Jiraiya ignored Tiandao Payne and Uchiha Itachi, looked at Naruto, and saw that Naruto was not injured at this time, so Jiraiya let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it ignored."

An anger grew in Nagato's heart, and Jiraiya ignored him.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

Since Jiraiya ignores herself, she can only use her own strength to find a sense of existence, and the repulsive force hits Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto.

Faced with this invisible repulsion, Jiraiya also suffered a big loss, being hit by the repulsion and smashed the wall.

In fact, Jiraiya is much more miserable than Uzumaki Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto is at least protected by Nine Tails Chakra, but Jiraiya does not have any protection.

"Itachi, go and deal with Jiraiya."

Tendo Payne ordered Uchiha Itachi, and then stared at Uzumaki Naruto.

"I gave you a chance. Since I don't want to join Akatsuki, I can only subdue you to extract Nine Tails from your body."

Just when he was about to start his hand, Tiandao Payne stopped suddenly and looked to the rear, only to see Third Tsuchikage Onoki and Fourth Raikage walking towards this side with people.

The face of Nagato, who was hidden in the dark, did not change much. The original plan was to attract the attention of the shadows of the major Shinobu villages. Now that they can be attracted, Nagato's plan is complete.

"You are the leader of Akatsuki's organization?"

Fourth Raikage looked at Penn of Heavenly Way, and stared at Penn's Rinnegan. Fourth Raikage also knew Rinnegan. Although it was the first time he saw him, he had seen it many times in the record.

"Fourth Raikage, Third Tsuchikage, you are all here to die."

Tiandao Payne said indifferently.

"Young people are very arrogant."

Oh Yemu is very upset with Heavenly Way Penn's words, come to die? Really think you can deal with them by owning a pair of Rinnegan?

This time, the shadows of the Great Ninja Village all cast aside their previous suspicions. Although they did not discuss in advance, they faintly united and prepared to deal with the leader of the Xiao organization Tiandao Payne.

"You are so lively, do you mind adding me?"

Ryu walked out of the dark. In fact, the place where Ryu hides is not a hidden place, but so many people just didn't notice Ryu.

"Mizukage is here too..."

Onoki looked at Ryu with fear, the most feared man in the Ninja world has also come here, whether it is for Rinnegan or Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Fourth Raikage is here for Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Of course, if you can snatch Rinnegan, Fourth Raikage will not be polite.

Oh Yemu is the same, both are here for Nine Tails Jinchūriki and Rinnegan, otherwise, how could he come here all the way?

After Uzumaki Naruto saw Ryu, there was a wave on his expressionless face. Ryu taught him Rasengan and multiple Shadow Clone Techniques. He still remembers this kindness.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu's appearance caused everyone to stop, and Fourth Raikage, who had originally planned to shoot, also let go of his mind to deal with Tiandao Payne.

Uchiha Itachi also stopped to shoot Jiraiya.

"Is he Uchiha Ryu?" Uchiha Itachi was a little skeptical. He was too young. On the surface, he was about the same age. It was hard to believe that this was Uchiha Ryu.

"Uchiha Itachi, are you curious about me?"

Ryu naturally noticed that Uchiha Itachi was looking at him.

When Ryu looked at Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Itachi felt that everything about him was seen through, as if he had no secrets.

Terrible, this man is terrible, even more terrifying than the masked man who claims to be Uchiha Madara.

"Mizukage's goal here is Nine Tails Jinchūriki or Rinnegan?" Ohnoki asked Ryu, inquiring about Ryu's purpose.

If Ryu came for Nine Tails Jinchūriki, they had no choice but to give up the fight for Nine Tails Jinchūriki. If it was for Rinnegan, that would happen. The leader of the Akatsuki organization directly gave Uchiha Ryu to deal with it.

But Oh Yemu was worried. Ryu wanted to have it all. If Nine Tails Jinchūriki and Rinnegan both wanted it, Oh Yemu really didn’t know whether to step back and give it to him.

"Actually, I came here to watch the fun."

Ryu had a showdown, he was just watching the fun, Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto, Ryu didn't have the idea of ​​inviting him to join Kiri Ninja Village.

Of course, if Uzumaki Naruto took the initiative to follow Ryu, Ryu wouldn't mind taking him to Kirinin Village.

As for Rinnegan, Ryu is useless. Will he take off his Nine-hook jade Samsara Tenseigan and install this Rinnegan? Obviously not.

"Uchiha Ryu."

Tiandao Payne stared at Ryu, and the black sphere slowly flew up into the sky from his hand, then folded his hands together, and a terrifying gravitational force exploded.

"Oh, Planetary Devastation, do you want to seal me inside?"

Ryu looked at the black sphere in the sky motionless. In fact, Planetary Devastation has one weakness, that is, this black sphere.

As long as the black sphere is defeated, Planetary Devastation is cracked.

Of course, this opportunity is only available at the very beginning. For example, now, the earth is fragmented and attracted by the black sphere, and the trees and rocks are all pulled by gravity, forming a spherical meteorite, which is still expanding.

"¨" Is this the power of Rinnegan? "

Onoki is very difficult. He uses the Super Aggravated Rock Technique to increase his weight to resist the gravitational pull of Planetary Devastation.

The radius of several kilometers has been destroyed in a disastrous manner.

"Die, Universal Pull."

Tiandao Payne rushed towards Ryu, and when he came to Ryu, he used Universal Pull to pull down the huge meteorite in the sky.

"To die with me."

Ryu knew Nagato's thoughts instantly, and if he died together with Ryu, it was obvious that Nagato had made a profit. After all, the most he lost was only a penny of heaven.

The Heavenly Way Penn, which is not Yahiko's corpse, is just a consumable item for Nagato. Even if it is destroyed, it can be replaced again.

"You want to kill me in this way, Nagato, you look down on me too much."

Susanoo, who hadn't used it for a long time, appeared, and Susanoo just stood there, just like a giant standing upright, giving people a sense of psychological oppression.

The light of the knife slid through, but it was just a cut, and the meteorite formed by Planetary Devastation was cut open by Susanoo, which was as smooth as cutting fruit.

"Cut it open?"

Onoki's eyes widened, and then looked at Ryu's complete body Susanoo in awe. This was the true power of God.

"Perfectly Susanoo, the real Susanoo?"

Uchiha Itachi looked at Susanoo completely and was silent. In front of the real Susanoo, his Susanoo was just a child, and I was afraid that he couldn't stop him with a single knife.

"Nagato, this is the last chance I will give you." Ryu said faintly to Heavenly Way Payne.

Afterwards, he controlled Susanoo to cut again, and this knife completely disappeared from Heavenly Dao Payne, and using Shenluo Tianzheng could not bounce off the level of the sword that Susanoo had cut down.

In fact, if Nagato controlled Tiandao Penn to use Super Shinra Tianzheng, it might be able to block it, but it would be useless to block it. There is a second cut to block it.


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