"Hyuga Hiashi, you, the patriarch of the Hyuga family, are really capable. You know how to lose your temper with children. What else can you do besides this?"

Kushina yelled at Hyuga Hiashi.

After being scolded by Kushina, Hyuga Hiashi's face was blank, watching Kushina slightly clenched his fists.

"Why, don't you want to do it with me, okay, it just so happens that I want to do it with you too."

After sensing Hyuga Hiashi's anger, Kushina's eyes glowed. Originally, Hyuga Hiashi was Hinata's father. She was not easy to teach him. If Hyuga Hiashi could do it, wouldn't it be fair to teach him.

"I am disciplining my daughter, you are not qualified to interfere, are you?"

Although Hyuga Hiashi was very angry, he still held back. If he really wants to turn his face with Kushina, he must be the one who suffers.

The first power is not Kushina's opponent, and the second power is also inferior to Kushina. There is no way to be bullied.

"Huh, if I think I have this qualification."

Kushina snorted, and the terrifying Chakra inside leaked out. Chakra, which was more terrifying than Nine Tails, made the floor under her feet cracked.

Feeling the breath of Kushina, Hyuga Hiashi stepped back.

"Master Mizukage, I just came to pick up the little girl."

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Kushina who was about to get angry, and couldn't help but admit it. He remembered that Kushina had beaten Fourth Raikage before, and he still beat him one-on-one.

He is certainly not comparable to Fourth Mizukage, as the patriarch of the Hyuga family, but Hyuga Hiashi can only explode with quasi-film strength at best.

No way, talent is limited, Hyuga Hiashi has no shadow level strength at all.

"Well, take her back."

Ryu grabbed Hanabi directly behind him and pushed him to Hyuga Hiashi's side.

Hanabi was a little bit resentful. After he was taken back, he would definitely be severely taught by his father. Alas, life would be difficult after he went back.

Hyuga Hiashi took Hanabi and left. After they left, Kushina looked at Ryu with questioning eyes.

"Do you really want to beat him? To beat his father in front of Hinata, you should also care about Hinata's feelings." Ryu raised his hand and flicked Kushina's forehead.

"I am upset with his attitude towards my daughter."

Kushina couldn't help muttering.

On the other hand, Hyuga Hiashi, who returned to the Hyuga clan from Ryu, looked at Hyuga Hanabi sternly and sneaked out. If she didn't teach her, she would be bolder.

"Um, Father, the man you call Fourth Mizukage said, welcome to our family to move to Wunin Village."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Hyuga Hanabi had an idea and said to his father.

This is a diversion. Although Hyuga Hanabi is young, she is a stranger and knows how to avoid punishment.

"What did you say? He really said that."

Hyuga Hiashi's expression changed slightly, and she looked at her daughter and asked again, hoping it wasn't she who was lying.

"Well, Hanabi dare not lie to your father." Hyuga Hanabi nodded quickly.

Hyuga Hiashi fell silent, and he didn't think Hanabi would lie to him like this. It seemed that he had really told Hanabi.

What do you mean, does Uchiha Ryu want to recruit the Hyuga clan? If it is a solicitation, do you want to agree?

"He also said, if you agree, then go find him." Hanabi said again.

"You go to practice first."

Hyuga Hiashi has no thoughts to teach Hanabi. Hanabi escaped, feeling happy in his heart, and ran away all the way, for fear that his father would change his mind.

"Let Hanabi tell me what the news means? He can tell me personally."

Hyuga Hiashi is a little puzzled, what does Ryu mean? Do you really want the Hyuga clan to join Wunin Village?

"If it's true, should I agree?"

Staying in Konoha Village, the Hyuga clan is actually very good to mix in Konoha Village. The first family of Konoha Village, of course, this is the premise of complying with Third Hokage in order to get such glory.

If you leave Konoha Village and go to Wunin Village, it is obvious that with the strength of the Hyuga clan, you will definitely not be the first clan, and the Uchiha clan can directly crush them.

Although joining Wunin Village is not the first family, Wunin Village is powerful. As long as Uchiha Ryu is still alive, Wunin Village is the strongest Ninja Village. You never need to worry about war.

No one dared to fight with Kurinin Village, but Konoha Village is different. As the first family of Konoha Village, it is one of the high-level Konoha Village. Hyuga Hiashi knows the current situation of Konoha Village and it is declining.

Hyuga Hiashi is entangled. If he goes to Wunin Village, he will lose the title of the first family. There is absolutely no glory in the current Konoha Village in Wunin Village.

But when you go to Wunin Village, you don't have to worry about the war burning on the Hyuga clan. It will be no problem to pass it on in the future.

There are pros and cons, so Hyuga Hiashi struggles to choose.

"This needs to be considered slowly, and a decision cannot be made lightly."

Concerning the future of the Hyuga clan, in fact, Hyuga Hiashi still tends to stay in Konoha Village.

It has been rooted in Konoha Village for decades. Since Konoha Village was established in Konoha Village, Hyuga Hiashi does not want to lead the Hyuga family to seek new development.

But if you refuse, will that offend Uchiha Ryu?

Hyuga Hiashi was a little tougher in front of Ryu because of Hinata, but after leaving, Hyuga Hiashi became scared.

In fact, when facing Ryu, he was still a little frustrated, which is not ashamed, because even Sarutobi Hiruzen was frustrated when facing Uchiha Ryu.

There are a few in the Shinobi world that can be treated calmly when facing Ryu.

"Forget it, for the time being I didn't hear it from Hanabi, and it wasn't Uchiha Ryu who told me in person anyway."

In fact, Hyuga Hiashi didn't explicitly refuse in his heart. He planned to take one step at a time, and he also needed to discuss it with others.

The Hyuga clan is not the same as Hyuga Hiashi. Every clan has an elder group, and the Hyuga clan is the same.

"No, I want to remind Hanabi, if Uchiha Ryu asks her, she must tell Uchiha Ryu that she didn't tell me about it."

For the time being, he wanted to treat this as ignorance.

But Hyuga Hiashi thinks a bit too much. Even if Hyuga Hiashi refuses to recruit Ryu, Ryu will not target the Hyuga family.

I underestimated Ryu's temperament.

Ryu said that he wanted the Hyuga family to move to Kirinin Village. In fact, it was only a temporary motive. Suddenly, if Ryu values ​​the Hyuga family, it is definitely impossible.

The Hyuga clan has no strength, and Hyuga Hiashi's strength is not outstanding. Among the younger generation, Hyuga Neji is the only one who is outstanding.

Even if Hyuga Neji is immortal, his greatest achievement in the future will not exceed the shadow level, and being able to become a shadow level is already the limit.

Therefore, the Hyuga clan actually doesn't have much worthy of Ryu's attention. Inviting the Hyuga clan to join Wunin Village is more because of Hinata.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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