After being chased by Hyuga Hanabi and taught her the Gentle Fist method for a few days, he finally dismissed Hyuga Hanabi, and then Ryu started to do business.

First, Yakura was transferred back. Yakura was sent by Ryu to manage the one-third of the land that had been bitten down from the land of fire, and it has never been in the village of Wunin.

"Yakura, do you know what I want to do when I transfer you back?" Ryu asked Yakura.

"I don't know, I dare not guess what Master Mizukage thinks."

Although Yakura's appearance is similar to that of a child, he is very mature and will not pretend to guess Ryu's purpose.

"Tell you, I want to extract Three Tails from your body."

After speaking, Ryu looked at Yakura's expression and wanted to see the mood swings of Yakura. It is known that he will definitely die after being extracted from Three Tails.

Yakura's face is not pretty. After all, it is a well-known thing that the tail beast will die if he is drawn out. Does Mizukage-sama want him to die?

"If Mizukage-sama needs my dedication, I am also willing to dedicate my life." Yakura did not think about the idea of ​​resisting, because he clearly knew the strength gap between himself and Mizukage.

"Don't worry, I took out Three Tails and promised that you won't die, but you will lose Three Tails in the future."

Ryu smiled. Yakura's performance is still satisfactory to Ryu. If Yakura hears the news and starts to fight against him, then Ryu draws Three Tails and does not care about Yakura's life or death.

Yakura was relieved after hearing Ryu's words, Master Mizukage shouldn't lie to him, maybe Master Mizukage can really save his life.

As for losing Three Tails, compared to saving one's life, losing Three Tails is nothing to mention.

What's more, even if you lose Three Tails, it doesn't mean that Yakura's strength will drop a lot, and he does not rely solely on the tail beast to exert his strength.

"I'm going to do it, you are ready."

After speaking, Ryu broke the seal of Yakura and caught Three Tails.

Three Tails was about to roar, so Ryu controlled him, and cleverly lay motionless on the ground.

When Yakura felt that his vitality was beginning to fade, Ryu's Yang Yun Chakra entered his body to restore his lost vitality and save his life.

Even Ryu left Yakura with some Three Tails Chakra. Later, Yakura can be a pseudo-tailed beast Jinchūriki, such as the two brothers of the golden horn and silver horn, the pseudo Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

"I don't know what Mizukage-sama is going to do to Three Tails?"

Yakura couldn't help asking, Three Tails had been sealed in his body over the years, and Yakura had some feelings for Three Tails Isosuke.

"Some things don't need to be known so clearly."

Yakura understands what Ryu said, so I don't dare to ask more. As for Three Tails Isosuke, please take care of yourself. Yakura will leave here directly.

Then Ryu took control of Three Tails, met Five Tails and Six Tails, and let them stay together. Once they were all brothers, but now let them get together, they should thank Ryu.(Read more @

"You guys are my eloquent."

Ryu hasn't forgotten that super S-level mission, defeating Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and rewarding 1 million points and Zanpakukō·Ryusakuya after completion.

1 million points Ryu doesn't particularly care about it, but Zanpaku Knife·Flowing Blade is like a fire, this Zanpaku Knife that is so terrifying to destroy the world must be obtained.

To defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya must be resurrected. If the projection of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya drawn in the system is completed, Ryu does not need to be so troublesome.

Wanting to resurrect Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is also a hassle, but fortunately, Ryu doesn't need to do this. Black Zetsu will naturally do the calculations.

Use Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel and Ryu walks into it.

"It's been a long time in the country of water."

Ryu's voice rang from behind Obito. Obito immediately turned around and looked at Ryu vigilantly.

After seeing that the person who appeared suddenly was Ryu, Obito breathed a sigh of relief and finally saw Uchiha Ryu.

Sure enough, he couldn't hide anything about Uchiha Ryu in the Nation of Water. Of course, Obito didn't even think about hiding his traces, or even revealing himself brightly.

The purpose of exposing yourself is to let Ryu know.

"I know what your purpose is. I can sell all three-tailed beasts to you, but you have to pay the starting price."

Although Ryu also wants to resurrect Ten Tails and use Ten Tails to resurrect Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, he will never give away the three-tailed beasts for nothing.

In other words, it is a tailed beast, and it is a three-tailed beast. If it is given to Obito for nothing, wouldn't it be too generous.

"What you said is true?"

Uchiha Obito became excited. I thought that after seeing Ryu, it would be very difficult to get the three-tailed beast from Ryu. Who would have thought that Ryu would sell it to him.

If you sell it to him, you must buy it, even if you lose your fortune, you must buy it.

"Although I allow you to buy three-tailed beasts, the price you offer must satisfy me, otherwise, don't think about it. There is only one chance. Go and prepare..."

Ryu left after speaking.

This time, Ryu wants to squeeze out all the money of Akatsuki's organization. Kakuzu, a working model worker, should have made a lot of money over the years. Ryu needs all the money.

"Let's get back to the organization first."

Obito said with Jue, and quickly returned to Akatsuki's organization to get the three-tailed beasts as soon as possible to make him feel at ease.

"Obito, have you ever thought about it, what if the money we took out can't satisfy Uchiha Ryu?" White Zetsu asked Obito.

These words instantly silenced Obito. Of course he had thought about it. Even if he really took out enough money, Uchiha Ryu could be said to be dissatisfied.

It was even able to confiscate their money and let them get rid of the water.

"There is no other choice. Uchiha Ryu shouldn't play tricks on us. Now I can only take a gamble." Obito settled down.

Go back to find the members of Akatsuki. Akatsuki has now reduced its staff. Sasori of Red Sand is dead. Unlike in the original book, Sasori of Red Sand was killed by Fourth Raikage this time.

The Akatsuki organization paid the price of Sasori's death, causing heavy losses to Cloud Shinobi Village, and even the Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee fell into the hands of Akatsuki.

"You said you want to trade with Uchiha Ryu? You spent so much time, in the end the only way to trade with Uchiha Ryu to get the tail beast?"

Nagato looked at the masked man Obito plainly, his eyes very cold.

"It's the best choice not to conflict with Uchiha Ryu, just as I am showing face to the juniors." Obito's face is thick, and this can be said.

White Zetsu admired Obito deeply. Such a thick skin really shocked him.

Without knowing this, Obito would dare to say it in front of Uchiha Ryu. If he said it in front of Uchiha Ryu, I wonder if he would be killed.

"I promise to take out all the wealth that Akatsuki has accumulated, and I hope you can also bring back the three-tailed beasts."

Nagato said to ‘Uchiha Madara’.

"Kakuzu is in charge of all Akatsuki's money. Go ask Kakuzu for it."

Obito also knows that Kakuzu is in charge of Akatsuki's money. He came to Nagato, just to inform Nagato. In fact, regardless of whether Nagato agrees or not, this transaction must be carried out.


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