"This Uchiha Itachi is ruthless enough to deal with the same clan."

At this time, following Obito's back, Uchiha Itachi, who was watching the killing in the distance, said with emotion.

"Isn't this exactly what we need?"

Obito is very satisfied with Uchiha Itachi's fierceness, so he is suitable for joining Akatsuki, but for Uchiha Itachi, he still needs to be prepared.

Although he seemed to be very cruel to the tribe, Obito knew that Uchiha Itachi was very concerned about Konoha Village.

As for what Uchiha Itachi said about extermination was just to test his own temperament, this is definitely deceiving him, and Obito doesn't believe it.

After getting into the Akatsuki organization, let Nagato stare more at it. After entering the Akatsuki organization, it will be impossible to get out of it in the future. Obito has the confidence to let him do things for Akatsuki wholeheartedly.

"Let's start too, and we have to do it if we agree."

Obito said to Jue behind him.

Of course, it is definitely not to participate in the battle, but to send a clone of White Zetsu to dig out Sharingan. Obito also wants to collect some Sharingan.

Ordinary Sharingan Obito won't want it, Obito needs a Sharingan with at least three hooks.

After Obito joined the killing, the situation was one-sided. There were actually quite a few clansmen in the Uchiha branch house, but they couldn't stop them at all in front of the Reaper who harvested their lives.

Obito relies on his Kamui, killing these ordinary ninjas is just like playing.

The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the shadow class, don't think about Obito unless you can crack Obito's Kamui blur.

But there are a few who can crack Kamui's illusion. If you attack continuously for five minutes, who can do it continuously for five minutes.

Note that the most important thing is that you can't pause, you must continue to attack for five minutes.

The second is to have the same space-time ninjutsu to restrain Obito.

There are very few people who can have these conditions, so when Obito kills, no one can stop it.

Uchiha Itachi is also observing Obito, and it is strong enough, regardless of whether the opponent is Uchiha Madara or not, but the opponent's strength is indeed strong.

Jōnin couldn't hold up a move in the opponent's hands, and the opponent seemed to be playing around.

"The patriarch, Uchiha Itachi has rebelled..."

An elder found Uchiha Fugaku and said to Uchiha Fugaku.

"I know."

Uchiha Fugaku's face was somewhat calm, as if he had expected it a long time ago. Knowing the son is like his father, Uchiha Fugaku also knows something about Uchiha Itachi's recent actions.

"You still chose to stand on the side of Konoha Village."

Before, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi had a chat, but the result of the chat was not ideal. The father and son had a big fight.

Even during this time, the two of them had more than just quarreled.

"Itachi, everything about you comes from the Uchiha clan."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Fugaku stood up with a cold gloom in his eyes. Unlike the Uchiha Fugaku waiting to die in the original book, the current Uchiha Fugaku has ambitions.

Maybe I want to compare with Uchiha Ryu, anyway, Uchiha Fugaku doesn't plan to wait for death quietly.

"The Konoha executives should know our plan, so we changed our strategy and left Konoha Village."

Fugaku said to the elder in front of him.

Uchiha Fugaku wanted to learn the same Ryu once, when Uchiha Ryu took the Uchiha tribe to leave Konoha, and smoothly flattened Konoha Village.

Maybe he didn't equalize the strength of Konoha Village, but he felt that it was possible to take the people away from Konoha Village.

"Mangekyō Sharingan."

After seeing the patriarch's Mangekyō Sharingan, the elder's expression was stunned, because Uchiha Fugaku was so hidden that no one knew that Uchiha Fugaku opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then the elder's eyes showed fanaticism, Mangekyō Sharingan, the patriarch owns Mangekyō Sharingan, then this war may not necessarily be lost.

"Patriarch, do you have to leave Konoha Village?"

This elder is still a little unwilling. He is so good in Konoha Village. Where can he leave Konoha Village?

Could it be that I had refused to go to Wuren Village before, and if I go to Wuren Village now, I am afraid that people will not want people like myself.

It is not a good choice to go to other Ninja villages. Uchiha Ryu originally took people to Wunin Village, but they directly became the Mizukage of Wunin Village.

But if they were changed to them, they would definitely not have this ability.

"You must leave Konoha Village."

Now there is no other choice. As for the next way forward, wait until you leave Konoha Village and think about it.

If they don't leave Konoha Village, their only path is death, because Uchiha Fugaku doesn't feel that relying on his power can fight against the entire Konoha Village.

He is not Uchiha Ryu, and Uchiha Fugaku knows very well that Uchiha Ryu’s eyes are not simply Mangekyō Sharingan.

"That's all right."

Although this elder is a pity, the command of the patriarch can only be carried out.

"Then what about Uchiha Itachi?"

Although Uchiha Itachi is the son of the patriarch, there are too many people who died in his hands. Now all the people in the Uchiha family hate Uchiha Itachi.

"I will solve him personally." Uchiha Fugaku said coldly.

"Where is Sasuke?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Fugaku asked the elder, should the ninja school be over at this time, and Sasuke should be back.

"¨" has not come back yet. "

Hearing that before he came back, Uchiha Fugaku's expression sank. It may be that Konoha Village had been treated as a hostage, but now Uchiha Fugaku can't take care of it.

Walking out of the room, Uchiha Fugaku happened to meet Uchiha Itachi head-on. After seeing Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku was full of anger on his face.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was full of Bloodline. The blood was from the Uchiha tribe, and it was already covered all over his body.

"You are really good at helping Konoha Village against your people. You are really good." Uchiha Fugaku's fists creaked.

"Father, your plan will only plunge Konoha Village into civil strife. Konoha Village is in chaos. Other villages will definitely take the opportunity to take action. There will even be a fourth Ninja War. At that time, countless people will die. Have you thought about this? ?"

Uchiha Itachi said to Uchiha Fugaku indifferently.

"Then have you ever thought about the life and death of the Uchiha people? I understand Uchiha Ryu somewhat now."

(Mano's) Uchiha Fugaku has a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Although there is a big contradiction with Uchiha Ryu, it is undeniable that he has developed a better army with the Uchiha clan.

"Konoha Village is not going to leave Uchiha alive at all. The reason I rebelled was because Konoha Village forced me."

Recalling the situation of the Uchiha clan over the years, Uchiha Fugaku became colder and colder.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to win him against Uchiha Ryu, he promised a lot of benefits.

But then, afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku didn't get anything. Instead, he had a hard time in Konoha Village.

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku has tolerated and made concessions, but every time he makes concessions, it makes people take an inch.

"Don't keep your hands, today we are not father and son, but enemy."

After Uchiha Fugaku slowly pulled out the Ninja sword, the blade pointed at Uchiha Itachi. Their father and son must be either you or me today.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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