Five years passed in a flash. Ryu spent most of the five years in Wunin Village. Unless it was particularly boring, he would take Kushina and Mikoto to leave Wunin Village to play in the Ninja World.

"Mizukage-sama, our elite Jōnin Momoji from Wujin Village has returned without being severely injured. He was injured by the copy ninja Hatake Kakashi."

In Mizukage's office, Ye Cang reported to Ryu.

Peach Land did not become a betrayal like in the original work, because Wunin Village did not become a bloody misty Ninja Village, and there was no reason to become a betrayal if he did not cut.

"Being defeated by Hatake Kakashi, is it the story of the Nami country?"

Ryu thought of Uzumaki Naruto and the others in the first C-level mission in the original.

But there is still a change, at least he is still alive without cutting.

If you don't know how to live, he probably depends on his identity. He is now the elite of Wunin Village, Shangnin, and Kakashi doesn't dare to kill him at all.

If it is a traitor not to cut, it is estimated that he is absolutely the same as in the original book, and he will not escape death.

"That's right, Mizukage-sama, if you don't cut it anymore, it was injured in the country of Waves. The big businessman Kaduo from the country of Waves entrusted us with a mission. If you don't take it, he was injured by Hatake Kakashi. Should we take revenge?"

When Hakura mentioned Kakashi, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Now that Yecang has completely integrated into the Wunin Village, Hatake Kakashi wounded the elite Jōnin in Wunin Village, losing the face of Wunin Village.

"I'm going to see it myself, Ye Cang, follow me."

Ryu said to Ye Cang.

Yekura's expression was stunned. He didn't expect Ryu to say he wanted to see it in person. There is a Hatake Kakashi, it seems that it is not worth Ryu's shot.

Is it because of the kid who survived the Uchiha branch house that Hatake Kakashi brought?

"Why, you don't want to go?" Ryu looked at Ye Cang in a daze, and asked Ye Cang.

"Master Mizukage, what should I do with my current job?"

Ye Cang wanted to go, but Ye Cang didn't know how to deal with the work, and now most of the affairs in Wuren Village are handled by her.

"It's very simple, just leave it to Terumi Mei, and there are Mikoto, Tsunade, Kushina, etc., don't worry about the operation of Kirinin Village."

"In this case, I am willing to follow Master Mizukage." Ye Cang was a little excited, and was finally able to let go of work. This counts as a vacation for himself.

"Bring you out this time and help you get revenge by the way."

After walking out of Wunin Village, Ryu said to Ye Cang.

Ryu's words made Yecang couldn't help but think of Luosha, the despicable villain, who deliberately wanted to cheat her to death. If Ryu didn't kill her, but instead accepted her, I'm afraid she would have become a bone.(Read more @

"Master Mizukage, I want to avenge myself on my own strength." Ye Cang opened his mouth and said to Ryu.

"I didn't intend to help you, but I just took you to see Luosha. Naturally, you need to rely on yourself to solve Luosha. If you can't kill Luosha, then you can only say that you are incapable and incompetent."

Ryu knows Ye Cang's thoughts, and he will not personally help Ye Cang get revenge.

"Thank you Mizukage-sama."

Ye Cang thanked Ryu. Now she should have the power to kill Luo Sha. After all, she has consulted Master Mizukage many times, and her strength has already reached the shadow level.

The country of Wave is also a small island country. This country doesn't even have a ninja, and basically it is controlled by the big businessman Kaduo.

"This is my first time in Poland."

Ryu has never been to the country of Nami before, and even if he leaves Wunin Village to play in the Ninja World, he has never been to the country of Nami, because the country of Nami is very poor.

When Ryu brought Yekura to Nami no Nami, Hatake Kakashi was very uneasy. The one who had been injured before was the peach ground, the elite Jōnin of Kirinin Village.

Although I didn't kill Taodi and didn't cut it again, he also offended Wuren Village, and was afraid that Wuren Village would send others to deal with them.

"When you first noticed something was wrong, you should abandon this mission." Hatake Kakashi couldn't help but smile wryly, not even interested in watching his favorite intimacy paradise.

Then, looking at the three disciples, Kakashi looked silent and couldn't help sighing. The two most problematic students handed him over.

Uzumaki Naruto with yellow hair, six beards and a cold face.

The other one, Uchiha Sasuke, who is full of hatred and wants revenge, is the only civilian ninja Haruno Sakura who is a bit obedient.

Uzumaki Naruto's personality is different from the original. In the original, Naruto is a passionate fool. Although he is regarded as a demon fox and is hostile by the villagers, he is still optimistic and cheerful.

But the current Naruto is colder than Uchiha Sasuke, his eyes are a little red, and his violent eyes don't dare to look at him, and his personality is similar to that of Gaara, who has not yet been influenced by his mouth.

In fact, Naruto's personality is also normal now. After experiencing so many unfair treatments and enduring beatings and scolding since childhood, his current personality is normal.

"Let's pack up and leave..."

With a sigh, Hatake Kakashi finally made a decision. The bridge was not finished yet, but Hatake Kakashi felt more and more disturbed.

"Ms. Kakashi, didn't we promise Uncle Dazna to protect him after building the bridge?" Little Sakura couldn't help but raised his head and said to Kakashi.

"Now that the situation has changed, it will be dangerous to stay here. I must be responsible for your safety."

Kakashi said with a serious expression, especially when there is still Nine Tails Jinchūriki here.

"The ninja who injured my village now wants to get away easily. It's not that easy, right?"

Ryu's voice sounded from behind Kakashi, and Kakashi who immediately turned around saw Ryu and Hakura appearing silently behind him.

"Water... Mizukage."

Kakashi's forehead shed cold sweat. He originally thought it would only attract a few mists, but he didn't expect that even Mizukage would be dispatched. This is too much for him. At this time, he should be happy or cry.

"This guy is so handsome, more handsome than Sasuke." Little Sakura looked at Ryu a little bit idiot.

"Huh, the little girl still has a lot of thoughts."

Seeing Sakura's expression, Ye Cura showed a disdain on his face. For this kind of girl, Ye Cura is sure that Mizukage-sama has absolutely no interest.

"Kakashi, your father and I were once comrades-in-arms. This is the first time we have met."

Ryu has drawn Kakashi's character projections many times in the system, but it is indeed the first time to meet in reality.

It's the first time Ryu has seen Kakashi, but Kakashi has seen Ryu several times, but he was not qualified to talk to Ryu before, and he was not even qualified to walk in front of him.

Hearing Ryu mentioning his father unexpectedly, Kakashi's eyes were a little complicated.

Even though so many years have passed, he still has no real relief in his heart. When he was five years old, the suicide of his father, whom he had always admired, had a great impact on him.

"Master Mizukage, are you here to inquire?" Kakashi completely lowered his posture facing Ryu.

This is a character of the same level as Naruto-sama, well, it belongs to the same level in terms of location, and in terms of strength, Uchiha Ryu is the strongest in the ninja world today.

So when facing Ryu, Hatake Kakashi certainly didn't dare to care about it, for fear that he would offend Ryu with a word. Whether they can leave alive this time depends on Ryu's words.


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