"According to the information obtained by Anbu, the Akatsuki organization has already begun to move, and the news that the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, will take action against Nine Tails Jinchūriki has spread throughout the Ninja World."

Terumi Mei reported some information in the Ninja world to Ryu.

"Listen to Kushina saying that you value Nine Tails Jinchūriki very much, won't you go and check this time?"

"Go, of course I have to go and see."

Ryu stood up and stretched, and now there is nothing wrong with Wunin Village, so it's better to go out and join in the fun.

"I want to follow, too." Terumi Mei said involuntarily.

"You want to follow along." Ryu doesn't mind Terumi Mei following along to watch the show.

"There are still many things to do in Wunin Village, forget it."

Terumi Mei glanced at some pending documents on the table, only showing a helpless expression, and then glanced at the hand-handling shopkeeper Ryu faintly.

"Thank you then."

Ryu went directly into the dark space channel and disappeared.

From the country of water appeared in the country of river in an instant, Uzumaki Naruto was in the country of river at this time.

After he defected, Uzumaki Naruto did not stay in the land of Fire, nor was he stupid. He knew that staying in the land of Fire was easy to find.

However, 28 his hiding is not so strict after all, so he was found by White Zetsu's clone.

"Nagato hasn't come yet?"

Ryu looked at Uzumaki Naruto not far away. At this time, Uzumaki Naruto also covered himself. His conspicuous yellow hair was covered with a hood, and his face was also covered by a demon fox mask.

After discovering Uzumaki Naruto, Ryu did not show up, but waited slowly.

Because Ryu has noticed that two people with powerful Chakra are approaching here.

"With Uzumaki Naruto's strength, it is unlikely to beat Nagato."

Ryu doesn't think Naruto can beat Nagato. Even if Nine Tails helps Naruto with all his strength, I'm afraid he may not be able to beat Nagato.

If the Nine Tails in Naruto's body are intact, Nine Tails will try to help Naruto, but it will be able to fight Nagato.

"Here, the show is about to begin."

What Ryu really cares about is not the battle between Nagato and Naruto, but the people who are attracted by this movement.

The news spread all over the Ninja world, so Ryu knew exactly what Nagato had made.

"who are you?"

Naruto, who had just finished eating ramen and was about to leave, looked at the two figures blocking him in front of him and became vigilant.

"Come to catch you."

Tiandao Payne, who was controlled by Nagato, said lightly.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It is worth mentioning that the current Heavenly Dao Penn is no longer Yahiko's corpse. The Heavenly Dao Penn made from Yahiko's corpse has been completely destroyed when he offended Ryu last time.

"Catch me, you are from Konoha Village."

Naruto's eyes turned scarlet, and the hatred in his heart came out again.

Feeling Naruto's hatred, Nagato, who was hiding in the dark, frowned, and the thought of catching Uzumaki Naruto suddenly faded.

Maybe you can change the way, not catch Uzumaki Naruto for the time being, first use Uzumaki Naruto's hatred of Konoha Village to deal with Konoha Village, and wait until there is no use value, then shoot Uzumaki Naruto.

Anyway, the tail beast needs to be sealed in order from One Tail, and Nine Tails is the last one to be sealed.

While Nagato was thinking about this, Naruto had already shot, and Rasengan slapped Heavenly Penn in the face.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

When Rasengan was an inch away from Heavenly Way Payne's face, the violent repulsion knocked Naruto away.

"We are not from Konoha Village. We came to you to invite you to join the Akatsuki organization. If you join the Akatsuki organization, I am willing to help you take revenge on Konoha Village."

The sudden change of mind made Uchiha Itachi's face slightly changed, but he did not speak.

"Why should I trust you?"

The vigilance in Naruto's heart remained unchanged. Nine Tails told him that they felt malice from them and that they had absolutely no good intentions towards themselves.

"You have no choice but to trust us."

Tiandao Payne slowly walked towards Naruto, and at the same time took out a black stick in his hand, Akatsuki's way to conquer the others was to beat the opponent first.

"Do you need my help?" Uchiha Itachi asked lightly.

"No, just watch it."

Nagato didn't feel that he needed help to deal with a Nine Tails Jinchūriki. He didn't let the other Payne act, but let the Heavenly Way Payne solve Uzumaki Naruto.

When the Heavenly Path Penn moved, Naruto had already had a tail beast coat formed by Nine Tails Chakra.

In fact, Naruto's own strength is not very strong. He is only twelve years old. Even though his experience is different from the original book, he is stronger than the original book, but at most he is the elite Chūnin.

However, with the addition of the tail beast coat formed by Nine Tails Chakra, Naruto's strength is stronger. Using the power of Nine Tails, it can definitely match the shadow class.

With the tail beast's coat shrouded in his body, Naruto was also affected by the tail beast, with cruel eyes in his eyes, and the thought of tearing the two people in front of him was born in his heart.

Stepping on the ground with one foot, several cracks were stomped on the ground, and then Naruto appeared in front of Tiandao Penn like a teleport, and the claws grabbed him towards Tiandao Penn.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

When he was about to succeed, he was beaten out again by Shenluo Tianzheng.

One trick is eaten all over the sky, and Tiandao Payne, who only uses Shenluo Tianzheng, is also quite strong, and most of the shadow-level powerhouses can't beat him by this trick.

Uchiha Itachi watched the battle of Heavenly Way Penn earnestly. He was recording information about Penn and understanding Penn's intelligence.

"Universal Pull."

Raising his hand to Naruto, he instantly pulled back Naruto who had been knocked out, and then he held the black stick and stab at Naruto.

This black rod was created by the power of Rinnegan and has the ability to disrupt the enemy Chakra. As long as it is stabbed, the Chakra in the body cannot be mobilized, which is similar to the Gentle Fist method of the Hyuga clan.

"Rinnegan's power, but this power is too weak."

Nine Tails sealed in Naruto's body also saw Rinnegan through Uzumaki Naruto. Of course, Nine Tails knew Rinnegan. After all, the old man of Sage of Six Paths owns Rinnegan.

"No, even weaker than me."

Nine Tails tells Naruto to find a way to escape.

In its heyday, Nine Tails is sure to use Naruto's power to fight the opponent, but it is now at most half a Nine Tails.

Naruto also received a message that Nine Tails wanted to escape, but Naruto couldn't escape even if he wanted to. He couldn't escape the gravity of Universal Pull.

The black rod easily pierced the tail beast coat formed by Nine Tails Chakra, and continued to pierce towards Naruto's body.

"Stop it for me."

A big flame bomb suddenly attacked Tiandao Payne. Faced with this blow, Payne could only temporarily let Naruto go and looked at the person who suddenly appeared to interrupt him.

After seeing who it was, Nagato's expression behind the scenes was a bit complicated. He didn't expect it to be his former teacher Jiraiya.

"Old Jiraiya... Fifth Hokage Jiraiya, you are going against me."

Nagato put aside the so-called mentorship, and now he just wants to achieve Yahiko's peace, and by the way, in the process of achieving the peace that Yahiko wants, he will revenge on Uchiha Ryu.

The hatred that Yahiko's body was destroyed has been etched in his heart.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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