While waiting for Luosha to come, Ryu also communicated with Orochimaru, and Orochimaru told Ryu about his collapse plan for Konoha Village.

Knowing that this is not a secret to Ryu, Orochimaru doesn't mind telling Ryu, anyway Orochimaru doesn't think Ryu will tell Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At noon the next day, Fourth Kazekage Luosha appeared and came here with two guards.

Probably because this is the Kingdom of Wind, the two guards that Luo Sha brings are not very strong, just ordinary Jōnin.

"Ye Cang, leave it to you."

Ryu said to Ye Cang.

Because Ye Cang takes revenge, Ryu will not interfere, unless Ye Cang can't beat Rosa, but Ryu thinks that is unlikely.

"Master Mizukage, I will kill Luo Sha and settle the grievances between me and him."

Ye Cang stared at Luo Sha angrily, and Luo Sha at this time also saw Ryu, Ye Cang and Orochimaru.

Orochimaru stared at Luo Sha with cold eyes, with a dark smile on his face, this time Luo Sha would definitely die.

Don’t look at Yecang’s attack on Luosha. If Yecang can’t figure it out, Orochimaru doesn’t think that Ryu will sit idly by. What's more, according to his understanding of Liu 28 Maple, if Yecang can’t deal with Luosha, Ryu won’t let Ye Cang shot.

"Fourth Mizukage, why are you here?"

Luo Sha had a bad premonition in her heart, especially after seeing Ye Cang's murderous gaze, Luo Sha's heart felt cold.

At this time, Luo Sha didn't understand. He was pitted by the snake Orochimaru. He deliberately put himself out of Sand Shinobi Village.


Luo Sha stared at Orochimaru with cold eyes.

"Hiss~! The dying person."

Orochimaru let out a neigh like a snake, and then watched Luosha struggling jokingly. Seeing this Fourth Kazekage died in front of him, Orochimaru felt a sense of accomplishment even if he didn't do it himself.

"Ryu-kun, after killing Luosha, can you give me his body?"

Orochimaru asked Ryu.

Luosha possesses the Magnet Style of Blood Succession Limits, and his corpse is still very valuable. Orochimaru wants to study Luosha's corpse.

"If Ye Cang leaves Luosha with the whole body, it will be fine if you leave it to you."

Ryu has no interest in Luosha's corpse. As for Magnet Style, Ryu will also use it.

"Thank you Ryu-san, then."

Orochimaru was pleasantly surprised by this promise, after all, Orochimaru couldn't ask for it if Ryu didn't give it to him.

Greedy eyes stared at Luosha, as if Luosha had fallen into his hands.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At this moment, Luo Sha's heart was unspeakable. Orochimaru looked at the dead. Before he died, Orochimaru began to covet his body. This Nima's was too much.

"Losa, are you ready to die?" Ye Cang asked Luosha.

Looking at Luosha in front of him, Ye Cang couldn't keep calm at all. She hated Luosha too much.

"Ye Cang."

Luo Sha's face sank slightly. In fact, Ye Cang didn't die, but the one in Luo Sha's heart was a thorn in Luo Sha's heart. Over the years, he was worried that Ye Cang would retaliate against him.

Especially when Ye Cang joined Wuren Village, it was easy to borrow the power of Wuren Village to retaliate against him. Fortunately, revenge has not come over the years. Luo Sha thought Ye Cang had let go of his hatred, but it does not seem to be right now.

"Mizukage, do you want to go to war with Sand Shinobi Village?"

Luo Sha asked Ryu stubbornly.

"Oh, are you Sand Shinobi Village qualified to tell me about war?" Ryu looked at Luosha a bit amused. Now the weakest Shinobi Village is Sand Shinobi Village.

Among the five major ninja villages, Sand Shinobi Village has been in the worst condition in recent years. Other villages have experienced some improvement in the strength of their villages, but Sand Shinobi has regressed.

The wind country daimyo did not grant funds to Sand Shinobi Village, and even sent missions to villages in other countries. As a result, Sand Shinobi Village did not even have money to develop ninjas, and had to reduce the number of ninjas, nominally training a small number of elite ninjas , Pay attention to quality.

In fact, Sand Shinobi Village has no money. This time, Orochimaru promised to start with Konoha Village because Sand Shinobi Village was about to be unable to sustain it.

I can’t support my finances anymore, try to get some benefits from Konoha Village, and even if the plan is successful, I can eat Konoha Village directly.

"Ye Cang, do it, Orochimaru, you get rid of those two Jōnin who are in the way."

Ryu called out.

Of course, Yekura couldn't wait to take action. As for Orochimaru, he chose to follow Ryu's instructions, and it would not be a shame to follow Ryu's instructions at this time.

Although using Living Corpse Reincarnation many times resulted in some loss of strength, Orochimaru was still very easy to get two Jōnin.

"Scorch Style·Over steaming!"

An orange-red sphere appeared in Yekura's hand, Scorch Style Blood Succession Boundary. The trick she used was a ninjutsu that could evaporate all the water in the enemy's body. It was very cruel.

Luo Sha knows Yecang's methods quite well, knowing that if he is hit by Scorch Style, he will die instantly, so he immediately used placer gold to resist.

The red hot sphere hits the placer gold defense, directly melting the defense formed by the placer gold.

Luosha's Magnet Style is different from Third Kazekage's Magnet Style. One is to control sand iron and the other is to control sand gold.

Luosha's placer gold looks golden, but it is really not as good as sand iron.

Both the sand and the placer gold involved were melted away by Yecang's red Chakra sphere, while more orange-red hot spheres appeared around Yecang, smashing toward Luosha.

"Leave here and go to rescue soldiers."

While avoiding resistance, Luo Sha shouted to his two subordinates.

"Fourth Kazekage, all of your men are dead, and then I will find you a rescuer." Orochimaru's cold voice came into Rosha's ears.

Luo Sha's face sank, and she looked at her two subordinates, just in time to see the two Sand Shinobi Village Jōnin who were killed by countless snakes.

Although they hadn't counted on them, they were killed so swiftly and neatly, and Luo Sha's heart sank to the bottom.

"Do you dare to be distracted?"

Ye Cang directly grasped Luosha's distraction opportunity, and the kunai in his hand was on Luosha's shoulder.

"Fire Style·The fire is extinguished."

This Fire Style was taught to Ye Cang by Ryu. Ye Cang worked hard and taught her the equivalent of giving her a reward.

The fierce fire used by Ye Cang is certainly not as horrible as Ryu and Mikoto use, but it has already made the shadow-level powerhouse feel threatened.

Luo Sha controlled the placer gold to block it for a moment, and then used the Body Flicker Technique to avoid it far away.

The sea of ​​fire caused by the extinguishing of the fire burned a large area of ​​the desert into crystals, and Luo Sha, who avoided this ninjutsu, couldn't help but feel palpitations.

If you can't avoid it, if you are hit by this ninjutsu, you will definitely be gone. The terrifying flame can burn people to ashes.

For a moment, Luo Sha thought of running away, and he would definitely not be able to stay if he stayed. Even if he really beat Yecang, but there was Uchiha Ryu next to him, he would definitely not let him go.

Uchiha Ryu didn't take action, and Orochimaru, who had a vicious method, would definitely take action. In short, there was only one dead end left. If he escaped, there would still be a way to survive. Then Luo Sha stopped hesitating and turned around and used the Body Flicker Technique to escape.


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