After Ryu brought the Hyuga clan to Wunin Village, he handed over the arrangements for them to Terumi Mei.

Arranging the Hyuga clan does not require Ryu to come out in person.

It's just that the arrival of the Hyuga clan makes the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan very different, especially the Uchiha clan. The expressions of the Hyuga clan are a little strange.

In fact, I can understand that when I was in Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan and Hyuga clan had a lot of contradictions. Now the Hyuga clan suddenly came to them.

However, with Ryu's order, they would not do anything to the Hyuga clan. It must be impossible to bully the Hyuga clan.

"I didn't expect Wuren Village to be more prosperous than Konoha. Perhaps it is right to come to Konoha Village."

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Wunin Village. No matter where it was, it was no worse than Konoha Village. It was just that the water country where Wunin Village was located was overseas, and it was a bit remote.

If Wuren Village chooses to expand and start wars against other big countries, plundering the land of other big countries, such as previously plundering the land of Fire Land and moving Wuren Village to the inland, wouldn't it be dozens of times more than Konoha Village.

Thinking about this, Hyuga Hiashi's heart couldn't help but become hot. I don't know if I can persuade Ryu to let Ryu take action against other major countries.

If Wunin Village can unify the entire Ninja world, it will also be of great benefit to the Hyuga clan who joins Wunin Village.

Ryu didn't care about the Hyuga family, and didn't know Hyuga Hiashi's sudden ambition.

"Tsunade, I have something to tell you."

Kushina pulled Tsunade to sit down, and looked at Tsunade excitedly.

"I always think Kushina is doing something." Ryu glanced at Kushina, feeling that Kushina seemed to be doing something to death at this time.

"What's the matter?" Tsunade looked at Kushina a little impatiently.

"Cut, this is related to First Hokage and Second Hokage. If you don't want to know, it's fine, I don't want to tell you yet."

Kushina was upset by Tsunade's tone and turned her head directly.

Tsunade, who was not originally interested, moved in his heart. Seeing Kushina's appearance, there might be something really going on. It seems that it is necessary to find out.

"Konan, what happened?"

Tsunade didn't ask Kushina, but looked at Konan.

Because she knew that if she asked Kushina again, she would not tell herself easily without paying a price.

As for Ryu, he must also know, but if you ask yourself, this guy will definitely sell it, so let's ask Konan who will go to Konoha Village with him.

Regarding the matter of her two grandfathers, Tsunade also had to pay attention, but what made Tsunade wonder is that her grandfather is dead, how could something related to her grandfather happen again.

"Don't play cards according to the routine." Kushina's eyes widened. She didn't expect Tsunade to turn around and ask Konan.

"Will you tell me easily?"

Tsunade turned white and Kushina gave Kushina a glance. It's not that I don't want to play cards according to the routine, but mainly because I know you won't tell me easily.(Read more @

"Well, we saw First Hokage and Second Hokage in Konoha Village." Konan told Tsunade honestly.


Tsunade's face changed in an instant. He looked at Konan with some suspicion, not because he wanted to doubt Konan, but Konan's words were too incredible for her.

"It's Impure World Reincarnation, resurrected using Impure World Reincarnation." Konan looked at Tsunade's expression and immediately said to her.

Tsunade looked at Ryu immediately.

"Hey, what do you see me doing? It's not the Impure World Reincarnation that I am using."

After Ryu noticed Tsunade's gaze, he couldn't help speaking.

"Who did it? There are not many people who can use Impure World Reincarnation. The only person I can think of is you."

The only thing Tsunade can think of is Ryu, and no one else can think of anyone else.

"You know this person too. It's your former teammate Orochimaru." Ryu told Tsunade directly.

"Orochimaru, that bastard?"

Tsunade's eyes immediately showed a murderous look. This was playing with the souls of her two grandpas, which was naturally inexcusable to Tsunade.

"There is another news to tell you. Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead and killed by Orochimaru." Kushina told Tsunade again.

Tsunade's expression became complicated when he heard that, even if he had turned his face with Sarutobi Hiruzen, but now hearing the news of Sarutobi Hiruzen's death, Tsunade's heart felt very uncomfortable.

"Now, do you regret not following us to Konoha Village?" Kushina asked Tsunade with a smile.

"Kushina, are you gloating for misfortune?" Tsunade looked at Kushina, and the more he looked at it, the more upset he became. Kushina is here to glee for misfortune.

"Well, yes, I'm just gloating."

Kushina admitted directly, anyway, her strength is not weaker than Tsunade, and she won’t lose out if she really fights Tsunade...

And the idea in Kushina's heart is that she really wants to fight Tsunade, because Kushina has some itchy hands recently and wants to find an opponent to fight.

I was looking for Mikoto, but Mikoto didn't care about her at all. The only person to find was Tsunade.

"Aren't we very angry, or should we go out and play a game?" Kushina looked at Tsunade expectantly.

Tsunade ignored Kushina, why is she in the mood to care about Kushina now?

"Are you going to find Orochimaru to settle the accounts now? If you want to find him to settle the accounts, I will tell you where he is."

Orochimaru hides very deeply, but to Ryu, the place where Orochimaru hides is really no secret.

"Okay, take me to Orochimaru."

Of course Tsunade needs Orochimaru to settle accounts. He wants to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen. It is between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But he actually used Impure World Reincarnation to control her grandfather's soul, it has something to do with her, and Orochimaru must be taught a lesson.

"I will take you there."

Ryu directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel and bring Tsunade into it.

Ryu took Tsunade and left. Kushina stared at her with wide eyes. She wanted to follow, but the space channel had disappeared.

"Mikoto, I remember you can also use Huangquan Hirasaka, how about you take me to find Ryu and the others?"

Kushina looked at Mikoto.

"I don't have time, what are you going to do with you." Mikoto directly refused Kushina, and then began to do housework.

"If you are bored, you can help me with housework."

"Forget it, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have a lot to do."

When Kushina heard Mikoto say to help her with the housework, her face immediately changed. It was impossible to help Mikoto, and she slipped away.

Kushina slipped away, she was going to find Hinata, Hinata is now with Hanabi.

Ryu took Tsunade to Tanokuni, which was the site of Orochimaru, and Orochimaru is still here after retreating with Otonin Village.

However, it is estimated that he will not stay here for too long. This time Orochimaru offended Konoha Village and Sand Shinobi Village. Even the death of Fourth Kazekage Luosha was counted on Orochimaru's head. Sand Shinobi and Orochimaru Endlessly.


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