Wuren Village also came to take the Chūnin exam. Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to refuse in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't refuse. After discussing with Konoha's senior management, he decided to entertain Uchiha Ryu.

As for the purpose of Uchiha Ryu, soldiers can only come to cover the water and earth.

People from other Shinobi villages have also arrived at Konoha Village. Sand Shinobi Village plus those little Shinobi villages come to Konoha Village to take the Chūnin exam.

As for Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village, they will definitely not participate.

"Hinata, do you want to go to the Hyuga clan?"

After arriving at Konoha Village, Ryu asked Hinata.

Hinata hesitated after hearing this, and headed to the Hyuga clan. Does her father still know her? And at this time Hinata felt a little nervous.

"If you are scared, let Kushina go with you." Ryu probably saw Hinata's emotions, so he said to Hinata.

"Yes, I will take you with me." Kushina~ nodded.

"Well, thank you Sister Kushina."

Hinata agreed with some joy, and then Kushina took Hinata to the Hyuga clan, and Ryu naturally took the Genin from Wuren Village into Konoha Village to arrange a place.

"Konan, would you like to take a stroll in Konoha Village?" Ryu asked Konan.

"Forget it, I think Konoha Village is not as prosperous as Wunin Village."

I used to hear how good Konoha Village is, but only after I came here I found out that it is not as good as Wunin Village.

Ryu laughed at the words, if it were in the original work, Kiribu Village would definitely not be able to compare with Konoha Village, but now Kiribu Village has experienced Ryu's development.

With a huge amount of money invested, Wuren Village is of course much better than Konoha Village.

"Let's go, it's boring to stay here." Ryu pulled up Konan directly. Konan, who was pulled up by Ryu, blushed, but did not refuse.

Ryu's activities in Konoha Village will naturally arouse Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen dare not openly monitor, he will also deliberately understand Ryu's intelligence.

"I didn't get close to Uzumaki Naruto specifically, it's okay."

Knowing that Ryu didn't touch Uzumaki Naruto specifically, Sarutobi Hiruzen relaxed.

What he worries the most is the Nine Tails Jinchūriki. What he fears most is that Ryu stares at Nine Tails Jinchūriki and snatches Nine Tails Jinchūriki from Konoha Village.

Now that Konoha Village has fallen, Nine Tails Jinchūriki is an indispensable weapon in Konoha Village. If Uchiha Ryu covets Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Sarutobi Hiruzen really doesn’t know whether to turn his face with Uchiha Ryu.

"Uzumaki Kushina took a little girl to the Hyuga clan. The little girl is suspected to be Hyūga Hinata who was captured by Cloud Shinobi many years ago."

Sarutobi Hiruzen paid attention to another piece of information.

At the beginning Hyūga Hinata was captured by Cloud Shinobi. Although Cloud Shinobi did not admit it at the time, they did it. I didn't expect Hyūga Hinata to be with Uchiha Ryu now.

I don't know the internal situation, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not interested in paying more attention. He is most concerned about Uzumaki Naruto.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At this time Uzumaki Naruto is practicing, practicing multiple Shadow Clone Techniques and Rasengan, Nine Tails Jinchūriki's strength has begun to grow stronger, Sarutobi Hiruzen does not know what attitude should be used to treat Uzumaki Naruto.

It is supposed to be a good thing to become stronger, but considering the instability of Uzumaki Naruto, his ability to become stronger may not be a good thing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen got more headaches as he thought about it.

The main thing is Uchiha Ryu. If Uchiha Ryu is not mixed and he does not come into contact with Uzumaki Naruto, this Nine Tails Jinchūriki is still easy to master.

Even if Uzumaki Naruto has grievances against Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen is sure to eliminate his grievances at the critical moment.

But that was before, not necessarily now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's sorrow Ryu didn't know. At this time, Ryu took Konan around Konoha Village and returned to the rest place prepared by Konoha Village for them.

And Kushina came back with Hinata, and Hyuga Hiashi also came here.

After seeing Ryu, Hyuga Hiashi behaved very badly. After seeing Ryu, he couldn't help but snorted.

"Uchiha Ryu, I need you to give me an explanation." Hyuga Hiashi is here to ask Ryu Hsingshi.

"You should go to Cloud Shinobi instead of me, or do you think I am better bullied than Cloud Shinobi?"

Ryu faced the aggressive Hyuga Hiashi flatly.

Explain to you? If I can give you face, it’s not bad. You still want to ask me to explain. What kind of explanation do you want?

Ryu's words made Hyuga Hiashi's angry face flushed, but he had no choice but to face Ryu. What could he do? Could it be that he had a face-off with Uchiha Ryu.

In fact, Hyuga Hiashi wants to do this, but the point is that he can't beat Uchiha Ryu at all.

If you really want to fight Uchiha Ryu, it would be humiliating yourself. Thinking of this, Hyuga Hiashi held back aggrievedly.

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"Well, I don't need to trouble you about this matter, but Hinata must return to the Hyuga clan."

After holding back the anger in his heart, Hyuga Hiashi made a request.

"You are dreaming. Believe it or not, I blow your dog's head with a punch." Kushina squeezed her fist and said, Hyuga Hiashi's face was green with the threat of nothing.

Looking at Hyuga Hiashi's pale and green face for a while, Ryu suddenly laughed. It is not easy for Hyuga Hiashi to have so many expression changes with his stern face.

"Kushina heard what you said, but I am not unreasonable. If Hinata is willing to stay in the Hyuga family, I will also let Hinata return to the Hyuga family."

Ryu said flatly to Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi was a little aggrieved. If Hinata were willing to return to the Hyuga clan, he would not come here to find Ryu. The key is that Hyūga Hinata refused.

..... 0 .......

"I want to stay in Wunin Village."

Hinata walked to Ryu's side and said, pulling Ryu's sleeve.

When he was about three years old, he left the Hyuga family and stayed in Kirinin Village since then, so Hinata has a deeper affection for Kirinin Village.

"Now you see it too, this is Hinata's choice, I think you will not interfere, right?"

Ryu asked Hyuga Hiashi.

"It's okay if you interfere, I think Kushina would be happy to reason with you." Ryu couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

Kushina is reasonable, what is the reason? She always likes to use her fist to make sense.

Seeing Uchiha Ryu who was a little bully, the aggrieved Hyuga Hiashi left directly, not here to continue to be embarrassed.

He had already seen that it was very difficult for Hyūga Hinata to return to the Hyuga family.

"If it weren't for Hinata's face, I would definitely beat him." Kushina looked at Hyuga Hiashi's back and said to Ryu.

Kushina is really serious. If it weren't for Hyuga Hiashi as Hinata's father, Kushina would really beat Hyuga Hiashi.

At that time, even if Hyuga Hiashi is not killed, he will definitely be beaten to a half body.

Looking at the grumpy Kushina, Ryu shook his head slightly, not wanting to persuade Kushina not to be so violent, because he had persuaded him before, but it was of no use.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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