Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu stood here with embarrassed expressions, what should I do? Is it an enemy of Uchiha Ryu, or let the Hyuga clan leave with Uchiha Ryu.

After thinking about it for a while, they looked at Jiraiya and couldn't make up their minds, so they decided to look at Jiraiya's thoughts.

"Mizukage, it would be too much to take the people from Konoha Village like this to leave."

Jiraiya was very angry, but when facing Ryu, she had to calm down and talk to him.

"The Hyuga clan followed me voluntarily, what's so overkill?" Ryu asked Jiraiya indifferently.

"Patriarch Hyuga, are you really planning to leave Konoha Village with the Hyuga clan?"

Jiraiya's gaze turned to Hyuga Hiashi. In fact, Jiraiya knew in his heart that there was no way to stop this incident.

"Master Jiraiya, I admire you very much, but Konoha Village no longer has the value left by the Hyuga clan." Hyuga Hiashi said it was ruthless.

This is also to quickly cut off the connection with Konoha Village. He has already decided to follow Ryu to Wunin Village. It is impossible for him to object anymore.

If you go wrong, it would be offending Ryu. Between offending Konoha Village and offending Ryu, Hyuga Hiashi chose to offend Konoha Village-.

Konoha Village can be offended, anyway, after joining Wunin Village, Konoha Village will not be able to pose a threat to the Hyuga clan, but if you offend Ryu, you will definitely die-no doubt.

"I saw the choice of the Hyuga clan, so do you still plan to block it? If you continue to block it, then it is an enemy of me, but you have to think about it."

Ryu reminded Jiraiya, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

"From now on, the Hyuga clan will have nothing to do with Konoha Village." Jiraiya glanced at Hyuga Hiashi with some resentment.

"Jiraiya." The expressions of Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu changed. Didn't they choose to let go of the Hyuga family?

"Let's go back."

Jiraiya said to Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu that he can still save a bit of face if he leaves. If he does it, he will not even be able to save face.

The two advisor elders were of course unwilling, but they couldn't help Ryu. They also knew that Jiraiya's choice was right.

If you don’t listen to Jiraiya, do you really want to be an enemy of Uchiha Ryu.

Now Konoha Village has gone through the Konoha collapse plan, and the loss has been large enough to dare not be an enemy of Ryu at all.

Well, even if there is no loss, Konoha Village probably doesn't have the guts to be an enemy of Ryu.

Ryu swaggered away with Hyuga Hiashi, but in the end no one stopped him.

"Jiraiya, have you ever thought about the consequences of the Hyuga clan defecting?"

After Ryu left, Mitokado Homura questioned Jiraiya angrily. He was aggrieved in his heart, but actually wanted to find a way to vent.

And obviously, Jiraiya became the target of Mitokado Homura's vent.

"Can you reason with Uchiha Ryu?" Jiraiya asked lightly.(Read more @

What is truth, strength is truth, if there is no strength, why would Jiraiya leave the Hyuga clan.

Unless you have the ability to not fear Uchiha Ryu, otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility that the Hyuga clan will stay.

It is obviously impossible to persuade Hyuga Hiashi. It is easy for him to make a decision to offend Kirinin Village and Konoha Village.

"Just put it down."

Jiraiya sighed and said, there was no other choice.

"Then have you thought about other families in Konoha Village?" Utatane Koharu asked Jiraiya.

The Hyuga clan leaves Konoha Village. Will other families have other thoughts? This kind of careful thinking is very possible.

"I can only choose to guard against them." Jiraiya sighed slightly, and there is no other way at the moment. I hope other families will not follow the Hyuga family.

"Jiraiya, Sarutobi is dead now. The most suitable person to become Naruto is you. I discussed with Koharu and decided to invite you to serve as Fifth Hokage."

Mitokado Homura said to Jiraiya.

After hearing Mitokado Homura's words, Jiraiya subconsciously wanted to refuse, but looking at the Konoha Village today, Jiraiya couldn't say what he refused.

"I know you don't want to be Fifth Hokage, but now Konoha Village can't find other suitable candidates. Only you will be the Fifth Hokage."

Utatane Koharu said.

"If you are not Hokage, this position may fall on Danzo. I hope you can consider the consequences."

If Danzo is Hokage, no one wants to see it. Whether it is Mitokado Homura or Utatane Koharu, they don't want Danzo to be Hokage.

The main reason is that they know too much about Danzo's character. If Danzo becomes Hokage, I'm afraid Konoha Village will really be broken.

At the same time, this is what they are thinking about. Danzo will not be of any benefit to them when they become Hokage. If Danzo acts as Hokage, they will definitely take away their power.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Danzo values ​​power too much and will never allow others to hold power.

"I see, I agree to become Konoha Village Fifth Hokage."

Jiraiya nodded and agreed, and he didn't want Danzo to become Hokage either.

Moreover, in the current Konoha Village, there is no other person to serve as Fifth Hokage. Among the strong Konoha Village of the film class, there are only Danzo and Jiraiya.

Danzo, a shady guy, can’t do it. He will destroy Konoha Village and can only take the post by himself. No matter how reluctant to do Konoha, he can only serve as Hokage.

"If you agree, then hurry up and hold the Hokage's succession ceremony."

Mitokado Homura is very anxious, and eagerly hopes that Jiraiya will take office as soon as possible. The main reason is to prevent accidents and Danzo from making things happen.

...... ...

After that, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu hurriedly pulled Jiraiya to announce his appointment as Hokage, and Danzo was too late to get the news.

I thought I finally had a chance to become Naruto this time, but I didn't expect to be cut off by Jiraiya.

"Sarutobi's funeral hasn't been held yet, so let's announce that there is something wrong with the next Hokage." Danzo took advantage of a face to find Mitokado Homura and the others.

Indeed, Jiraiya thought it was wrong, but Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu still convinced Jiraiya.

"Danzo, there is nothing wrong with this. The ceremony of Jiraiya becoming Naruto can be held slowly. What's wrong with announcing the news first?"

Mitokado Homura said calmly to Danzo.

This is determined, I must make Jiraiya become Naruto, Danzo has already seen it.

"Unexpectedly, you are all standing on Jiraiya's side, don't regret it in the future." Danzo threatened them with a cold snort.

"What do you mean, Danzo?" Utatane Koharu looked at Danzo with a cold expression.

This is threatening them, don't you think they are bullying, can you let you threaten?

"Huh, do you think it is a good thing for Jiraiya to become Hokage? You will know from now on, we are the ones in the same boat."

Danzo turned around and left. Although he wanted to kill these two guys, at least he couldn't do it on the surface, and he could only do it secretly.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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