Two days passed in an instant, and the Chūnin exam officially started, and Ryu didn't do anything in Konoha Village either.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very happy that Ryu can be so quiet and not cause trouble. As long as Ryu doesn't make trouble, he won't worry.

The first test of Chūnin was a written test. Ryu didn't pay attention at all. The written test was just a cutscene anyway. Of course, many people were eliminated from the first written test.

After the end of the first game, when the second test in the Dead Forest was about to begin, Ryu paid special attention to it, mainly to know if Orochimaru would come.

"Sure enough, it's here."

Ryu looked at Orochimaru playfully.

"That female ninja from Kushinin Village is Orochimaru?" Kushina looked surprised, but she didn't expect Orochimaru to pretend to be a woman.

Kushina thought Orochimaru was disguised as a woman, but in fact Orochimaru's body is also a woman's body, using Living Corpse Reincarnation to transfer her spirit into a woman's body.

Only Orochimaru can do this kind of thing.

Ryu thought for a while, but didn't tell Kushina that if Kushina knew about it, he would definitely feel sick and feel sick.

"Hey, Genin from Wuren Village was eliminated so much in the first exam."

Kushina was a bit dissatisfied, and was actually eliminated by more than half, which felt a bit embarrassing.

"Ryu, did you make these Genins from Wujin Village too easy? It would be a shame if all Genins from Wujin Village were eliminated."

Kushina pulled Ryu's arm and said to Ryu.

"This time I didn't think they could get any good results."

Ryu shook his head and said.

This time Chūnin test, Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji and others, he brought Genin of Wunin Village, it is really difficult to get good results.

The Genins that Ryu brought to take the Chūnin exam are not very outstanding, they are all ordinary, and they barely possess the strength of Chūnin.

If you let Hinata participate and bring Uzumaki, it should be very safe.

But Hinata didn't participate, nor did the fragrant phosphorus come. What's more, Ryu didn't come to get any rankings for Wunin Village, just to watch a good show.

"Orochimaru has sneaked into Konoha Village. Do you think this Chūnin exam will be held peacefully?" Ryu said to Kushina.

"Yes, Ryu, you should know what Orochimaru is going to do?"

Kushina looked at Ryu with bright eyes.

"Knowing that you are very curious, if you want to know, you can see by yourself." Ryu didn't tell Kushina at all.

"Konan, let's go." Ryu greeted Konan, then took Hinata's little hand and turned away.

"Hey, don't keep watching?"

Kushina hurried to catch up with Ryu and asked Ryu.

"It's meaningless."(Read more @

Ryu has no interest in what is going to happen in the Dead Forest, it is nothing more than Orochimaru will attack Uchiha Sasuke.

I just don't know if Orochimaru will suffer this time, but Ryu noticed the change in Uzumaki Naruto.

He and Nine Tails should have reached some agreement. Nine Tails' Chakra no longer interferes with Uzumaki Naruto. It is very likely that Nine Tails and Uzumaki Naruto have cooperated.

Ryu took Kushina and the others around in Konoha Village, and tasted the delicacies of Konoha Village by the way. Kushina is a foodie.

When Ryu is so leisurely, Sarutobi Hiruzen is about to be sad.

"Orochimaru actually sneaked into Konoha Village, what does he want to do?"

It has been learned that Orochimaru sneaked into Konoha Village, and also attacked Uchiha Sasuke.

"I hope there will be no major changes."

Konoha Village can't withstand too much toss. In the third Ninja World War, although Konoha Village did not suffer much, but Konoha Village was the loser in the battle with Wunin Village.

The defeat at that time caused the heritage of Konoha Village to be madly consumed, and now the accumulation has been almost consumed.

Maybe another storm will bring Konoha Village into a crisis of destruction.

The second test is over, and the elimination of the third is also completed. There are also several Genin in Wuren Village who have entered the third round of the test, which is not particularly embarrassing.

"Unexpectedly, there are quite a few powerful Genins in Konoha Village."

Kushina took a look at the list of people who entered the third exam. Among them, people from Konoha Village accounted for the most.

"Genin of Konoha Village is really strong this time." Ryu smiled and said.

The strongest Genin is not a joke, the strongest unit in Konoha Village is Genin.

The third exam will officially start for one month and will not be conducted until one month later. At that time, Fengying from Sand Shinobi Village will also come to watch the ceremony.

Rosha is dead, and Orochimaru's disguised Rosha hasn't been exposed during this time.

"Ryu, I took Hinata out before and met Mrs. Jiraiya."

Konan came back from the outside, still holding a lot of things in his hand, this is a special product that Konan bought, and I plan to go back and give it to Mikoto and the others...

But when buying a specialty of Konoha Village, Konan met Jiraiya.

For Jiraiya, Konan feels very complicated, but I am still a little grateful. If I didn't meet Jiraiya, maybe she and Yahiko and Nagato would have died long ago.


Ryu's reaction was dull, because I knew Jiraiya would be back. I don't know how Jiraiya would feel when seeing Naruto now.

Jiraiya, mentioned by Konan at this time, is in the Hokage office.

"Old man, you look older." Jiraiya looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a complicated expression.

"Jiraiya, you just came back, there is something to be left to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about Jiraiya's sigh, but now it's time for Jiraiya to return.

"What's the matter?" Jiraiya frowned.

Now Jiraiya prefers a free life. If Third Hokage arranges some work for him, he might refuse.

"About Minato's child."

Jiraiya, who didn't want to know, immediately looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Are you talking about Naruto? What happened to him?"

"Uchiha Ryu has been in contact with Uzumaki Naruto before. He seems to have a grudge against Konoha Village, so I want you to see Naruto. It's best to let him dispel his grudge against Konoha Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen told Jiraiya the matter.

Jiraiya's expression is not pretty. Why does Naruto resent Konoha Village? For so many years, Jiraiya has not understood anything about Konoha Village.

Although he didn't know anything about Konoha Village, Jiraiya knew how good Jinchūriki's identity would be in the village.

"I will check it out."

Jiraiya nodded, after all, he was the orphan of his favorite disciple.

"By the way, you mean Uchiha Ryu contacted Naruto, what does he want to do?"

Jiraiya, who had already stepped on one foot, turned her head and asked Sarutobi Hiruzen. Jiraiya didn't have a good impression of Uchiha Ryu in her heart. It is definitely not a good thing for Uchiha Ryu to contact Naruto.

In response to Jiraiya's question, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head. He didn't understand and could only guess a little, but Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt that Uchiha Ryu's purpose was not pure.


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