Soon, a message spread throughout Konoha Village, Fourth Mizukage Uchiha Ryu welcomed the people of Uchiha branch house to take refuge.

After hearing this news, other major families, as well as ordinary civilians, were shocked.

In fact, like this news, Sarutobi Hiruzen should be ordered to block, but this time Sarutobi Hiruzen did not block, let the news spread.

"This signal, on the contrary, is a good signal."

Sarutobi Hiruzen understands that if you don't go to Uchiha Ryu's Uchiha clan, Uchiha Ryu will not care if he dies next.

At the same time, Uchiha Ye also came to Konoha Village, and Sarutobi Hiruzen personally met Uchiha Ye.

After all, it is Uchiha Ryu's confidant and cannot ignore it. Moreover, Uchiha's strength is not weak, and he has no confidence in suppressing Uchiha's wild.

"Third Hokage, if someone from the tribe is willing to follow me away, I hope you don't stop it."

Uchiha Ye said to Sarutobi Hiruzen, his tone was not very polite.


The expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is not pretty.

In fact, if a lot of Uchiha people really leave, will other families and ninjas in Konoha Village have any thoughts?

This is not impossible. It seems that management will be strengthened after waiting, but this time I definitely cannot refuse.

If he refuses, it is not giving Uchiha Ryu face, then Konoha Village and Kirinin Village may go to war.

The current Konoha Village, where is the opponent of Wunin Village, and the fight against Wunin Village, the final result must be the destruction of the village.

Uchiha Obito, also contacted Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Itachi explained the situation.

If anyone in his clan is willing to follow Uchiha Ryu to leave, he should not attack them.

"How much do you know about Uchiha Ryu?" Uchiha Itachi asked Obito, the masked man.

The main reason for asking this question is that Uchiha Itachi felt that the masked man in front of him was very afraid of Uchiha Ryu.

Uchiha Itachi doesn't know much about Uchiha Ryu, and almost no one in the clan talks about Uchiha Ryu, and even the younger clan don’t know this person.

Even if he is the son of the patriarch, he doesn't know much about Uchiha Ryu.

Because there is too little information available, so naturally there is little understanding.

"Uchiha Ryu is indeed a good junior. Although I am not afraid of him, there is no need to conflict with him."

Obito does not forget that he is playing the identity of Uchiha Madara at this time, so the tone of speech is naturally not small, and he is no longer the only one in front of Ryu.(Read more @

"I feel you are very jealous of him."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the exposed eye of the masked man, wanting to see the wave in it.

"Dread? Although the junior is good, it is not worthy of my fear, but if I target him, it is easy to reveal my identity and it will affect my plan."

Obito doesn't have any flaws. At this time, Obito is no longer the young Obito he used to be. He has experienced a lot of things. He will not show any flaws in front of Uchiha Itachi.

But even so, Uchiha Itachi still has doubts about Obito's identity.

In fact, anyone who heard Obito calling himself Uchiha Madara questioned his identity.

Then Obito flashed away and left. Uchiha Itachi was very smart. Obito didn't want to spend too much time with him so as not to expose more flaws.

If your identity is exposed, the plan may be carried out normally, but it will also be affected.

At this time, the Konoha Village Uchiha branch house was also quite shaken, and some senior officials started discussions.

"Do you have any thoughts of going to Wunin Village?"

One of the elders asked the others.

"Going to Wunin Village is definitely better than our current situation, but joining Wunin Village, will we still have our current status?" An Uchiha elder asked his own question.

In an instant, the others fell into silence. Indeed, if they go to Wunin Village, can they still maintain their current status?

Entering the Uchiha clan of Wuren Village, it is estimated that he can only be a low-level person, at most a middle-level person, which is not as comfortable as it is now.

It's a lot of people's thinking to prefer a chicken head rather than a phoenix tail.

Everyone looked at Uchiha Fugaku, what did this patriarch think.

"I don't agree to join Wuren Village."

Uchiha Fugaku certainly disagrees. At the beginning, he and Uchiha Ryu were in conflict. If he enters Kirinin Village now, will Uchiha Ryu let him go?

He was worried that Uchiha Ryu would find a reason to kill him.

Even if Uchiha Ryu doesn't do anything in the end, if he leaves him, it is estimated that he will lose everything. Maybe it is better to stay in Konoha Village.

So Uchiha Fugaku is firmly opposed. With Uchiha Fugaku's opposition, everyone else has almost decided.

It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Although it is good to join Wuren Village, you lose everything you have now, and it feels not worth it...

Some people don't care about power, but some people don't want to let go of it when they take up power.

"We don't join Wunin Village, and we won't allow the people below to take refuge in Uchiha Ryu." Uchiha Fugaku said again.

The people of the Uchiha family are now used to counter the bargaining chips of Konoha Village. Once too many people are lost, it is the bargaining chip.

"You are propagating in secret, it will not be good to go to Wunin Village." Uchiha Fugaku asked the elders to propagate.

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku also knows that staying in Konoha Village may not be a good thing, but even if he dies, he must die in Konoha Village instead of going to Wunin Village to beg for life. This is his Uchiha Fugaku's choice.

He is selfish to hold these people, but this is also the only bargaining chip that can negotiate with Konoha Village.

If there are only a few Uchiha people left, how can we negotiate with Konoha Village?

Uchiha Fugaku sent the elders to propagate it secretly, and the effect was very good. Some people who originally wanted to join Wunin Village also gave up their ideas.

But then Uchiha came to the Uchiha clan and took away some Uchiha people. These people were determined to leave.

It is impossible for Uchiha Fugaku to brainwash everyone. Some people feel that there is really no hope for staying in Konoha Village. It is better to go to Wunin Village.

Of course, they are all people whose status is not very high, and they don't have much say in the clan, they belong to the bottom.

Even if these people left, Uchiha Fugaku did not feel that it would pose a threat to the Uchiha clan.

"You will be grateful for your choice, because there is only a dead end to stay here." Uchiha Ye said to them when he took these people away.

Uchiha Ye already knows the situation, Konoha Village has decided to take action, and even Uchiha has a traitor. For such traitors, Uchiha Ye is very disgusted to help Konoha Village eliminate his family.

Disgust is disgust, but he won't care. Those who don't want to go to Wunin Village, in Uchiha Ye's view, just don't know good or bad, and those who don't know good or bad don't need to care.

After that, Uchiha Ye left with these Uchiha people who were willing to go with him. There were only a dozen of these people. Uchiha Ye worried about whether he would be punished for bringing back too few people.


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