When the major Ninja villages were taking actions for Akatsuki's goal to be the tail beast, the people of Akatsuki's organization also gathered.

"Boss, our goal has been exposed, do we have to take action in advance?"

Deidara asked the leader Payne, he couldn't wait, it was time for the whole ninja world to see his art.

"Sasori, Deidara, go and catch One Tail."

Payne glanced at Sasori and Deidara of the red sand, and said lightly.

The target is exposed, and it really needs to be shot in advance, and if you don't take it, there will be no chance.

"Kakuzu, Hidan, you go to catch Niu, you can go and ask for information about Niu Jinchūriki."

Then Payne looked at Uchiha Itachi. After removing them, the Akatsuki organization was left with Payne and Uchiha Itachi. Obito still hadn't come to the surface yet.

"Itachi, we figured out a way to contain the attention of other Shinobu villages."

God Payne said to Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Itachi did not refuse.

"Our goal is to expose it because of Wuren Village. Do you want to give Wuren Village a color first?" Hidan is very arrogant and doesn't pay attention to Wuren Village at all.

"Don't take me if you want to die."

Kakuzu stepped back and moved away from Hidan.

"Hey, when are you so afraid of death? I would like to see if Uchiha Ryu can kill me."

With the immortal body, Hidan is indeed a bit too arrogant, but even if he knows Hidan's abilities are weird, Kakuzu doesn't think Hidan can compete with Uchiha Ryu.

Kakuzu felt that only the leader Payne could compete with Uchiha Ryu by relying on Rinnegan.

Uchiha Ryu's strength has definitely reached the level of Uchiha Madara.

Well, this is what Kakuzu thinks, he can't guess how strong Ryu really is.

"I don't care about the matter in Wunin Village for now."

Tiandao Payne said to Hidan indifferently.

Nagato is very self-aware, and he doesn't think he has the ability to fight Uchiha Ryu now.

Sasori and Deidara of the red sand left, Kakuzu and Hidan also went on their missions, leaving Uchiha Itachi and Tendo Payne here.

"Uchiha Itachi, can you guess the purpose of Kirinin Village?" Tendo Penn's eyes fixed on Uchiha Itachi.

"Can't guess."

"But Wunin Village is definitely targeting the Akatsuki organization."

In fact, Uchiha Itachi was also contemplating the purpose of the Wunin Village at this time, and intuitively told Uchiha Itachi that the Wunin Village was definitely not just for the Akatsuki organization.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"No matter what purpose Uchiha Ryu has, I won't let him succeed."

There seemed to be a trace of anger in Penn's emotionless voice. Uchiha Itachi could easily detect it, but he didn't say anything.

"We want to make movement to attract the attention of the major Shinobu villages. How can we make movement?"

Uchiha Itachi did not ask Penn and Uchiha Ryu about their grievances, but instead asked what they would do next.

"Catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

Tiandao Payne glanced at Uchiha Itachi, and then said lightly.

Send out the news of the arrest of Nine Tails Jinchūriki, try to attract the attention of the big Ninja villages, if it is not possible, there is no way.

Whether Sasori and Kakuzu of the red sand can catch One Tail and Niu, it depends on their own strength.

When Uchiha Itachi heard Nine Tails Jinchūriki, there was not much fluctuation in his face, and he nodded directly to the Heavenly Path Penn.

For Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Uchiha Itachi does not have any burden. If Nine Tails Jinchūriki still belongs to Nine Tails Jinchūriki in Konoha Village, Uchiha Itachi might consider helping Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

But now Nine Tails Jinchūriki, but Nine Tails Jinchūriki, who has betrayed the village, does not have any burden on him.

When Nagato and Uchiha Itachi started their actions, the major Ninja villages also took action, especially the news of the arrest of Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

First of all, Konoha Village couldn't sit still at first. Neither Jiraiya nor Danzo could sit back and watch Uzumaki Naruto fall into Akatsuki's hands.

There is also Cloud Shinobi Village. They also have the idea of ​​seizing Nine Tails Jinchūriki for their own use. After Nine Tails Jinchūriki chose to defect, Cloud Shinobi Village has been looking for the whereabouts of Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

"Absolutely, the plan has changed, I need to go to Wuren Village."

Obito stood on a mountain, looking in the direction of Wunin Village.

This time Akatsuki's goal was exposed and disrupted all Obito's original plans. It seems that Uchiha Ryu wanted to interfere.

"I hope you don't have an accident."

Neither White Zetsu nor Black Zetsu dissuaded Obito, but Black Zetsu was very sad, and it turned out that his most worried thing happened.

Originally, all the plans were still under the control of Black Zetsu, but then there was a Uchiha Ryu.

"hope so."

Obito cannot guarantee absolute safety. It is absolutely dangerous to meet Uchiha Ryu...

Especially now that Uchiha Ryu's attitude has changed, what if he wants to stop Project Tsuki no Me? Exposing their goals this time is likely to target his plan.

"No matter who it is, I can't stop me from creating a world where Lin exists."

After secretly making up his mind, Obito went to Wunin Village. This time he went to Wunin Village at the risk of his life. The purpose was to discover the situation and the attitude of Uchiha Ryu.

After sneaking into Wunin Village, Obito didn't dare to go to Ryu directly. He intuitively told him that if he went to see Ryu directly, he might encounter Uchiha Ryu's hands.

So Obito finds someone to report first.

"Obito wants to see me?"

Ryu chuckled lightly when he got the news. He probably knew why Obito was coming to see him, but knowing that he knew, Ryu would definitely not see Obito.

"No, let him leave Wunin Village, otherwise he will stay in Wunin Village forever."

Where is Ryu interested in meeting Obito at this time? Besides, Ryu knows the purpose of Obito coming to see him.

Obito finally got the news, with a gloomy face, and came to Uchiha Ryu to look for Uchiha Ryu specially in the village, but he couldn't even see Uchiha Ryu's face.

But Obito didn't dare to attack, and Ryu ordered him to leave Wunin Village, and warned him to sneak into Wunin Village and kill him.

Kiri Shinobu is also Ryu's territory. Obito sneaks in casually. It doesn't give Ryu face, Ryu naturally doesn't allow it.

Obito couldn't see Ryu, so he had to leave. It was actually good for Obito to walk out of Wunin Village safely.

Fortunately, Ryu is in a good mood now. If Obito is unlucky and Ryu is in a bad mood, he won't have to go out of Wunin Village today.

"No matter what the purpose of Uchiha Ryu is, the plan must be advanced, and even the plan needs to be changed."

After leaving Wunin Village, Obito began to think about the next plan, but he didn't have any clues in his mind.

Three Tails, Five Tails and Six Tails are now in the hands of Wunin Village. This is also a problem for Obito. It is definitely not easy to get the Three Tails from Ryu.

As for the use of force to snatch, as long as Obito's mind hasn't gone wrong, he will never have this idea. The power gap is so big that there is no power to snatch, and he can only negotiate with Uchiha Ryu.


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