Looking at the angry Kushina, Ryu thought it was a little funny. Kushina is really not grown up, so he was angry with a child.

"Hyuga Hiashi actually allowed you to come here?"

Ryu looked down at Hyuga Hanabi. Hyuga Hiashi should be very strict with his daughter. It is absolutely impossible to let his daughter run around.

Especially when I came here, in Hyuga Hiashi's mind, he should be a dangerous person.

So Hyuga Hanabi will appear here, she should have come here secretly.

"Don't tell your father, I ran out secretly, I want to see my sister."

Hyuga Hanabi quickly said to Ryu.

Ryu's guess is correct. Hyuga Hanabi really ran out secretly, and she was scared of Hyuga Hiashi by her appearance. It seems that Hyuga Hiashi is really strict with her.

Kushina looked at Hanabi's scared expression, her eyes lit up slightly, and a terrible smile appeared on her face.

"Hmph, tell your father the news that you sneaked here right away, don't know how Hyuga Hiashi will punish you?" Kushina gestured and walked out.

However, Kushina's actions made Hanabi very scared, and immediately ran to stand in front of Kushina, looking at Kushina with tears in her eyes.

"Do you think I'll feel soft in this way?" Kushina glanced at Hanabi and said disdainfully.

Although that was the case, Kushina really felt soft when seeing Hanabi's tearful eyes.

"Don't tell my father if he is good, he will punish me."

Thinking of her father's punishment, Hanabi wanted to cry. From the beginning of her sensibility, her father had been very strict with her. No matter in terms of etiquette or cultivation, she had not relaxed in the slightest.

"Forget it, I'm making a joke with you, so let's let you go once."

Kushina looked at Hanabi, whose tears were about to fall, and felt relieved.

The main thing is that Hanabi is more cute and cute. If you change to another one that is not cute, Kushina won't even care about it.

"I'm afraid your father already knows, little girl, wait to go back and be taught."

Ryu put his hand on Hanabi's head and rubbed it. Hyuga Hiashi must know that Hanabi sneaked away.

Hanabi shuddered, very nervous in her heart, she was really afraid of her father's reprimand.

"Your sister is back..." Ryu looked outside.

Konan had already returned with Hinata, and Hinata was stunned when he saw Hanabi.

"Sister." Hanabi didn't care whether this elder sister was strange or unfamiliar, and rushed towards Hinata directly.

Hinata hasn't reacted yet. This is the first time Hinata has seen his sister Hanabi. When she was captured by Cloud Shinobi, Hanabi had not yet been born.

When I went to the Hyuga clan before, I didn't see Hanabi, so Hinata was a little strange.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Are you really my sister?" Hinata waited until she recovered, and then lowered her head to ask Hanabi.

"Of course, can this be fake? When I saw you, I knew you were definitely my sister." Hanabi said to Hinata seriously.

"Hehe, then you are really a god."

Kushina knelt down and squeezed Hanabi's small face.

I was pinched by this hateful woman again. Hanabi didn't resist this time. In fact, Hanabi was also struggling, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Kushina squeezed Hanabi's face and felt a little addicted, and asked Hanabi again: "Do you want to follow me to Wunin Village? You can see your sister at any time."

"Kushina, you don't really want to turn this little girl into Kurinin Village. If that's the case, Hyuga Hiashi will definitely fight me hard."

Ryu absolutely believes that if Hanabi is also taken away, Hyuga Hiashi must be desperate.

If Hinata is taken away, the Hyuga family still has the heir of Hanabi, but if Hanabi is also abducted, can Hyuga Hiashi regenerate a heir to the clan?

Hanabi glanced at Ryu irritably, feeling that Ryu seemed to dislike her.

"Hmph, I won't go to Wunin Village, sister, follow me home."

After a cold snort, Hanabi looked at Hinata expectantly. After knowing that he had a sister, Hanabi was very happy.

Although Hinata likes the sister I just met, but when he comes home with Hanabi, Hinata shook his head directly.

"Sorry sister, I'm used to staying in Wunin Village."

There are too many things that cannot be parted in Wunin Village. It is impossible for her to put down Wunin Village and stay with the Hyuga clan.

"That's it." Hanabi lowered her head in disappointment.

"Little girl, do you want to be with your sister?" Ryu knelt down and asked Hanabi.

"Can you help me persuade my sister?" Hanabi's pair of Byakugan is about to shine.

"Let me help you convince your sister to stay in Konoha Village, it is impossible, and I don't want her to stay in Konoha Village."

Ryu directly refused.

Hanabi lowered her head with a frustrated expression, looking listless.

"In fact, you can go to Wuren Village, and all of you Hyuga can move to Wuren Village. I welcome you all to move to Wuren Village."

Ryu said to Hanabi.

It would be nice to persuade the Hyuga clan to join Wunin Village. Although the Hyuga clan behaves like soy sauce in the original work, in fact, the Hyuga clan is not weak.

The strongest family in Konoha Village now is the Hyuga family, at least better than the pig, deer and butterfly tribe, the Aburame family, and the Inuzuka family.

"¨" Our family moved to Wuren Village? Is there a Konoha Village in Kiribu Village? Hanabi asked Ryu.

"Of course it is better than Konoha Village. Our Wunin Village is much better than Konoha Village." Kushina said immediately.

Hanabi didn't believe Kushina's words very much, and looked at her sister Hinata. She probably wouldn't lie to her.

"Mistura Village really surpasses Konoha Village."

Hinata nodded, expecting the Hyuga clan to move to Wunin Village.

"You can talk to your father and say it was my invitation from Uchiha Ryu, and he will come to me if he wants to."

Ryu is serious, he really wants to subdue the Hyuga clan, but whether the Hyuga clan is willing to move to Wunin Village is really unknown.

"Okay, I'll tell my father." Hanabi nodded. If Wuren Village is really good, she really wants to go to Wuren Village, so that (Li's Zhao) can see her sister every day.

"Your father is here, follow your father." Ryu patted Hanabi's head. Hyuga Hiashi appeared here as soon as Ryu finished speaking.

At this time, Hyuga Hiashi's expression was ugly.

Hanabi opened his small mouth slightly and looked at Ryu in surprise. He didn't see his father at all just now. He actually knew that his father was here. Does he possess the power of an unknown prophet?

"Hanabi, did you run here by yourself?" Hyuga Hiashi asked Hanabi sternly.

Seeing the angry father, Hanabi grabbed Ryu's clothes next to him in a little fear, hiding behind Ryu, looking at the ugly face of his father Hyuga Hiashi a little nervously.

"Don't come over to me yet." Hyuga Hiashi scolded.

Kushina glanced at Hyuga Hiashi. When facing her daughter, Hyuga Hiashi was very powerful, which made Kushina squeeze her fists and prepare to beat Hyuga Hiashi.


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