"Ryu-kun, and Tsunade, why are you here?"

Orochimaru looked at Ryu and Tsunade slightly unexpectedly, but the instinct in his heart felt a little bad.

"Orochimaru, it's not that I want to find you, but Tsunade wants to find you." Ryu smiled at Orochimaru, and then said to Orochimaru.

Then Ryu stepped back and stood not far away to watch the show. As for Orochimaru's subordinates, such as Yakushi Kabuto, they knew that there was no room for him to intervene, so they just stepped aside.

Looking at Tsunade's angry expression, Orochimaru knew that Tsunade was definitely not good.

"Orochimaru, are you using Impure World Reincarnation Summoning to get out of my grandfather and second grandfather." Tsunade asked Orochimaru directly.

After hearing Tsunade's questioning, Orochimaru also knew the purpose of Tsunade's visit. It turned out to be for this reason.

"Tsunade, don't you want them to be resurrected in the way of Impure World Reincarnation?" Orochimaru asked Tsunade.

"Shut up and die."

Tsunade was so angry that he squeezed his fist, and then hit Orochimaru with a punch.

Faced with Tsunade's fist, Orochimaru was not particularly alarmed. His body had been transformed for 28. Even if he was hit by Tsunade's fist, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Orochimaru may not be very good in other aspects, but it is still very good in terms of life-saving.

boom! ! !

Tsunade's fist completely destroyed Orochimaru's laboratory, and Orochimaru's body was soft and noodles were blown away by Tsunade.

"Huh, do you think I can't know how to ninjutsu?"

After seeing that the strange force fist had no effect on Orochimaru, Tsunade made a mark, and the trees on the ground gushed frantically, piercing towards Orochimaru.

"Wood Style?"

Orochimaru saw that Tsunade used Wood Style's pupils to shrink, and Tsunade's use of Wood Style was a little bit beyond Orochimaru's expectation.

"It should be the Wood Style that Uchiha Ryu helped her get."

I guessed about Ryu in an instant, but Orochimaru guessed right. If Ryu didn't get Tsunade's Wood Style Blood Succession Card, Tsunade would really not be able to get Wood Style Blood Succession Limit.

"It seems that I can only give up here."

Orochimaru looked a pity, not only gave up here, but even this body had to give up.

The body exploded in a blink of an eye, and then turned into a group of small white snakes and fled.

"this is?"

Tsunade was stunned by Orochimaru's means for a moment, and then the expression on his face was a little disgusting, and he kept away from Orochimaru in the past.

As long as women don't like snakes and cold creatures, Orochimaru's body has turned into countless little snakes. If people with intensive phobia come over, they will be scared to death.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Wood Style is frantically strangling these little snakes, but there are too many to clean up.

"Fire Style·The fire is extinguished."

Use Fire Style to ignite the trees made by Wood Style, and burn the place directly.

"This guy should be dead, right?"

After the flame went out, Tsunade didn't find any creatures, and thought that Orochimaru should be dead.

"No, Orochimaru ran away."

Ryu said to Tsunade because Ryu found that Orochimaru had escaped.

But now Orochimaru has transformed himself thoroughly enough and has completely developed into White Snake Sage. I wonder if Orochimaru is still a human being.

"This made him run away?"

Tsunade didn't doubt Ryu's words, but when Orochimaru ran away, Tsunade still felt a little unhappy.

"Will you continue to hunt down? If you want to continue hunting down Orochimaru, I can lead you to hunt down."

Orochimaru ran away, but no matter where he went, Ryu could find Orochimaru's trail, and he would never escape in Ryu's hands.

"Forget it, after all, I used to be a companion, so I will let him go once. If there is another time, I will take his snake skin off."

In the end, Tsunade chose to let go of Orochimaru. If Orochimaru was killed before, then he died, but Orochimaru did not completely die, so he is considered dead.

"Let's go back, I don't want to stay here for a moment in this place."

Tsunade smelled the unpleasant smell, and clutched his nose.

"This is not caused by you."

Ryu flipped through Byakugan and said, Tsunade made a fire, and it was burnt with the smell of snake meat. Ryu also found it unpleasant.

Then Ryu used Huangquan Hirazaka and took Tsunade to leave Orochimaru's base and return to Kirinin Village.

Not long after Ryu left, Yakushi Kabuto came here with a rather complicated expression.

"Is Orochimaru-sama dead?"

"Do, do you really want me to die?" Orochimaru's voice rang from behind Yakushi Kabuto.

Then you can see Orochimaru who is pale and very embarrassed. Orochimaru, who escaped from Tsunade's hands, was very embarrassed and almost died completely.

When Yakushi Kabuto saw Orochimaru, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then respectfully came to Orochimaru to help Orochimaru heal his injuries.

Although Yakushi Kabuto may not be so loyal to Orochimaru, Yakushi Kabuto will never act rashly until Orochimaru is completely dead.

"Master Orochimaru, shall we take revenge?" Yakushi Kabuto asked Orochimaru while using medical ninjutsu to help Orochimaru heal his injuries.

Yakushi Kabuto felt that according to Orochimaru’s character, he would find ways to avenge him. As for the identity of his former companion, Yakushi Kabuto estimated that Orochimaru would not care.

What emotions can a cold-hearted snake have, not to mention that this time it almost died.

Orochimaru glanced at Yakushi Kabuto coldly, and went to avenge Tsunade? This thought was directly dispelled by Orochimaru.

Even if he wants revenge, he doesn't have this ability. To seek revenge from Tsunade is to offend Uchiha Ryu.

Even if he is not afraid to offend Uchiha Ryu, can he beat Tsunade? Seeing Tsunade's Wood Style, Orochimaru is not at all sure.

This time the matter is forgotten. If in the future, he gets more strength than Uchiha Ryu and Tsunade, Orochimaru will definitely take revenge.

But if you can't get more strength than Uchiha Ryu, then this hatred can only be suppressed in the heart, and it is estimated that it will not come up for a lifetime.

"Pocket, don't mention revenge in the future, let people come in contact with Uchiha Sasuke, hoping to bring Uchiha Sasuke quickly."

Orochimaru's expression was a bit painful, pain from the soul, the body just now had been destroyed by Tsunade.

The body he is currently using is a temporary container, which is somewhat repulsive to his soul, which will greatly affect his strength.

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru, I immediately dispatched the four Otonin groups to bring Uchiha Sasuke over. According to Uchiha Sasuke's character, he will take the initiative to follow us and leave Konoha Village."

Yakushi Kabuto is very confident, because they have thoroughly studied Uchiha Sasuke, and now Uchiha Sasuke can do everything for strength.

"You will be responsible for this matter."

Orochimaru took a deep look at Yakushi Kabuto, and then left the destroyed base. Orochimaru had many bases. Even if one was destroyed, it would not be a big loss for him.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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