Konoha Village, after holding the funeral of Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya became the Naruto of Konoha Village.

Danzo strongly opposed Jiraiya's role as Fifth Hokage. However, there are too many people who agree with it, and Danzo can't help it.

"Jiraiya, should we talk about Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

Danzo said to Jiraiya with an ugly face.

Since there is no way to become Hokage, let Jiraiya be disgusting.

There is another reason. In fact, Danzo wants to grab Uzumaki Naruto and take control of him. There was no reason to do it before, but now there is a reason.

"I will take care of this, so I won't bother you."

Jiraiya said to Danzo vaguely.

"Jiraiya, you don't want to keep Uzumaki Naruto because he is your disciple's son? Nine Tails Jinchūriki must be caught back. I will use my method to catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki without your hands."

"I support Danzo at this point." Mitokado Homura took a look at Jiraiya and chose to support Danzo.

"I also support Danzo, Uzumaki Naruto must be caught back, and as soon as possible."

Utatane Koharu also spoke out in support of Danzo.

In order to prevent Danzo from becoming Hokage, the relationship between them is not friendly, but this does not mean that they have become enemies, there are always enemies.

"I know, but I will do it, and you don't need your intervention."

Jiraiya looked at Danzo with sharp eyes. As for whether Danzo can be stopped with sharp eyes, the possibility is zero.

Naruto will find it back anyway, he is not safe in the Ninja world, too many people are staring at Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

"If there is nothing else, please don't disturb my office here."

Jiraiya issued an eviction order to Danzo and the two advisory elders and drove them away.

After walking out of the Hokage office, Danzo sneered at Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu.

"Before you supported Jiraiya to become Naruto, now it seems that Jiraiya doesn't wait to see you." Danzo said sarcastically.

"That's better than you becoming Hokage..."

Mitokado Homura's expression remained the same. Jiraiya became Hokage, and they still have the right to speak. If Danzo becomes Hokage, I am afraid they will think about how to kill them.


Danzo snorted coldly, turned and left. He was going to send the ninja of the root organization to find the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto.

Although Jiraiya ordered Danzo not to intervene, how could Danzo not intervene honestly? This is the best chance to master Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

As for whether he can get Nine Tails Jinchūriki, this Danzo has never worried. Uzumaki Naruto is only twelve years old now, Danzo doesn't feel threatened.


"You came to Wunin Village to ask Tsunade to save your disciple?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu looked at Might Guy wearing a green tights and his signature watermelon head.

"Master Mizukage, as long as Master Tsunade can save Xiao Li, I am willing to pay any price." Might Guy gritted his teeth and said.

Might Guy's disciple Xiao Li is still the same as in the original book. He was seriously injured in the battle with Gaara and almost died. Now it is possible to give up his ninja career.

As for the person who can save Xiao Li, Might Guy can only think of the Konoha Sannin Tsunade, so Might Guy came to Wunin Village and asked Tsunade to take action.

"Really, if I want you to join Wuren Village, would you agree?"

Ryu solicited to Might Guy.

Hearing Ryu soliciting Might Guy, Terumi Mei glanced at Guy suspiciously. This man was nothing special, even a little funny, he was wearing such a melon suit.

However, being able to be valued by Ryu for solicitation shows that it is certainly not as simple as the surface.

There was hesitation on Might Guy's face.

"Sorry, Master Mizukage, I can't agree." Might Guy finally gritted his teeth and refused.

Although the relationship with Xiao Li is as close as a father and son, if he is asked to defect from Konoha Village and join Wunin Village, Might Guy feels that he can't do it.

"I knew you would refuse."

Ryu's rejection of Might Guy is not surprising, because Ryu had already anticipated it. It would be strange if Might Guy agreed easily.

"I promise you that I can help you save Rock Lee."

Just when Might Guy was lost and was about to leave, Ryu suddenly said.

"Is what Master Mizukage said true?"

Might Guy looked at Ryu excitedly, and knelt down to Ryu gratefully.

Looking at Might Guy who was crying excitedly, Ryu nodded and promised to help Might Guy rescue Xiao Li, mainly because Ryu appreciates Xiao Li.

Like Might Guy, Xiao Li has no innate talent and no plug-ins, but he relies on his undefeated will to get everyone's approval.

"You can go back to Konoha Village and bring Xiao Li over." Ryu said to Might Guy.

Might Guy doesn't have any comments, so I can't ask Tsunade to go to Konoha Village to treat Xiao Li. If that's the case, it would be too much.

"Thank you Mizukage-sir, I will remember your kindness, and I will repay it in the future."

This is not to say, Might Guy will really repay, he has treated Xiao Li as his son a long time ago, and Ryu's answer is a life-saving grace for him.

It took less than two days for Might Guy to take Xiao Li to Wuren Village again. If it weren't for Xiao Li's inconvenience now, his speed would be faster.

"¨" The injury was really serious. "

Ryu looked at the low-pitched little Li, the bones on his body were smashed and broken. If it can't be cured, he will need crutches to walk in the future.

"I don't know where Tsunade-sama is?" Might Guy asked.

"You don't need Tsunade, I can treat him."

Ryu said to Might Guy.

"Master Mizukage can heal?"

"Why, are you doubting my ability?" Ryu asked Might Guy with a chuckle.

It is not difficult for Ryu to treat Xiao Li's injury. Even if Xiao Li lacks arms and legs, Ryu can restore Xiao Li to normal.

"Then ask Mizukage-sama for help." Might Guy gritted his teeth and can only trust Ryu.

Mizukage-sama, shouldn't lie to him, this little Jōnin, although I have never heard that Mizukage is proficient in medical ninjutsu, but he shouldn't say anything.

Ryu also knows that Might Guy certainly did not fully believe (Lee's), after all, Ryu is really not well-known in medical ninjutsu.

But now Ryu doesn't need medical ninjutsu anymore, or Yang Dun is the strongest medical ninjutsu.

Using Yang Dun Chakra directly repaired all of Xiao Li's injuries. In just three seconds, Xiao Li's injuries were completely healed and returned to his peak state without injury.

"Me, my body."

Feeling the regained consciousness and full of power, Xiao Li's face was surprised, and he quickly moved his muscles and bones, and found that there was no problem at all.

"Teacher Guy, my injury has recovered." Xiao Li embraced Guy excitedly.

"Great little Li."

Guy and Xiao Li’s master and apprentice hugged each other and wept bitterly. Seeing Ryu has a black line, I have to say that these two masters and apprentices are indeed the best.

The corners of Terumi Mei's mouth twitched. Before, Ryu recruited Guy to join Wunin Village. Is he really suitable for buying?


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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