Time passed, and more than three years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the Konoha Village Naruto office, Sarutobi Hiruzen called Uchiha Itachi to discuss something about the Uchiha clan.

Since the Nine Tails turmoil, the Konoha Village Uchiha clan has been continuously squeezed out, and the Konoha executives are highly alert to the Uchiha clan.

Until now, it has reached the point where it is about to explode, and some people in the Uchiha clan have begun to discuss launching a coup.


After sending Uchiha Itachi away, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help sighing.

It would be great if the Uchiha clan were like Uchiha Itachi, but unfortunately they were not so peaceful and honest.

Well, Sarutobi Hiruzen lamented that the Uchiha clan was not honest, but he never thought that the Uchiha clan was forced by him and Konoha's senior management.

If it can be better for the Uchiha clan, now the Uchiha clan will not be so extreme.

There are already many Uchiha people who regret that they did not choose to go with Ryu at the beginning. If you leave with Ryu, why bother-get angry at Konoha Village.

"I hope Uchiha-Itachi can stop it."

This time, Sarutobi Hiruzen called Uchiha Itachi over to discuss how to deal with the Uchiha clan.

If the Uchiha clan really wants to rebel, then they have to take action and use thunder to eliminate the Uchiha clan.

"If you really want to deal with the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, you also need to consider Uchiha Ryu."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked towards the direction of Water Country.

It is realized that the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village is not a big threat. Sarutobi Hiruzen is worried that the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village will be destroyed. What is the reaction of Uchiha Ryu?

"Shisui is dead. I don't know if Shisui's death is related to Danzo."

But even if Uchiha Shisui's death is related to Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not choose to pursue Danzo's fault.

In fact, Uchiha Shisui's death is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

Although Shisui was eager to Konoha, it was difficult to keep the choice between the family and the village, and finally fell to the Uchiha family.

Shisui's strength is very strong. He has been named in the three wars, has the title of instantaneous Shisui, and opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Even though Uchiha Shisui showed his heart toward Konoha, it still made Sarutobi Hiruzen very jealous, including Uchiha Itachi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also understands how talented Uchiha Itachi is, and he is not lacking in strength and wisdom. How can such a person not be afraid of him.

He is also worried that Uchiha Itachi will become another Uchiha Ryu.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know at this time was that Danzo had found Uchiha Itachi, in exchange for Uchiha Sasuke's life, to let Uchiha Itachi destroy the whole family.

Danzo thinks very well, if it is the Konoha Village Uchiha clan that Uchiha Itachi destroyed, then even if Uchiha Ryu is looking for trouble, he can also be pushed to Uchiha Itachi.

Danzo also asked Uchiha Itachi to agree. Uchiha Itachi is partly for the safety of his younger brother and partly for the village.

Obito also contacted Uchiha Itachi under the name Uchiha Madara and invited Uchiha Itachi to join Akatsuki. He really fell in love with Uchiha Itachi.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Obito in the original book valued Uchiha Itachi's strength, but now Obito values ​​Uchiha Itachi even more.

The reason is simple, because of the changes brought about by Ryu, Akatsuki has lost a few generals, so Obito is very urgent.

Obito and Uchiha Itachi made a deal to help Uchiha Itachi slaughter the whole family.

"Obito, if you do this, aren't you afraid to provoke Uchiha Ryu?" White Zetsu said to Obito.

Hearing that, Obito's eyes showed a touch of jealousy. He had agreed quickly before, but now that I think about it, it seems that it is indeed dangerous.

"Uchiha Ryu should not care about the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village."

Although Obito said so, he still plans to meet Uchiha Ryu to find out what Uchiha Ryu thinks.

If Uchiha Ryu does not want the Konoha Village Uchiha clan to die, he can only choose to give up, and Uchiha Itachi must give up too.

In Kiri Shinobu Village, Obito asked White Zetsu to send a greeting card before he came to see Ryu.

"What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Ryu asked Obito faintly.

"Master Mizukage knows about the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village?"

Hearing Obito talking about this, Ryu knew what it was. It seemed that the Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village still couldn't escape.

However, Ryu did not know the news, the news of Water Country was not so well informed, and Ryu was not particularly concerned about matters in other villages.

"The relationship between Uchiha branch house and Konoha Village has reached the point of dire straits. It is estimated that Konoha Village will start to work on Uchiha branch house."

"There is also news that Uchiha Itachi, the son of the patriarch of Uchiha branch house, has now promised to help Konoha Village to destroy his own people."

Obito said everything, including Uchiha Itachi, was sold.

"Well, then you can send me a message, saying that I welcome people from the Uchiha branch house to take refuge."

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Ryu thought for a while and said to Obito.

This is to give them a chance to survive. If you don't grasp it, Ryu won't care about them.

At the beginning they chose to follow Uchiha Fugaku. Now Ryu can give them a way to survive. It is already Ryu's kindness, so don't expect Ryu to help them.

"Okay, I will definitely bring this."

Although Obito was dissatisfied with Ryu's use of him as a microphone, standing in front of Ryu, he dared not express his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, then you go."

Ryu waved to Obito and sent him away.

Obito has left. He is here at Ryu. In fact, he has received good news. It is not hopeless to accept Uchiha Itachi to work for Akatsuki.

.... ........ .......

"Master Mizukage, don't you send someone to visit Konoha Village?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

Now Terumi Mei calls Ryu Mizukage outside and calls Ryu directly at home.

"I should send someone to see it, let Uchiha go wild."

After thinking about it, Ryu decided to send Uchiha Ye to have a look. If anyone wants to come to Kiri Ninja Village, he can also ask Uchiha Ye to bring them back.

If he doesn't know the current affairs, Ryu doesn't want to pay much attention to it.

In fact, Ryu simply doesn't like the power of Uchiha branch house.

In the beginning, most of the Uchiha family power was taken away by Ryu, and the rest was only a small part of the Uchiha family.

The Uchiha branch house that stayed in Konoha Village was pitted by Konoha Village several times. The Third Ninja War caused heavy losses to Uchiha branch house.

When going out to perform tasks, a few more people were killed. As a result, the Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village has no power at all.

Of course, if this power breaks out in Konoha Village, it can still have a certain impact on Konoha Village, especially Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fugaku, which is deeply hidden, has also opened Mangekyō Sharingan, but unfortunately there is no hands on it in the original book. I don’t know if Uchiha Fugaku will do it this time.

As for the Uchiha branch house to come and take refuge in him, Ryu has no such idea, because he thinks it is impossible. Coming to take refuge means that some of them have to let go of their original power. How many are possible?


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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