Kakashi was very respectful in front of Ryu. Looking at Kakashi like this, Ryu felt that he was quite acquainted.

"Don't worry, you are only a junior in front of me. As long as you don't offend me, I won't bully you big and small."

Ryu's words gave Kakashi a reassurance. The words of such a big man shouldn't lie to him, so it is not inevitable that he will die.

If Uchiha Ryu insists on killing them, then Kakashi will definitely resist. Now that Ryu says he will not do anything, then Hatake Kakashi will naturally not be uncomfortable.

"Are you from the Uchiha clan too?"

Uchiha Sasuke stared at the clan emblem on Ryu's clothes and asked.

Little Sakura, who was in a nympho state, suddenly came back to her senses when she heard Uchiha Sasuke's words, with doubts on her face.

"People of the Uchiha clan? Isn't the Uchiha clan already annihilated? Only Uchiha Sasuke and his brother are still alive. Is there anyone else?"

It’s not surprising that Sakura doesn’t understand. In fact, the knowledge taught at the Ninja School is limited. She had very little knowledge when she left Konoha Village for the first time. At most, she only knew that there were five great nations and five great ninja villages.

"28 Is this your attitude when talking to Master Mizukage?" Ye Cang's face was chilly.

Uchiha Sasuke was not polite just now. He felt as if he was questioning Ryu, and he felt domineering in his speech.

"Sasuke, shut up."

Hatake Kakashi glanced at Sasuke and told Sasuke to shut up. He probably understands Uchiha Sasuke's character now. If he continues to talk about it, there is a high chance of offending people.

"The strength is not very good, but you have inherited all the pride of the Uchiha family."

Ryu doesn't like Er Zhuzi's character. He likes to pretend to be forceful. The key strength is not good enough. If he is not the number two male protagonist and has the protagonist's aura, he will definitely die.

"what did you say?"

Ryu's words angered Uchiha Sasuke, and he pulled out Kunai directly, and before he did anything, Hatake Kakashi pressed Sasuke's shoulder, his face extremely gloomy.

When he was about to preach to Sasuke, Hatake Kakashi suddenly felt danger, and immediately turned around and crossed his hands to block him, and then he was kicked out together with Uchiha Sasuke.

"Master Mizukage may not be interested in cleaning you up, but it doesn't mean you can act recklessly in front of Master Mizukage." Ye Cang said coldly.

"It's because of my lax discipline. I apologize to Master Mizukage on his behalf."

Hatake Kakashi was in a cold sweat, and he wanted to strangle Sasuke in his heart. Hey, forget it, who made him his disciple.

For Obito's sake, take good care of the only remaining blood of the Uchiha family.

"It's afraid of you."

Uzumaki Naruto looked straight at Ryu.

"Oh, are you talking about Nine Tails?"

Ryu looked at Uzumaki Naruto. Ryu was more interested in Uzumaki Naruto than Uchiha Sasuke, who didn’t know the heights of the earth.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Damn kid, you really want to die."

Nine Tails, who was sealed in Uzumaki Naruto's body, constantly yelled at Uzumaki Naruto, and actually took the initiative to talk to the dangerous guy.

The tail beast has a strong perception of danger. When Uzumaki Naruto saw Ryu, Nine Tails felt the danger of Ryu through Uzumaki Naruto.

"You know it too."

Uzumaki Naruto's expression was cold, but when he mentioned "it", hatred appeared uncontrollably in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the monster in his body, he would not have been beaten and scolded since he was a child. He would be called a demon fox.

"Do you know Iruka?"

Ryu suddenly asked Uzumaki Naruto who was full of hatred, who was completely different from the original.

"do not know."

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head calmly.

"Don't you know."

Ryu probably knows why Uzumaki Naruto became like this. Umino Iruka, the first teacher of Uzumaki Naruto in the original book, is also one of the people who have the greatest influence on Uzumaki Naruto, who gave Uzumaki Naruto the first care.

Perhaps Naruto's personality at the beginning is no different from that in the original book, but without the light of Iruka, his personality has completely changed under the backlog of negative emotions.

"Naruto, do you want to know your father?"

Lifting his head, a smile suddenly appeared on Ryu's face.

Not far away, Kakashi's face changed wildly, letting Naruto know his identity, what would be the consequences?

"You know my father, do I have a father too?"

Uzumaki Naruto's indifferent face disappeared, finally showing excitement and hatred on his face.

When he was a child, he longed for his family and hoped to receive the care of his family, but that seemed to be his extravagant hope. Later, he himself thought that he was the incarnation of a demon fox, and he had no father at all.

"Master Mizukage."

Kakashi yelled eagerly, but Ryu's expression made Kakashi kneel on the ground with a look of surprise.

"I don't like being interrupted by others." Ryu calmly said to Kakashi.

Kakashi also knows that he can't stop it. I don't know what Mizukage's purpose is. I hope it's not bad for Konoha Village.

"Naruto, your father is Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. He died to seal Nine Tails. At that time, you just born became the container of Nine Tails, and your father was the hero who saved Konoha Village."

Ryu wanted to know what would happen to Naruto, who told this about his negative emotions.

"You...what you said is true?"

Uzumaki Naruto's body trembled a little, and a violent Chakra breath appeared on his body. This was the Chakra leaked by Nine Tails.

The leak of Nine Tails Chakra shocked Kakashi for fear that Nine Tails inside Naruto would take the opportunity to run away.

However, Kakashi’s worries are unnecessary. With Ryu here, Nine Tails can’t run away even if it wants to run away, and it dare not rise up.

"Why, since my father is the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, why should I be treated like that? Since you said that I am the son of the hero of Konoha Village, why do they call me the demon fox, why?"

Uzumaki Naruto exploded with an astonishing hatred, which shocked Nine Tails, but Nine Tails probably understood that he would have such a big hatred when he was young.

He has been humiliated since childhood, eating expired bread and drinking expired milk, so there are still people who are unwilling to sell him.

Walking on the road will cause people to throw stones, and being cold-eyed is already a good attitude. This is Uzumaki Naruto's childhood.

"If you want to ask why, I can't give you the answer. If you want to find the answer, do it on your own."

Ryu suddenly took out a ninjutsu scroll and threw it to Uzumaki Naruto, Rasengan and multiple Shadow Clone Techniques.

The current Uzumaki Naruto certainly did not get multiple Shadow Clone Techniques. In the original book, he got multiple Shadow Clone Techniques, which should be regarded as compensation from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen compensates, and Uzumaki Naruto is obedient. Is Uzumaki Naruto obedient now?

"These two ninjutsu will be handed over to you, but I am very optimistic about you."

Ryu patted Uzumaki Naruto on the shoulder. As for whether Uzumaki Naruto can learn it without any guidance, it is up to him.


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