Ye Cang stared at Luo Sha's back using the Body Flicker Technique to escape. She didn't expect that Tangtang Fourth Kazekage would run away facing her.

After regaining his senses, Ye Cang immediately chased him down. Ye Cang's speed was not slow, but if he wanted to catch up with Luosha, it might be a bit difficult.

Luo Sha was able to control the placer gold at any time, blocking Ye Cang who was chasing him, and had to stop many times.

"It seems that I need to take action to restrict Luo Sha's escape."

Ryu knew at a glance that Ye Cang couldn't catch up at all, and Luo Sha still had the ability to escape.

"Universal Pull."

Luo Sha, who had escaped, was affected by gravity and directly caught Luo Sha back. Luo Sha herself was stunned.

"Thank you Mizukage-sama."

Ye Cang was a little excited and blushed at the same time. He vowed to rely on his own strength to solve Luosha, but now if Master Mizukage didn't take action, Luosha would run away.

"I will only catch Luosha back. As for whether you can kill Luosha, it depends on your ability." Ryu said to Yecang.

When Luo Sha, who was desperate, heard Ryu's words, she suddenly felt an opportunity. She thought that Uchiha Ryu was going to shoot him, but Uchiha Ryu just caught him back.

"Mizukage, won't you intervene in the battle between me and Ye Cang?" Luo Sha asked Ryu, and he felt hope at this moment, and his heart was filled with light.

As long as Uchiha Ryu doesn't help Ye Cang, Luo Sha feels that he can defeat Ye Cang by his own strength. He is Fourth Kazekage, can't he solve a Ye Cang.

The reason for running away before was not because I was afraid of Yecang, but because Luosha was afraid of Ryu.

If Ryu takes action against him, he will definitely die. Knowing this, Luo Sha can only choose to escape, not that he can't beat Ye Cang.

"I can promise you, but you don't want to run in front of Ye Cang, you can't run away." Ryu nodded with a light smile.

"it is good."

Luo Sha nodded excitedly, as long as there is a chance to survive.

At this moment, Luosha didn't see the ridicule in Orochimaru's eyes. Even if Luosha defeated Yecang and succeeded in winning, he would definitely die, because he would deal with Luosha by then.

What's more, this battle is inherently unfair. Ryu will definitely be biased towards Ye Cang. Even if he doesn't agree to make a move, he doesn't know how to make a move, but that doesn't mean he won't make a secret move.

From beginning to end, Luo Sha had no chance to win, and the hope that he saw was only the surface.

"Magnet Style·Placer Gold Burial..."

Luo Sha got serious, and the strength displayed at this time also showed that Luo Sha's strength was not in vain. How could his strength be weak if he could sit firmly in the position of Fengying.

Luo Sha also suppressed the One Tail Shouhe several times, and was able to suppress the tail beast. Although it was only the One Tail, it was also considered a leader among the shadows.(Read more @

However, Yecang who fought with Luosha, after Ryu's teaching, originally Yecang's talent was good. With Ryu's guidance, he took a lot of detours and was able to touch a lot of secret arts.

"Scorch Style Rasengan."

Yecang a Rasengan fought in the past, and also added her Scorch Style nature changes, Rasengan's most powerful place is to incorporate various nature changes.

The ordinary Rasengan is blue, while the Scorch Style Rasengan used by Yecang is of course red. The moisture in the air is evaporated.

The desert was originally extremely dry, but now it is even more dry. Luo Sha feels that his blood is boiling, not the boiling of blood, but the real boiling and evaporating.

The skin was dry and cracked, so I didn't dare to take this trick, so I could only use the Body Flicker Technique to avoid it.

"I underestimated the strength of this woman. It must not be easy to be by Uchiha Ryu."

Orochimaru murmured in his heart, Ye Cang's strength was stronger than he expected. If nothing happens, Luo Sha will undoubtedly lose.

"Rosa, you despicable villain, I see how long you can hide."

A Scorch Style Rasengan appeared again in Yecang's hand, and he slaughtered the Fourth Kazekage Luosha, the scorching aura continuously burning Luosha.

At this time, Luosha's lips were dry and cracked due to lack of moisture in the body, and the skin on her body was similar, and her hair became yellow.

"No, there is no doubt that you will die if this continues."

Rosha avoided again, but even if he avoided it, the temperature brought by Scorch Style continued to evaporate the water in his body, even with his blood.

"Magnet Style·Placer gold boundary method."

The sharp dust spear pierced towards Ye Cang. Luosha no longer cared about the consequences of killing Ye Cang. If he didn't kill Ye Cang, he would die immediately.

If you kill Ye Cang, you might be able to struggle a bit.

The spear of gold dust penetrated Ye Cang's body, but blood did not flow out, and Ye Cang's body instantly turned into white smoke and disappeared.

"Body Replacement Technique?" Luo Sha keenly perceives that the broken piece of substitute wood is obviously Ye Cang hiding.

"Not good, behind."

Feeling the sense of crisis coming from behind, Luo Sha immediately mobilized the placer gold to defend, forming a fine defensive wall around the body.


Luo Sha's body flew out and plunged into the desert, almost buried in it, and his back seemed to be unconscious, and the whole was not his own.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the blood dripped on the hot sand, Luo Sha's mind was a little unclear.

Even if the gold dust was mobilized for defense, the defense was still broken. Looking at the injuries behind him, Scorch Style Rasengan had formed an extremely terrifying wound.

"¨" Die Luo Sha, when you wanted to cheat me to death, you should have considered the current fate, all of this was your own choice. "Ye Cang shot down with a hate.

Luo Sha's head exploded when he was hit, but Ye Cang's pupils shrank because Luo Sha's body turned into dust. Then the sky seemed to darken, and then I saw the dust covering the entire sky.

A dozen tons of gold dust fell from the sky, and Ye Cang was to be buried, and Ye Cang would be severely injured if he was shot.

No, if he is hit, Ye Cang will undoubtedly die. The ninja's body is not that strong, and this kind of attack can't be carried by the body of a strong shadow level.

"Earth Style·Surfing in the Earth."

This is just a small C-level Earth Style ninjutsu, but at this time he saved Ye Cang's life, sneaked into the underground (Li's good) and escaped.

After this blow, Luo Sha panted, and his own consumption was not small. Not killing Ye Cang made Luo Sha a little desperate.

Even if Ye Cang couldn't be killed, Ye Cang would be hit hard, but it was a pity that he didn't do it.

"Let's do it." Luo Sha was already severely injured, her head dizzy and half kneeling in the desert, already unable to hold it.

"Complete you."

Ye Cang used the Scorch Style again to steam it, Luo Sha's eyes widened, and she fell to the ground with a strong unwillingness.

Just now Luo Sha said to let Ye Cang do it. In fact, I was holding a bit of Ye Cang’s mind that Ye Cang might not be able to do it. After all, Ye Cang was Sand Shinobi, and she should understand what she would do to Sand Shinobi if she died. influences.

It's a pity that Luosha thinks too much. Yecang doesn't care what Sand Shinobi Village has become. Does Luosha's death affect Sand Shinobi Village have anything to do with her? She is now from Wunin Village.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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