Akatsuki successfully caught two tail beasts, but it also angered Sand Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village. The angry Fourth Raikage immediately led people to the rainy country of Akatsuki’s nest.

It is a pity that the Akatsuki organization has been hidden in the dark, and it is really not easy to find the Akatsuki organization.

After calming down for a while, Akatsuki also sealed One Tail Morizuru and Niu Matatabi in the Gedo Statue.

"Boss, we're hiding here like mice during this time. It's too awkward." Deidara said to Payne unhappy.

Today's Heavenly Path Penn was created by Nagato once again found the corpse, and now the members of the Akatsuki organization know that Penn is actually just a puppet controlled by the leader.

They haven't seen the true face of the leader so far. In fact, this makes them feel very upset. As a member of this organization, they have not even seen the true face of the leader.

"If we catch the tail beast again, we can only catch Three Tails." Kakuzu said.

The work of capturing Three Tails, Kakuzu is reluctant to do it anyway, whoever does it may die. Although Kakuzu has been alive for so long, and First Hokage is a figure of the same era, it does not mean that Kakuzu is enough to live.

"Leave this task to Hidan~ Uncle."

Hidan waved the three-moon sickle in his hand arrogantly.

"It's best to meet Uchiha Ryu and sacrifice this guy to the evil god."

"Shut up Hidan, I don't want to die if you want to die."

Kakuzu glanced at Hidan coldly, wishing to kill Hidan this talkative guy now. What if he really gives them this task?

"Hey, old fellow, you are just scared. What is so good about Uchiha Ryu? Even if the whole ninja of Kirinin Village is together, I can kill it."

"It's really arrogant without knowing it."

Deidara glanced at Hidan. Deidara looked down on Hidan. Although his character was also very arrogant, he was not as self-aware as Hidan.

Uchiha Ryu is the strongest in the Uchiha family. He hasn't been able to beat Uchiha Itachi now, so naturally he is not sure to deal with Uchiha Ryu. Deidara feels that he wants to deal with Uchiha Ryu, and I am afraid they will go together.

"Someone will solve the Three Tails matter."

Payne said lightly.

The masker came to him on this matter and told him that he didn't need to intervene, and he would solve the matter himself.

Since ‘Uchiha Madara’ was about to take action, he left the matter to Uchiha Madara to handle it. Nagato didn’t want to hit the rocks with pebbles at this time.

"Give Cloud Shinobi Village a color first, and grab Eight Tails by the way."

Thinking of Cloud Shinobi's continuous pursuit of their whereabouts these days, Payne's eyes revealed an extremely cold murderous aura.

Others have no opinion on Payne's decision, and they are also very upset with Cloud Shinobi.

At the same time, Obito was anxious about how to meet Ryu after receiving the task of getting Three Tails from Kirinin Village.

He didn't dare to sneak in easily. Even White Zetsu didn't dare to enter the Wunin Village easily. He could only remember to go round and round outside the Wunin Village.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"What to do?" White Zetsu asked Obito.

"What can I do."

Obito is a little irritable. Uchiha Ryu is a great enemy. There is no way to deal with him. Obito feels that to deal with Uchiha Ryu, he can only be sure after becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

But the point is that Uchiha Ryu has three tail beasts under his hand. Without Uchiha Ryu's three tail beasts, Ten Tails would not be able to resurrect, let alone become Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

"Black Zetsu, Madara should be left behind to deal with Uchiha Ryu, right?"

Obito asked Black Zetsu.

Because Uchiha Madara said that Black Zetsu is his will, Obito feels that Black Zetsu can be regarded as Uchiha Madara to some extent.

"No." Black Zetsu said indifferently.

In fact, the most anxious thing at this time is Black Zetsu. After waiting for a thousand years, I finally had such an opportunity. Is it necessary to give up?

No, you can't give up. If you give up this time, you may have to wait for thousands of years, or even thousands of years, before you have a chance to save your mother.

As a filial son, Black Zetsu can no longer wait, and can't let his mother continue to suffer in the seal.

Obito was disappointed by Black Zetsu's words. If Black Zetsu could find a way, he wouldn't need to worry about losing his hair here.

"Or Obito, take a risk and enter Kirinin Village to meet Uchiha Ryu. We can't even see Uchiha Ryu. How can we negotiate with Uchiha Ryu."

White Zetsu urged Obito.

Obito stared at White Zetsu, with a murderous look on his body, and instantly made White Zetsu shut his mouth.

"Now I can only wait for Uchiha Ryu to see us."

The only option is to wait for Uchiha Ryu to meet them. They can't meet Uchiha Ryu. Without Uchiha Ryu's permission, they dare not appear in front of Uchiha Ryu.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Even Black Zetsu doesn't have the guts.

Black Zetsu is confident in his abilities, but if he is allowed to run in front of Uchiha Ryu, he will definitely not dare to die.

It is guessed that Uchiha Ryu definitely possesses the power of the sixth level. It is impossible to keep him outside the sixth level, but it is not difficult to reach the sixth level to keep him.

Ryu didn't know that Obito was worrying about seeing him when he was annoyed by some little loli.

"You want to learn the Gentle Fist method and go to Hyuga Hiashi, what to do with me."

Ryu talked to Hyuga Hanabi in an annoyed manner.

"Because you are better than my father, I don't care, you have to teach me anyway, or I will tell everyone that you bully me." Hanabi hugged her leg rascally.

"Oh, I really thought I didn't dare to beat you, believe it or not, I just beat you? Don't regret it."

..... ... 0

Ryu squeezed his fist and reminded Hanabi.

Hanabi's face changed slightly, feeling that Ryu was serious about squeezing his fist, and he really wanted to hit her.

"Please, teach me." Hanabi squeezed out two tears and pleaded pitifully.

"Well, call me Dad and I will teach you Gentle Fist?"

Ryu squatted down with a smile on his face and touched Hanabi's little head.

Hanabi's small expression changed directly, staring at Ryu angrily. It was too disgusting to call her father. Hanabi would never agree.

"If you don't agree, then let me go. I still have a lot of things to do. I don't have time to waste time with you little girl."

"Liar, I have been observing you for a long time, every day you are idle and panic, where there is something." Hanabi curled his mouth and didn't believe Ryu's words at all.

"Let me call your dad, and dad teach me the Gentle Fist method."

Hanabi had no ethics and secretly said sorry to his father Hyuga Hiashi in his heart, and then hugged Ryu's thigh to call his father.

"Okay, just call me dad by you, and I will definitely teach you." Ryu has no choice but to agree to Hanabi.

"This guy is so bad that he forced Hanabi to call him father, so should I let Hanabi call me mother?" Kushina whispered to Mikoto.

Mikoto glanced at Kushina and said that Ryu is too bad, but in fact you are not much better.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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