng and tell them about Xiaomeng, it means you have to reveal the system, this is Ryu's biggest secret, man, you still have to keep some secrets for yourself.

Ryu's topic-changing skills are very poor, Mikoto, Tsunade and others can see it instantly, but they give Ryu a face and no longer ask.

In fact, they feel that the chance of Ryu derailing shouldn't be very high. If they really do something like that, they will definitely tell them the truth, and will never hide it from them.

"I'm going to cook now..." Mikoto went to the kitchen to prepare.

"Mikoto, you worked so hard, I'll help you."

Ryu followed Mikoto into the kitchen.

"Ryu, you are suddenly so courteous, but it makes me feel awkward." Mikoto suddenly became suspicious of Ryu.

If you let Ryu know, you can't help but slap yourself.(Read more @

"Ahem, Mikoto, you have to believe me, I will never hide you, Kushina is just talking nonsense." Ryu mentioned Kushina, and his teeth itchy.

No, I have to teach Kushina a lesson at night, this time she will never run away.

Kushina, who was chatting with Konan at this time, had no idea that she was being watched by Ryu.

After Mikoto finished cooking, Terumi Mei came to Cengfan. It is not surprising that Terumi Mei came to Cengfan, because she already came to Cengfan often.

"Terumi Mei, if you come to Cengfan in the future, you will be charged." Ryu said to Terumi Mei.

"Master Mizukage, are you embarrassed to collect money from me? I will help you take care of the affairs of Wunin Village. I have worked hard, and you even have to ask me for food."

Terumi Mei said aggrievedly.

"You are the secretary of Mizukage, helping me with the affairs of Wunin Village. Isn't that your responsibility?"

"Then I don't want to be this Mizukage secretary, can I?" Terumi Mei's eyes lit up slightly.

"No way."

Ryu immediately refused. What a joke, if you don't continue to be Mizukage's secretary, then where can I find a suitable tool person?

"I knew, you won't let me go." Terumi Mei said gloomily.

"But there is one thing, Master Mizukage, you have to help me solve it."

"Let's talk about something, as long as I can solve it, I absolutely promise to help you solve it." Ryu nodded and agreed.

Terumi Mei has a smile on her face, moves lightly, and sits beside Ryu.

"Lord Mizukage, look at my age, it's the age to get married, but I don't like ordinary people. They are either ugly or weak. I think the right object is you."

"So Mizukage-sama, can you marry me?"

Terumi Mei blinked at Ryu when she pouted her mouth very seductively.

Kushina: "..."

Mikoto: "..."

Tsunade: "..."

Konan: "..."

"Terumi Mei, you are so brave, you openly grabbed my man." Kushina looked at Terumi Mei fiercely.

If you know that Terumi Mei and Ryu are talking about this, Kushina will definitely blast Terumi Mei out at the very beginning, it is too arrogant, and grabbing a man into the house.

Konan opened his mouth and looked at Terumi Mei in admiration. The previous statement was really bold, and Konan admired it very much in his heart.

"¨" I mean expressing love. "

Terumi Mei looked at Kushina unwillingly.

"Mikoto, why aren't you talking?" Kushina was furious, especially Terumi Mei's attitude, unexpectedly unrepentant.

But seeing Mikoto not talking, Kushina was also very depressed.

"What are you talking about?" Mikoto still didn't react, and glanced at Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei was joking just now.

In fact, at the beginning, Mikoto thought that Terumi Mei was joking, but now looking at Terumi Mei’s expression, it doesn’t seem to be a joke.

"It's no wonder that this woman seems to be seduce herself recently. It seems that I feel right." When Ryu got along with Terumi Mei recently, she felt that she was trying to seduce herself.

"Master Mizukage, will you help me solve this problem?" Terumi Mei looked at Ryu softly.

"Ahem, I am willing to help you solve it."

"Damn it, Ryu, what are you guys talking about? I want to kill you." Kushina heard Ryu's words like a cat with fried hair (? Qian Zhao).

"Oh, man." Tsunade gave Ryu a contemptuous look.

"Then Mizukage-sama, you agreed." Terumi Mei smiled on her face and let down her anxiety.

In fact, it was not easy for her to make up her mind to speak up, and she was afraid of rejection, but Terumi Mei thought too much. If it was meat delivered to the door, how could Ryu not eat it? He is not a gentleman.

"He agreed but I haven't agreed yet." Kushina said angrily, looking at Terumi Mei.

"Then Kushina sister, how can you win?" Terumi Mei asked Kushina with a smile.

In fact, Terumi Mei doesn't care about Kushina's opinion at all, as long as Ryu agrees, and Terumi Mei cares about Ryu's attitude.

Seeing Terumi Mei calling her sister obediently, Kushina's mood slightly improved, but she still didn't want to have one more sister.


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