"Patriarch, I only brought back fifteen people, please punish the patriarch."

After Uchiha Ye returned, he looked at Ryu with a guilty expression on his face.

"Why do you want to punish you? It's their own choice. I thought that no one would follow you. It's not bad to have these fifteen people now."

Of course, Ryu will not punish Uchiha Ye. It’s good to be able to bring back fifteen people. Even if one person does not come back, Ryu will not blame Uchiha Ye.

This is their own choice. Ryu also told Uchiha Ye that he does not need to be forced. If it is forced, Uchiha Ye can bring the entire Uchiha branch house.

But it doesn't need to be. If it is forcing them to come over, what's the point? Even bringing it back, Ryu also has to worry about them doing things like eating inside and out.

What Ryu needs are people who are really willing to come to Wuren Village, not the kind of people who are unwilling to be forced to come.

"I'll take these Uchiha people back first, so you can leave first."

Ryu took these tribesmen into the Uchiha tribe in Wunin Village.

"This...this is much better than our family land in Konoha Village."

"It's the right time to come to Wunin Village. We finally don't have to be angry at Konoha Village."

"Is this Chief Ryu? I feel so young."

Some Uchiha clan members talked about it 28 later, and Ryu ignored their comments. After entering the clan, Ryu gave his father-in-law Uchiha Yun to arrange them.

They are willing to come to Wuren Village, and Ryu will not treat them badly. Of course, it is impossible to treat them better than other tribes. It is treated equally.

But even if they are treated equally, their lives in Wuren Village are much better than those in Konoha Village.

Although Konoha Village is also the No. 1 big clan on the surface, other people faintly reject them, and it is not easy to live in Konoha Village.

"Patriarch, do you really care about those tribesmen?"

After Uchiha Yun arranged everything, he asked Ryu.

"It was their own choice, and I gave them a chance, but they don't want to survive. I even said it when I branched the house, and I will not contact you anymore."

Ryu can't rush to save people.

"No matter, since you have chosen the road, then naturally you have to go on."

Uchiha Yun doesn't plan to take care of it anymore. Now he can't manage the affairs of the Uchiha clan in Kirinin Village. Where can I worry about Konoha Village Uchiha branch house?

Ryu sent Uchiha to take away a few people, but it did not change the plan of Konoha Village Uchiha branch house. Even though they lost Shisui's low morale, they were still planning a rebellion.

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku did not agree with this rebellion, he also wanted to negotiate at the negotiating table.

However, most of the tribe supported the rebellion, and Uchiha Fugaku met with Konoha several times and did not get the slightest concession, so Uchiha Fugaku agreed.

Maybe he also has a chance to be Hokage.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Thinking of Uchiha Ryu becoming Mizukage's majestic and prestigious and mastering the strongest Ninja Village in the Ninja world, why can't he become Naruto.

Even if it is to compare with Uchiha Ryu, he has to try this Naruto position.

Root organization, Danzo meets Uchiha Itachi again.

For Danzo, Uchiha Itachi is very disgusted, and Shisui, who is also a teacher and friend, was ambushed by Danzo, and even his eyes were taken away by Danzo.

If it weren't for Danzo, Shisui would not commit suicide in the end.

Shisui, who had lost one eye, wanted to use suicide to stop the ambition of the Uchiha clan and make them abandon the plan of rebellion.

Because Shisui is the pillar of the Uchiha clan, his death did cause the morale of the Uchiha clan to plummet, but the Uchiha clan still has no plans to put down.

"You know the purpose of my calling you, the Uchiha clan must be destroyed tonight."

Danzo said to Uchiha Itachi indifferently.

Thinking of the fact that his clan was destroyed because of Uchiha Ryu, Danzo has hatred in his heart. The Uchiha clan of Wunin Village, he certainly did not dare to provoke him.

But the Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village, destroying them can also relieve Danzo.

"I know, I hope you abide by the agreement between us, otherwise, I won't let you go."

Uchiha Itachi turned and left, and when he reached the door, he turned on Mangekyō Sharingan and glanced at Danzo.

Danzo's face was gloomy, and Uchiha Itachi was threatening him in the end.


With a cold snort, Danzo also dispelled the idea of ​​cutting the grass and roots, killing him together with Uchiha Sasuke.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has also warned Danzo that he cannot take action against Uchiha Sasuke, because Uchiha Itachi has said that if Sasuke has an accident, he will disclose the secret information of Konoha Village.

What's more, Uchiha Itachi itself is also a threat. They also need Uchiha Itachi to enter an organization for undercover operations and obtain some information about that organization.

This organization is of course Akatsuki organization. Uchiha Itachi told Konoha executives about the organization's invitation to him, and he was regarded as an undercover agent.

After leaving the root organization, Uchiha Itachi contacted the mask man and asked him to help destroy the Uchiha clan.

Obito agreed without hesitation. He has no feelings for the Uchiha clan.

When he was in Konoha Village, Obito was not valued by the people because he was a crane tail. He even humiliated Obito because of face problems, saying that he was not worthy of being a Uchiha tribe, and embarrassed Uchiha.

Obito still remembers these things clearly.

Besides, besides Lin, who does Obito care about now? At most, Kakashi should be added, but now the relationship between Obito and Kakashi has faded.

No matter what the reason was, he saw Kakashi kill Lin with his own eyes. Now he didn't kill Kakashi because of his former love.

Uchiha Itachi, who returned to the clan, had no expression on his face, and he didn't say a word when he met the clan.

And those people are also very hostile to Uchiha Itachi, they think Uchiha Itachi has betrayed, um, indeed, Uchiha Itachi has indeed betrayed.

In addition, Uchiha Shisui's death was also suspected by Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Itachi did not excuse it.

The senior officials of the Uchiha clan are still discussing plans.

Their plan is to capture Sarutobi Hiruzen directly, and then force Sarutobi Hiruzen to abdicate and make Uchiha Fugaku become Hokage.

This plan must be fast, so that Konoha Village cannot react, otherwise they have no chance of winning against the entire Konoha Village.

The plan was negotiated, but they had no chance to implement it. At dusk, the killing had already begun.

Holding a long knife in his hand, Uchiha Itachi reaped his life expressionlessly. All the Uchiha people encountered died under Uchiha Itachi's knife.

"Uchiha Itachi, what are you guys going to do." The Uchiha ninja who rushed over stared at Uchiha Itachi angrily.

"One clan, do you only have narrow clan interests in your eyes?"

Ninja sword pierced a tribe's body mercilessly. The tribe's eyes widened and fell unwillingly, completely dead.

Looking at the people who died in front of him, Uchiha Itachi was numb.

"Crazy, he is crazy, kill him."

The angry Uchiha people, the anger in their eyes is about to burn Uchiha Itachi to ashes.


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Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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