In the end, Uzumaki Naruto left Konoha Village. As for where he is going, Ryu doesn't know and will not pay attention.

Jiraiya went to chase Orochimaru, but ultimately failed to catch Orochimaru. However, based on Jiraiya's feelings for Orochimaru, even if he really catches Orochimaru, I'm afraid Orochimaru will be let go in the end.

The matter is over, this time Konoha Village lost too much, Third Hokage died, Nine Tails Jinchūriki ran away, and many houses were destroyed.

The Hyuga family, Ryu came here to find Kushina and Konan.

In fact, Hanabi didn't encounter any danger at all. Although Orochimaru was noisy, there was nothing dangerous in the Hyuga clan.

"Hyuga Hiashi, did Hanabi talk to you before?"

Ryu looked at Hyuga Hiashi and asked him.

"What did you say?" Hyuga Hiashi asked without any change in the expression on his face.

"It seems that you are pretending to be stupid. Don't worry, you don't want the Hyuga clan to join Wunin Village, so forget it."

Under Ryu's gaze, Hyuga Hiashi has flaws even if his acting skills are good, but even if he knows that Hyuga Hiashi is acting stupid, Ryu will not be angry.

If Hyuga Hiashi did not join, Ryu was not disappointed either. If it weren't for Hinata's face, Ryu would never mention letting the Hyuga clan join Wunin Village.

"Can you give me some more time to think about it?"

Hyuga Hiashi didn't continue to pretend to be stupid, and he wanted to think about it.

"Tomorrow I will return to Wuren Village. You only have time to think about it today."

Most of today has passed. In fact, Hyuga Hiashi doesn't even have time to think about it for a day.

"I will definitely give you an answer tomorrow."

Hyuga Hiashi said, this time Konoha's collapse plan really needs his careful consideration. Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead, and even Nine Tails Jinchūriki ran away.

Konoha Village is too turbulent. Hyuga Hiashi feels that it is not safe to stay in Konoha Village. It is better to take this opportunity to take the bridge to Wunin Village.

"Then you don't mind if we stay in the Hyuga clan for one night?" Ryu asked Hyuga Hiashi with a smile.

Ryu knew that Hyuga Hiashi had already moved. This time, the probability that Hyuga Hiashi would follow him was more than 50%, and more than half the probability would follow Ryu to leave.

"Naturally don't mind."

Hyuga Hiashi doesn't dare to mind, it's okay to live in the Hyuga clan all night.

After Hyuga Hiashi left, he was already thinking about going to Wunin Village, but he still needs to ask the opinions of other elders. After all, the Hyuga clan is not his own.

"I don't know if my father will agree, I hope my father can agree." Hanabi is a little looking forward to going to Wunin Village, so that he doesn't have to be separated from his sister.(Read more @

Ryu glanced at Hinata, and looking at Hinata's gaze at this time, he could see that Hinata was also looking forward to it.

The next day, early in the morning, Hyuga Hiashi came to see Ryu. Seeing his appearance, it seemed that he hadn't rested all night.

"Master Mizukage, we Hyuga are willing to join Wunin Village."

Hyuga Hiashi has made a decision and is willing to bring the Hyuga clan to join Wunin Village. This is the result of discussions with the elders.

Most of the elders want to go to Wunin Village, because this time things really make them feel that Konoha Village is a bit unsafe.

An Orochimaru calculation has plunged Konoha Village into a serious crisis. If it is watched by others, will Konoha Village still be able to resist the past?

"You Hyuga clan made a wise choice. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult for you to have this opportunity again in the future. Go and pack your things."

Ryu smiled slightly. Someone joined the village to strengthen the village, and Ryu was in a good mood.

"Master Mizukage, we packed up last night."

After the decision was made last night, they started to pack things overnight, and after making the decision, they would not procrastinate.

Although the family has a lot of things, the Hyuga family never thought about taking everything away. They only planned to bring most of the valuable things. Of course, the other things were abandoned or dealt with later.

"You are prepared very quickly, then let's go."

Ryu is very satisfied, if they still need to clean up, then they still need to wait for them.

Then Hyuga Hiashi summoned all the tribesmen, but Ryu didn't intend to sway them away.

The main reason was that it was troublesome to drag the family to the door, so they were directly sent to the Kamui space and let them stay inside for the time being.

Only Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hanabi followed Ryu.

"Let's go."

Ryu took them directly away. This time he came to Konoha Village and not only watched a scene, but also abducted the Hyuga clan.

As for the news that Hyuga Hiashi had left with Ryu, the Konoha Village executives also knew immediately, and immediately sent someone to the Hyuga clan to check.

As a result, the Hyuga clan was evacuated directly, and nothing was left except the empty house.

"The Hyuga clan wants to rebel out of Konoha Village."

Utatane Koharu said angrily.

In addition to Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura is also very angry. Now is the moment of crisis in Konoha Village. Unexpectedly, at such a moment, the Hyuga clan had a knife in the back.

"Can't let the Hyuga clan leave. They haven't left Konoha Village yet, so they hurried to catch up."

Mitokado Homura immediately took someone to chase, but Jiraiya's face changed and he immediately followed with someone, but don't conflict with Uchiha Ryu.

When they were about to walk out of the gate of Konoha Village, Mitokado Homura finally caught up with the Konoha Shinobi.

"What does this mean, do you want to keep me in Konoha Village and not let me go?" Ryu raised his eyebrows and asked faintly.

"Master Mizukage can leave at any time. Of course we dare not stop it, but Master Mizukage can leave, but Hyuga Hiashi can't leave."

Mitokado Homura stared hard at Hyuga Hiashi.

And Hyuga Hiashi did not show any fear when facing Mitokado Homura's gaze. If it used to be, Hyuga Hiashi still needs to show some face to Mitokado Homura.

But now that he has decided to leave Konoha Village, there is no need to give Mitokado Homura any face.

"There are also members of the Hyuga family." Utatane Koharu reminded him at this time.

To be sure, the Hyuga people were definitely taken away by Uchiha Ryu, but I don’t know what means Uchiha Ryu used to take away.

Jiraiya also came here at this time, but Jiraiya did not speak.

"If I have to take the Hyuga tribe away, are you going to be my enemy?" Ryu smiled and asked Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu.

Looking at the smile on Ryu's face, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu's breathing stagnated, and there was a feeling of difficulty in breathing. This is Ryu's aura.

At this moment, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu are a little aggrieved, but they are helpless. What should I do? Do you want to tear your face with Uchiha Ryu?

But if you don't get rid of your skin, should you let the Hyuga clan be taken away by Uchiha Ryu? Isn't Konoha Village going to be a joke?


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