"Sarutobi, you haven't discussed with us for a long time, what's the matter this time?"

After Mitokado Homura came, he asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"A major event, a major event related to Nine Tails Jinchūriki." Sarutobi Hiruzen said solemnly, and at the same time told all Anbu ninjas near the office to retreat.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen so solemn, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu also became serious.

"Uchiha Ryu has been in contact with Nine Tails Jinchūriki. I suspect he has an idea about Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

Sarutobi Hiruzen suspected that Ryu wanted to snatch Nine Tails Jinchūriki from Konoha Village.

"I have been in contact with Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

The expressions of Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu are moved. That person is Uchiha Ryu. Is it really for Nine Tails Jinchūriki?

"Sarutobi, in fact, Uchiha Ryu is not necessarily for Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Have you ever thought that Nine Tails Jinchūriki can't give Uchiha Ryu any help at all."

Utatane Koharu said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

According to Uchiha Ryu's strength, do I need the power of Nine Tails? No, Uchiha Ryu doesn't need the power of Nine Tails at all.

There are not one or two people who can defeat Nine Tails in Mist Ninja Village. Instead, Utatane Koharu feels that Uchiha Ryu is unlikely to have an idea for Nine Tails.

"This is not necessarily true. Even if there are many people in Wuren Village who have more power than Nine Tails, it does not conflict with his desire to take Nine Tails. People are always greedy, and it is possible for him to be greedy for Nine Tails."

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu have different opinions, but Utatane Koharu did not refute Mitokado Homura, because what Mitokado Homura said really makes sense.

"How about Nine Tails Jinchūriki?" Mitokado Homura asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, and then told them that Uzumaki Naruto was emotionally unstable and Uzumaki Naruto already knew his identity.

Over the years, Naruto has been treated badly, and he knows who he is, it is very likely to make Uzumaki Naruto angry.

Nine Tails's runaway things can happen if you don't pay attention.

"This matter, Sarutobi, can be resolved, or discuss it with Danzo."

Mitokado Homura doesn't want to be mixed in it. Anyway, Nine Tails Jinchūriki can't be removed. As for how to deal with it, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided in the end.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen asked them to come over to discuss it. In fact, it is completely unnecessary. The final result will still be decided by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Utatane Koharu followed Mitokado Homura, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen upset. The two men occupied the position of counselor to the elders, but did nothing at all.

"Naruto, if you really hate Konoha Village, then I can't keep you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in front of the window and looked in the direction of Uzumaki Naruto's house. If Uzumaki Naruto really resents Konoha Village, he can only be removed and replaced with a Jinchūriki, but I am a little sorry for Minato.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen feels guilty, but these guilt is more like a joke.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen cared more about Naruto at the beginning, Naruto would definitely become his most obedient pawn. Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't visit Naruto many times.

"I hope Uchiha Ryu will not be malicious towards Konoha Village at this time."

Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to his desk and continued to work. There is no regret medicine in the world. If you can regret it, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely make Uchiha Ryu the Naruto of Konoha Village, or choose another path when Uchiha Ryu is still weak. Drop him.


"Orochimaru's efficiency is good, let's go, let's go to the country of wind."

Ryu took the message passed by Orochimaru, Orochimaru has successfully agreed with Rosa that they will negotiate a cooperation plan at a location in the Kingdom of Wind.

This time, neither side would bring too many people, and agreed to bring only a few guards.

"Master Mizukage, are you sure Orochimaru won't cheat us?" Ye Cang didn't like Orochimaru in his heart.

"Ye Cang, you worry too much, Orochimaru doesn't have the guts to cheat us."

Ryu smiled. He didn't think Orochimaru would be ignorant of current affairs. Besides, even if Orochimaru really wanted to cheat him, can he cheat him on Ryu?

As long as Orochimaru didn't want to die, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Two days later, in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind, Ryu saw Orochimaru.

"This is the kingdom of wind and sand, I really don't want to come." Ryu looked at the sky full of wind and sand, and felt that the country of wind should have the worst environment among the five major countries.

There are not many oasis in the desert.

"If it weren't for killing Luosha, I wouldn't want to come to this place again." Ye Cang's expression was a bit bad.

When she came to the Kingdom of Wind, she thought of Luo Sha deliberately killing herself.

"Ryu-san, I have made an agreement with Luosha. I will see Fourth Kazekage Luosha tomorrow. I don't know what Ryu-san thinks about Konoha Village's Chūnin exam this time?"

Orochimaru began to test Ryu...

"Chūnin exam, this time Kirinin Village will also participate." Ryu smiled at Orochimaru and said.

"But you can rest assured that this time Wuren Village is only going to the theater. As for what will happen to the Chūnin exam, Wuren Village will never participate."

Ryu said to Orochimaru whose face changed a little.

"It turns out that Ryu-kun knew my plan. I thought my plan was a secret." Orochimaru became more and more afraid of Ryu.

Ryu smiled mysteriously, then used Wood Style to create a wooden house and walked directly inside. Orochimaru was stunned by the Wood Style used by Ryu.

"Ryu-san actually uses Wood Style?"

Orochimaru looked at Ryu enthusiastically. At the beginning, he had done a lot of experiments, fusing First Generation cells, trying to create an experimental body that can use Wood Style.

At the beginning, he defected because of this taboo experiment. In the end, almost all the children who Orochimaru used for the experiment died, only one Yamato survived, and he obtained the Wood Style blood inheritance limit.

"Is it weird that I know Wood Style?"

Ryu said flatly to Orochimaru.

"Could it be that Ryu-kun's body has also been fused with First Generation cells?" Orochimaru is of course surprised that Wood Style's blood inheritance limit can suppress Uchiha Madara's Wood Style. First Hokage used Wood Style to suppress an era.

"If I want to get Wood Style, I don't need to fuse First Generation cells at all."

"Is there another way to get Wood Style?"

Orochimaru continued to ask. He has asked a little bit now, but after seeing Wood Style, Orochimaru can't control the enthusiasm in his heart.

He wants Sharingan, but Orochimaru also wants Wood Style. When Orochimaru studied Wood Style, his enthusiasm for Wood Style was stronger than Sharingan.

Later, after learning from Ryu that Sharingan could evolve into Rinnegan and was defeated by Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan, Orochimaru became even more enthusiastic about Sharingan.

Although Orochimaru wants to get Sharingan more now, if there is a chance to get Wood Style, Orochimaru of course wants to get the strongest Wood Style in the ninja world.

However, Ryu did not answer Orochimaru's questioning, and Orochimaru knew not to continue to question.


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