
Orochimaru looked at Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha, who had become a mummy, with a deep pity on his face. Turning into a mummy, the value of research was greatly reduced.

"Fortunately, the face is not as badly damaged."

Looking at Luo Sha's face, she didn't suffer much damage, so she should barely be able to use it.

In fact, Orochimaru's original plan was not to solve Luosha so early, but because of Ryu, it had to solve Luosha in advance.

After Luosha died, Orochimaru could only take the place of Luosha Fourth Kazekage. The ordinary Transformation Technique could easily reveal flaws.

If you don't want to expose any flaws, you can only use the Elimination Yan Technique to melt the face of others, and then stick it on your own face to achieve the effect of disguising and disguising.

Such disguise and disguise are difficult to detect. Orochimaru thinks that it should be possible to pretend to be Luosha for a while and not be found, not to mention that there is no need to pretend to be Luosha for long.

"Orochimaru, let's see you at Konoha Village." Ryu left with Ye Cang.

Orochimaru glanced at Ryu's back, as long as Ryu in Konoha Village will not affect his plan, but Uchiha Ryu really wants to affect his plan, Orochimaru can't help it.

"How do you feel after taking revenge?"

After leaving the Kingdom of Wind, Ryu asked Ye Cang.

"It's very relaxed. Originally, there was a worry in my heart, but now my mind is finally taken away." Ye Cang is really relaxed now.

"After returning to Wunin Village, you won't be so relaxed."

Ryu smiled, then said.

Yekura couldn't help but flipped Byakugan. She also knew that after returning to Wunin Village, she might not be so relaxed, and she would still have to deal with all kinds of things at that time.

There is no way, it's all the hands-off shopkeeper. Originally, Ryu was the only one who left the hand shopkeeper. Now Terumi Mei has also become the hand-off shopkeeper.

In the past, I could still protest with Terumi Mei, but now Terumi Mei is already from Ryu, how can I protest?

I want to shake my hand too, but I can't find anyone.

"Let's go back."

Ryu uses Huangquan Biliangzaka to open the space channel and go directly back to Wunin Village.

"Ye Cang, next you gather some Genin who hasn't graduated soon, and we will also take the Chūnin exam in Konoha Village this time."

Wuren Village has never participated in the Chūnin exams held in other villages before, but this time I will definitely take it.

"Okay, I'll call it right away." Ye Cang knew that after he came back, there was no possibility of getting down.

Then Ryu returned home, looked at Hinata who was training in the yard, walked over to stop Hinata, and then touched Hinata's smooth hair.

"Hinata, do you want to go to Konoha Village?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu asked Hinata.

"Are you going to take Hinata to Konoha Village? Are you going to send Hinata back to the Hyuga clan?" Kushina looked at Ryu dissatisfied.

Hinata is also a little nervous, do you really want to send yourself back? If it were when I first came to Wunin Village, Hinata would of course want to go back, but now Hinata is used to staying in Wunin Village and has already regarded it as his home.

"Brother Ryu is going to abandon me?" Hinata raised his head and looked at Ryu, tears rolling in his eyes.

"What do you think, Hinata, I don't mean to abandon you, I just want to ask if you want to go to Konoha, if you don't want to go, then forget it."

Ryu smiled and squeezed Hinata's small face. Now even if Hinata wants to go back, Ryu is still reluctant.

Raising Hinata as a daughter, how could he be willing to send it back to Hyuga Hiashi? Besides, Hyuga Hiashi has a bad attitude towards Hinata.

"Then, then I will go to Konoha Village and take a look."

Hinata nodded finally.

"Master Ryu, I want to go too, will you take me with you?"

The red-haired spectacles instantly rushed into Ryu's arms, holding Ryu's eyes gleaming.

Uzumaki Phosphorus, a disciple of Kushina, if you follow the trajectory in the original book, Uzumaki Phosphorus must be Kushinin village, but now Uzumaki Phosphorus was born in Uzumaki family in Uzumaki village.

Because of his talent, Kushina brought him around to teach, but Kushina regrets teaching incense phosphorus now, because this is an idiot, and after seeing Ryu, he became an idiot.


Kushina punched the top of Xianglin's head, and Xianglin fainted instantly.

"Nothing will happen, right?" Ryu's mouth twitched, and then asked Kushina.

"It's okay, I have already controlled the limit that this idiot can bear. This kind of power will not matter." Kushina is very skilled in business, obviously it is not the first time.

"Kushina, will there be no problems with Xianglin's head if this goes on?" Mikoto couldn't help asking.

"Probably not." Kushina scratched her head, and she was not sure if there would be a problem.

"Tsunade, check it out quickly."

Although he was merciless when he started, Kushina still attached great importance to this disciple. The Uzumaki family finally had a talented seed, so don't be fooled by yourself.

"It's okay, just fainted, but Kushina, be careful when you use your force in the future." Tsunade reminded Kushina after checking.

"Ryu, you are going to take Hinata to Konoha Village. What are you going to do to Konoha Village?" Mikoto looked at Ryu suspiciously.

If nothing happens, Ryu shouldn't have the intention to go to Konoha Village.

"Let’s go to the theater. A good show is about to be staged in Konoha Village. I want to see how far this scene will evolve."

This time it will definitely not be the same as in the original. As the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto's character has undergone such a big change, it will definitely cause a great plot change.

"I'll go with it."

Kushina grabbed Ryu's arm with an expression that you don't want to leave me behind.

"If you want to go to me, you won't be able to stop it. As for you, hold on to me?"

Ryu twitched his arm and found that Kushina was holding it so tightly that he couldn't pull it away at all.

"Are you interested in going to Konoha Village?"

This time, Ryu's main gaze is to look at Tsunade. I wonder if Tsunade is interested in entering Konoha Village again.

"I can remember that I am the rebel of Konoha Village, what do I do in Konoha Village now?" Tsunade curled his lips and said.

Konoha Village is a sad place for Tsunade, so Tsunade doesn't plan to go to Konoha Village. Mikoto chooses to stay with Tsunade, and Terumi Mei, Ryu doesn't plan to take her.

Terumi Mei still needs to deal with the affairs of Ninja Village, and Yekura himself cannot handle everything in Ninja Village, so Terumi Mei should stay.

Konan chose to follow Ryu to Konoha Village. This surprised Ryu a bit. Konan’s character can be said to be an otaku. Basically, even the Uchiha clan will not go out. This time, he will follow to Konoha Village.

However, if Konan wanted to go, Ryu would not refuse. Finally, he took Kushina, Konan and Hinata, plus some Genin who had just graduated from Wujin Village to Konoha Village.

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew about Kirinin Village's participation in the Chūnin exam in Konoha Village. He always felt that Uchiha Ryu's purpose was not pure, and it was likely that he came for Uzumaki Naruto.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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