After Guy and Xiao Li cried bitterly, the two masters and apprentices thanked Ryu again.

"Thank you, Master Mizukage." Xiao Li said excitedly.

I thought he was going to give up his career as a ninja, but he didn't expect that when his injury was still recovering, he was so excited.

"After you have the ability, let's say thank me again."

"If you want to join Wuren Village in the future, you can come anytime. My Wuren Village welcomes you."

Ryu recruited them again, it was a good thing to succeed, but Ryu would not be too disappointed.

In fact, Ryu's recruitment is not because of their strength, but mainly to appreciate their tenacity. Of course, it would be better if they were not overly passionate.

Guy lowered his head and didn't speak, feeling a little embarrassed. Ryu, the Mizukage, had recruited him twice, but Guy still chose to refuse.

It's not that Guy doesn't know the current affairs. To tell the truth, Ryu is so excited to recruit him, he feels his blood is rising, and he feels that he is finally recognized.

But his feelings for Konoha Village are not so easy to let go.

In the end, Guy left with Xiao Li. When he left, Guy assured Ryu that he would definitely repay him for saving Xiao Li's life in the future.

"Ryu, you seem to value them? Why?"

Terumi Mei raised her curiosity and didn't ask the question last time. This time she couldn't help it.

"It's very simple, because they are ashamed of me in some respects."

Hard work. In terms of hard work, Ryu is willing to call them the strongest. Guy and Xiao Li have poor talents, but are they weak now?

If Ryu's talent is just like Might Guy and there is no cheat, then Ryu really has no confidence in surpassing Might Guy's achievements.

"I really don't see where they are so good, but I admire them very much in terms of funnyness."

Terumi Mei shook his head, but still didn't see what Guy and Xiao Li are worth paying attention to.

"By the way, this is the information about Akatsuki that you brought me to pay attention to. They don't seem to have changed, but the strength of Akatsuki should not be underestimated."

Take out some intelligence information and put it in front of Ryu, Terumi Mei and Ryu said.

There are a lot of S-rank rebels in Akatsuki's organization, and it can pose a great threat to any village except Wuren Village.

Ryu took a look at it. Akatsuki hasn't moved to implement the plan yet, but they must be coming soon.

"There are three of the nine-tailed beasts in Wunin Village. I don't know how Akatsuki snatched the three-tailed beasts from me." A playful smile appeared on Ryu's face.

Three Tails Jinchūriki is Yakura. Five Tails does not currently have Jinchūriki, and is controlled to stay in the village of Wunin.(Read more @

Six Tails Jinchūriki should have been Yu Gao, but he still chose to defect, but this time the defect was not so easy, he was taken out of Six Tails to kill him, and now there is no Jinchūriki in Six Tails.

"Ryu, since you know that Akatsuki is going to capture the tail beast, why don't you give other Shinobu village a notice?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

"Why should I inform them, you treat me as a good man."

Ryu turned Byakugan towards Terumi Mei.

"No, I want to tell other villages to get other villages to fight with Akatsuki's organization, and then we can pick up the bargain later."

Terumi Mei never thought of helping other villages. She wanted Akatsuki to fight with the other four ninja villages. After both lose, Wunin Village will come out to rule the entire ninja world.

"It's not necessary. In fact, it's better not to notify them, so that Akatsuki can beat them by surprise, otherwise you think Akatsuki can really beat the other four Shinnin villages."

Ryu didn't look down on Akatsuki, but Akatsuki really couldn't beat the other four Ninja villages.

Akatsuki's strongest combat power is Nagato and Uchiha Itachi, and Obito will certainly not be easily exposed.

Even with the addition of Obito, Akatsuki's strength cannot match the strength of the four Ninja villages. Nagato is at best a super-kage level. If the four Ninja villages are united, the four-kage group will be more than enough to deal with Nagato.

Uchiha Itachi belongs to the second and fifth sons. At a critical time, Akatsuki may be backstabbed by Uchiha Itachi.

Unless the White Zetsu army has already appeared, Akatsuki will definitely not be able to defeat the Four Ninja Villages.

"Yes, the Akatsuki organization is still too weak. I want to strengthen the Akatsuki organization."

Terumi Mei felt that Akatsuki's organization was a bit strong before, but now she feels that Akatsuki's organization is weak. This strength can't be matched by the four Ninja villages.

"In fact, the other four Ninja villages will not unite easily."

There are many contradictions among the big Ninja villages. In the original work, the five big Ninja villages can unite because the external threat is too great. Uchiha Obito had already caught seven-tailed beasts and an army of 100,000 White Zetsu.

"By the way, Ryu, Hyuga Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, had approached me and told me that if Kirinin Village wants to fight other Ninja Villages, the Hyuga clan is willing to give their full support." Terumi Mei and Ryu said.


Ryu looked at Terumi Mei suspiciously.

"Of course it's true, I don't have to lie to you."

Seeing Ryu's unbelief, Terumi Mei was a little annoyed that it was indeed true.

"Unexpectedly, the Hyuga clan hoped that Wujin Village would fight with other Shinnin Villages." Ryu was a little surprised.

"Actually, it's not just the village of Wunin. You are the head of the Uchiha family. You should be aware of the internal voice of the Uchiha family. There are other Wunin people who have the same idea."

Terumi Mei and Ryu talked about this, and Ye Cang nodded next to him.

"Do you also expect Wujin Village to start a war against other Shinnin Villages?" Ryu looked at Terumi Mei and Hakura.

"That's for sure, now our Wunin Village can clearly unify the entire Ninja world, why don't we do it."

Terumi Mei has never understood Ryu, why not rule the entire Ninja world with Mist.

"It's meaningless, it has ruled the entire Ninja World, and in the end, it's not about bothering me to manage it."

If Ryu really wanted to rule the entire Ninja world, he would have ruled the entire Ninja world more than ten years ago, but Ryu doesn't have much idea about ruling the Ninja world.

Strength determines his status. His strength is already the strongest in the Ninja World, and his status is naturally the highest. In that case, why bother to rule the Ninja World?

Well, it can also be said that Ryu is not enterprising.

But the realm is different, just like a person, never caring whether to rule a few colonies of ants.

"If you are willing to manage the entire ninja world, it's okay to rule the entire ninja world." Ryu said to the disappointed Terumi Mei.

Although Ryu is currently not interested in unifying the Ninja world, Ryu will not limit the ideas of others in Kiri Ninja Village.

"Really?" Terumi Mei's expression was somewhat surprised.

"Of course it is true, if you want to use force against other Shinobu Village, you can give orders now." Ryu nodded to Terumi Mei and said.

"Since you said that, you really have to plan." Terumi Mei got excited, and then pulled Ye Cang away from Mizukage's office.

Ryu looked at Terumi Mei, who was leaving excitedly, and shook his head slightly, and then immediately thought of one thing, they hadn't finished the tasks they had to deal with today.


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