Looking at Uchiha Fugaku, who pulled out the Shinobi with a cold killing intent on his face, Uchiha Itachi lowered his head slightly, and then showed a firm look on his face.

"I'm sorry, my father."

Cang~! ! !

Sparks splashed, the two knives collided with each other, and there was a slight chip in the blade.

"Help the patriarch and kill the traitor Uchiha Itachi."

Other Uchiha people shouted loudly.

"You don't need to help, just break through and leave Konoha Village." Uchiha Fugaku stopped those tribesmen who wanted to help.

"go away?"

After Uchiha Itachi heard Uchiha Fugaku's order, his expression was slightly taken aback, and his father wanted to leave Konoha Village with the Uchiha clan.

If this is the case, does he still want to stop it?


A wound appeared on Uchiha Itachi's abdomen. Uchiha Fugaku said indifferently, "You are distracted."

Uchiha Itachi, who is only thirteen years old, actually can't beat Uchiha Fugaku. In the original work, Uchiha Fugaku didn't do anything. Otherwise, it is still unknown whether Uchiha Itachi can destroy the Uchiha clan.

"Is my father going to take his tribe to leave Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Itachi didn't care about the injury, and asked Uchiha Fugaku.

"It has nothing to do with you anymore." Uchiha Fugaku looked at this son coldly, and to be honest, Uchiha Fugaku was really disappointed with this son who was eating outside.

"If my father left with his tribe, will he retaliate against Konoha Village?"

Avoiding Uchiha Fugaku's knife, Uchiha Itachi asked again.

"Huh, starting today, Konoha Village and I will never die." Uchiha Fugaku's face was extremely cold and murderous.

"Sorry, in that case, I can't let my father leave."

If Uchiha Fugaku says to let go of the hatred with Konoha Village, maybe Uchiha Itachi will stop at this time and even help Uchiha Fugaku escape from Konoha Village.

But looking at the current situation, Uchiha Fugaku obviously hates the high-levels of Konoha Village, and will inevitably make a comeback after leaving. Konoha Village is likely to suffer from internal and external troubles.

Konoha Village is unstable, and other villages will inevitably take the opportunity to attack Konoha Village, and then there will be a war in the Ninja World.

For these considerations, Uchiha Itachi could not let go of his father and people.

In Uchiha Itachi's heart, it is probably the whole village, the whole Ninja world is more important, and the family is still left behind by him.

"Niezi, you can't stop me."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Uchiha Fugaku turned on Mangekyō Sharingan, and when he saw Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrank.

"My father also turned on Mangekyō Sharingan?"

This is the first time Uchiha Itachi has seen Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan, and it can be seen how deep he is hiding.

At the same time, Uchiha Itachi's Three Tomoe Sharingan has also become Mangekyō Sharingan, and only Mangekyō Sharingan can compete with Mangekyō Sharingan.

"If you are willing to help the family, if Shisui is not dead, the Konoha Village executives are not an opponent of the Uchiha clan at all."

Uchiha Fugaku hates it a bit. It's obviously a good situation, not to mention a win, but at least there is a 50% or 60% chance of winning.

"Father, the Uchiha clan can't win, and you haven't thought about the consequences. If Konoha goes through the civil strife, the other major Shinobu villages will not be able to resist?"

Looking at his father Uchiha Fugaku, he felt that Uchiha Fugaku's vision was too narrow, he only thought about the interests of the family, but did not consider the consequences.


Uchiha Fugaku was completely disappointed with Uchiha Itachi. He didn't understand whether outsiders could be more important than his own clan and his parents.

Fugaku's Susanoo doesn't have any artifacts, only a long knife that comes with it, but this knife is also a sharp weapon, enough to split the ground.

The third form of Susanoo, the power of every hit is not weaker than the S-rank ninjutsu, and it can cause extensive damage.

"Susanoo is all turned on, Uchiha Fugaku's?"

Obito stood on the roof and looked at Susanoo. He didn't know that Uchiha Fugaku also owns Mangekyō Sharingan. It was hidden deeply.

"The battle between father and son, I don't know who can win."

Obito is very interested in this battle, because it is a battle between father and son.

"If Uchiha Itachi loses, save him." Obito said to himself.

In fact, Obito is not optimistic about Uchiha Itachi. Now Uchiha Itachi is only thirteen years old. If he waits until he reaches adulthood, he will definitely be better than Uchiha Fugaku.

But now, if Uchiha Fugaku doesn't have Mangekyō Sharingan, it will be fine, but Uchiha Fugaku has Mangekyō Sharingan.

A person who had turned on Mangekyō Sharingan a long time ago, and was thoroughly familiar with the power of Mangekyō Sharingan, played against someone who had turned on Mangekyō Sharingan not long ago, and the result can be imagined.

Uchiha Fugaku has blood and tears in his eyes. Susanoo must suffer side effects. This is the shortcoming of Mangekyō Sharingan.


In the face of Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo, Uchiha Itachi can only fight against Susanoo.

Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo is not in the third form, but in the second form. Compared with the third form, it lacks armor and is shorter in height.

boom! ! !

With just a stab, Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo was broken into defense. Without the Wutiangu armor, the defense was too fragile.

His eyes were a bit misty, and there was a tearing pain in his body, bleeding and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Consume Chakra and pupil power, repair the damaged Susanoo, and then use Yata Mirror to withstand Uchiha Fugaku's next attack.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't keep his hand at all, but he didn't keep his hand and was actually blocked. Yata Mirror's defense is actually well-deserved, and the defense is really strong.

Of course, if it is a complete Susanoo, it will definitely be able to split the defense of Yata Mirror with one sword.

"Your Chakra can't support this consumption."

Uchiha Fugaku said lightly.

A genius is a genius, but Chakra is flawed. Although the Chakra of the Uchiha clan has a lot of advantages over ordinary ninjas, it is not like the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan. Chakra can be consumed arbitrarily.

Uchiha Itachi is still young, and the Chakra he has is certainly not as good as Uchiha Fugaku.

Listening to Uchiha Fugaku's words, Uchiha Itachi was silent, he knew his own situation, and he understood that his father was right.

If you continue to fight, unless it is Uchiha Fugaku who wants to be merciful for the sake of father and son, he will undoubtedly die.

But Uchiha Fugaku obviously cannot be merciful, and Uchiha Itachi does not want Uchiha Fugaku to be merciful.

"It's still too young. It seems Uchiha Itachi can't hold it anymore. Let's save him." Obito said and glanced at Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo. In fact, Obito was also very reluctant to face Susanoo.

Although Susanoo did not cause much damage to him, most of his attacks could not cause damage to Susanoo, unless he went inside and directly attacked Uchiha Fugaku.

In two minutes, Uchiha Itachi desperately used Susanoo in the third form, and after fighting Uchiha Fugaku for two minutes, he couldn't hold it.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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