"In the end there was a compromise."

Mikoto smiled and looked at Kushina.

"Otherwise, am I going to continue the cold war with that nasty guy?" Kushina glanced at Terumi Mei who was living in, then glanced at Ryu again.

And Ryu touched her nose and didn't speak. Let Kushina vent her anger at this time, otherwise her heart would be even more unhappy.

Terumi Mei has already moved into Ryu's house. Well, it's been a few days, and Kushina has been fighting a cold war with Ryu these days.

I haven't been willing to talk to him until today, so of course I have to follow Kushina as much as possible now.

"You guys don't help me either." Kushina looked at Tsunade and Mikoto angrily, neither of them helped her.

"How to help you?"

Mikoto spread out his hands a little helplessly, and then, just like Kushina, glared at Ryu, and at this time, Ryu could only pretend that he couldn't see it anymore.

No way, they all have grievances against themselves, and it is always themselves who take advantage, and now it's okay to eat a few Byakugan.

After having breakfast at home, it was Ryu and Terumi Mei who originally went to the Mizukage building, but now there is one more person, and Kushina has to follow them.

"Sister Kushina, don't you continue to do your detonator business?" Terumi Mei looked at Kushina kindly.

Looking at Terumi Mei's pleasing expression, in fact, Kushina's anger has almost disappeared in the past few days. Anyway, I can only accept it. What's the point of regenerating qi.

"This is not a time of war. Detonation charms are not easy to sell."

At this time, the tone of Kushina and Terumi Mei's speech was much better than before.

"Then are you planning to stop doing business?" Ryu asked Kushina.

"Of course not. Although the sales of detonating charms have been reduced a lot, even if they are less, they can still make me a lot of money."

Of course Kushina won't give up the detonation charm business so easily. Detonation charms are consumables. A Jōnin consumes a lot of detonation charms a year.

Even if you can't use it, you basically have some preparations, and you are prepared for it.

If you are lucky, it is not impossible for Jōnin to die by the detonation talisman. If you prepare enough detonation talisman, the shadow level can also be bombed to death.

For example, Konan’s 600 billion detonating amulet in the original book. If Obito hadn't used Izanagi, he would have died under the detonating amulet.

When I came to the Mizukage building, in fact, Ryu didn't have much to do here, and Terumi Mei basically took care of the affairs.

Well, Ye Cang handles most things now.

Originally Ye Cang was also a combatant, but now he is basically a civilian.

"Kushina, since you also want to experience the fun of Mizukage, let you experience it."

Ryu held the half-person-height document with a smile on his face and placed it in front of Kushina.

She followed Ryu to the Mizukage building and wanted to experience the fun of Mizukage. In that case, of course Ryu would let Kushina experience it.

"Are you kidding me."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The corners of Kushina's mouth twitched, and instantly thought of running away.

"You don't want to be a deserter, do you?" Seemingly seeing Kushina's thoughts, Ryu asked.

"Of course not, I deal with it as I do."

Bite the scalp and took it, Kushina regretted it in her heart. Why did she want to experience the fun of Mizukage with Ryu? Seeing this pile of files, Kushina felt that being Mizukage was not fun at all.

"Do you need my help?" Terumi Mei volunteered to ask Kushina.

Terumi Mei feels that if she wants to be more stable, she needs to please Kushina again.

"No, I can handle this little thing myself, don't bother you." Kushina waved to Terumi Mei and said.

"It's a holiday for me."

Ye Cang stood and muttered to himself, in fact, she was responsible for most of those things, but she can take a vacation today.

In fact, what Ye Cang thought was that it would be great to be able to take a holiday from Tenten.

"Master Mizukage, can I discuss something with you?"

Ye Cang came to Ryu and whispered to Ryu.

"What's the matter? Just say it."

When Ryu faced Ye Cang, his expression was quite soft. This is the hero who helped him deal with most of the things.

"I think it's possible for me to do some other jobs. I want to change jobs."

"No way."

The original soft expression disappeared, and Ryu rejected Ye Cang blankly.

"This man is really ruthless." Ye Cang complained to herself in her heart. She knew that it was impossible to change jobs so easily.

Alas, her job now is equivalent to Mizukage's second secretary.

In fact, it is not that Ryu is unwilling to let Ye Cang go, but he let Ye Cang go. It takes a lot of time to train the next person who can handle affairs.

At these times, Ryu may be busy a bit, so Ryu will refuse Ye Cang.

"Then I ask Mizukage to give me some advice, right?" Ye Cang thought for a while, and changed his terms.

Ye Cang still wants to improve her strength very much. Although her current strength is still improving very quickly, Ye Cang feels that it is not enough. Ye Cang has not forgotten to sell her Luosha.

Although Ye Cang can get revenge by relying on Wuren Village, Ye Cang's character does not want to rely on the power of others at all, and Ye Cang wants to use his own power to avenge.

Now she feels that her strength is much worse than Luo Sha.

"It's okay to point you." The smile on Ryu's face turned to Hee again.

In the evening, Ryu returned home with a listless Kushina.

"Kushina, do you want to experience the fun of Mizukage in the future? I welcome it, and I am even willing to give you the position of Mizukage."

Ryu feels that if Kushina wants to, it would be good to give Mizukage's position to Kushina.

No, I should have fooled Kushina and let Kushina be the Mizukage at the beginning. Now it may be out of play.

"I didn't experience any fun." Kushina said silently.

As for making her a Mizukage, she will only be a Mizukage unless there is a problem with her head.

"Sister Kushina, this is actually because you don't know how to be a Mizukage. If you learn from Ryu, you will definitely understand that being a Mizukage is actually very easy."

Terumi Mei said to Kushina.

At the same time, Terumi Mei looked at Ryu with that bitter gaze. What is the secret of Ryu being a Mizukage? Throw the hand shopkeeper, yes, Ryu is not acting as a Mizukage, but as a hand shake shopkeeper.

It was okay when I was Mizukage at first, and things were still done by myself, but now I hand over all the affairs to Terumi Mei and Yekura. There are few thieves to deal with in a day, and it can be solved in a few minutes.

"Don't pit me, I won't continue to experience being a Mizukage anyway."

Kushina's head shook like a splash drum, and she didn't want to experience it anymore.

"That's a shame."

Although guessing that Kushina is absolutely impossible to serve as Mizukage, seeing Kushina's refusal without hesitation, Ryu still feels a little regretful.

It seems that the burden of Mizukage's position must continue to be carried, and it seems that he needs to train suitable people to help him take over.


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