"Jiraiya, Orochimaru appeared in Konoha Village before. He must have a purpose in appearing, so don't leave this time. Stay in Konoha Village."

After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Jiraiya.

He always feels restless, so he wants Jiraiya to stay.

"Think of it as my teacher's request to you."

Jiraiya, who was about to refuse, suddenly became speechless. Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped up to ask him. Is he embarrassed to refuse?

"I will think about it and give you an answer in a few days." Jiraiya sighed.

"Well, Konoha Village has both internal and external troubles. I need you now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. Based on his knowledge of Jiraiya, it is estimated that Jiraiya will promise him to stay in Konoha Village next.

He is old, Konoha Village doesn't even have a pillar, and urgently needs Jiraiya to come back.

After that, Jiraiya left the Hokage office and went to see Naruto according to the address given to him by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When he came to the place where Naruto lived, Jiraiya had a complicated expression and was also a little angry. He didn't expect his teacher to arrange Naruto in such a bad place.

Very old house, no other people around, only Naruto lives alone in this place.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Jiraiya knocked on the door, and after a while, the door was opened. Naruto raised his head and stared at Jiraiya, no emotions in his face.

"Are you here to find me?"

Looking at the eyes that made him feel a little bit cold, Jiraiya opened his mouth, and then didn't know what to say.

Looking into the room, he could know that Naruto is not doing well now from the tattered furniture and the rudimentary room.

Jiraiya is a relatively optimistic person, but now he is really not optimistic. Naruto's situation seems to be more serious than he thought.

"Hahaha, your name is Naruto, right? How about letting me be your teacher during this time? I'm the famous Toad Sage."

Bang~! ! !

A string of crows flew over the posing Jiraiya's head and was turned away. Uzumaki Naruto closed the door directly, presumably treating him as a fool.

Jiraiya gave a wry smile. It seemed that he had to find a way to talk to Naruto. He could see that Naruto had hatred in his eyes when facing anyone.

"Teacher, did you take care of Naruto like this."

Jiraiya felt very distressed. Minato used his life to protect Konoha Village. As a result, his children lived in the most dilapidated house.

"Do you want to change Naruto? It's a pity it's too late."

Ryu's eyes were deep at this time. Jiraiya went to find Naruto and he saw that the entire Konoha Village could not escape Ryu's observation. As long as Ryu thought, Ryu would know every move of anyone in Konoha Village.

Now Ryu is also very concerned about Naruto, mainly because he wants to know how Naruto does it.

After knowing his identity, he didn't go to Sarutobi Hiruzen to make a fuss, but it was more like a prelude to a storm.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"What if Uzumaki Naruto also becomes a traitor?"

Ryu is looking forward to seeing it, and it is not impossible for Uzumaki Naruto to become a traitor, it is even a certainty.

Jiraiya does have his own personality charm, but he can't change Naruto's hatred of Konoha Village anymore.

The hatred accumulated for more than ten years is not so easy to dissolve, especially when Ryu told Uzumaki Naruto of his life experience, this is the primer that detonated him.

"What are you calculating?"

Kushina came to Ryu's side, then leaned on Ryu's body and asked him.

"Nothing, what can I do." Ryu chuckled lightly.

"Huh, lie, I saw your eyes light up just now."

Kushina snorted slightly and punched Ryu with her small fist.

"Are you going to kill me?" Ryu clutched his heart, looking like he was seriously injured.

"I can't pretend, I didn't use any force at all." Kushina turned Byakugan towards Ryu, not to mention that she was useless, even if she tried hard, it wouldn't hurt Ryu.

"Tell me, what do you want to calculate? Are you planning to destroy Konoha Village?" Kushina was excited as she spoke.

"You think too much, do I need to plan to destroy Konoha Village?"

If Ryu wants to destroy Konoha Village, just flatten it directly. No plan is needed at all, so Kushina thinks too much.

"Forget it, don't ask."

Kushina gave up directly.

"It's so easy to give up, it's a bit unlike you." Ryu looked at Kushina who gave up without asking, and said with some surprise.

"If I don't give up, can you tell me?" Kushina turned Byakugan towards Ryu, and then asked Ryu.

Even if I continue to ask questions, you will definitely not tell me. In that case, what else would I ask? Anyway, it would be a waste of effort to keep asking.

Boom boom boom!

"Someone will knock on the door and open the door."

Ryu said to Kushina.

Kushina turned Byakugan towards Ryu, and then went to open the door. After opening the door, she saw a small Byakugan little Lolita standing outside the door.

"Are you from the Hyuga clan? What are you doing here?"

Looking at the pair of Byakugan, Kushina knew that she was from the Hyuga tribe.

"Her name is Hyuga Hanabi, Hyuga Hiashi's second daughter and Hinata's younger sister." Although Ryu didn't look back, he knew the identity of the other party.

Hanabi stared at Ryu with wide eyes. How did he know? Did he investigate himself?

Thinking of this, Hanabi became wary of Ryu, and at the same time looked into the room as if he was looking for something.

"Are you looking for your sister Hinata? She is not here now." Ryu turned around and said to Hanabi.

Hyuga Hanabi will come here, he must be looking for Hinata, but Hinata followed Konan out, and he is not here now.

"It turns out to be Hinata's younger sister. Hyuga Hiashi has a dead face all day long. His daughter is pretty pretty. Do you want to follow your sister to Wunin Village?"

Kushina knelt down and asked, pinching Hanabi's small face.

Hanabi wanted to resist, but couldn't break free. Kushina didn't want to. How could Hanabi break free.

"Don't be so repulsive to me, I don't have any bad intentions towards you." Kushina wiped Hanabi's smooth hair, feeling Hanabi more and more cute.

"Hurry up and let her go. When I didn't see her looking at you, it was like looking at the big bad wolf." Ryu said to Kushina.

"How is it possible, Hanabi, you should like me very much, right?" Kushina turned her head and glared at Ryu, then touched Hanabi's little head and asked.

"No, I hate you very much." Hanabi said disgustedly.

He finally escaped from the petrified Kushina and hid directly behind Ryu.

I thought Ryu might be dangerous, but now it seems that the red-haired woman is dangerous.

"I saw it, Kushina." Ryu smiled happily, but the happier Ryu smiled, the more angry Kushina became.

"Huh, is this not cute little devil really Hinata's sister? I am a little suspicious now."

Kushina snorted coldly. Originally, Hyuga Hanabi looked cute, but now Kushina has changed. From the time she said she hated herself, Hyuga Hanabi was a nasty kid in Kushina's heart.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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