Ryu was very calm when facing Fourth Raikage, waiting for Fourth Raikage to speak out his purpose.

He can calm down, but Fourth Raikage can't calm down. Thinking of his righteous brother falling into Akatsuki's hands, he can't calm down.

Killer Bee will be caught by Akatsuki organization because it saves herself and Cloud Shinobi Village. Otherwise, it will never fall into Akatsuki's hands easily.

It is precisely because of the critical condition of Killer Bee that Fourth Raikage did not even recover from his injury, so he came to Wunin Village to ask for assistance.

"Mizukage should know what Akatsuki has done recently?" Fourth Raikage asked Ryu.

"Well, I heard that Akatsuki has attacked Cloud Shinobi Village and captured Eight Tails Jinchūriki. I deeply sympathize with your experience in Cloud Shinobi Village."

If he can ignore the smile on Ryu's face, he should really sympathize with Cloud Shinobi Village, but Uchiha Ryu's smile is a bit dazzling now.

Fourth Raikage feels unhappy, if he puts it in the past, according to his violent temper, I am afraid I can't help but do it.

Considering the power gap between the two sides and the power gap in the village, Fourth Raikage chose to be forbearing, just as he didn't see the smile on Ryu's face.

"Mizukage, the target of this Akatsuki organization is the tail beasts. There are the most tail beasts in Wunin Village. I am afraid they will attack Wunin Village next."

Fourth Raikage said to Ryu.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm waiting for them to come to Wuren Village, I'm afraid they won't dare to come."

Ryu smiled and said to Fourth Raikage. What does Fourth Raikage mean by saying this? Actually, Ryu knows it clearly, and it just wants to persuade Ryu to make a strong move first, and make a move against Akatsuki.

What Fourth Raikage didn't know was that the three-tailed beasts had already been sold by Ryu, and even if Ryu kept the tailed beasts, did Akatsuki dare to take action against Wunin Village?

Maybe it's really dare, but now there is no tail beast in Wunin Village, and Akatsuki has no reason to attack Wunin Village.

So they will not provoke Ryu, a powerful enemy, unless Ten Tails is resurrected, maybe Nagato will find him for revenge, but I don’t know if Nagato can see Ten Tails resurrected.

Fourth Raikage frowned. He didn't believe him. Ryu didn't know what he meant. Is this rejection?

"Mizukage, let me just pick it up. I want to invite Wuren Village to deal with the Akatsuki organization. I remember that the leader of the Akatsuki organization has some grudges with you. You want to see the destruction of the Akatsuki organization too..."

Simply point out that the leader of Akatsuki who owns Rinnegan is too strong.

I saw Uchiha Ryu use Susanoo to chop Heavenly Dao Payne into ashes with a single knife, and Fourth Raikage still disdains Rinnegan.

However, the battle with Akatsuki has allowed Fourth Raikage to recognize the strength of Rinnegan.

Desperately destroyed a few Payne, but was resurrected in an instant, and the other members of the Akatsuki organization were also very difficult to deal with, all possessing shadow-level strength.

Among the members of Akatsuki's organization, Hidan is also weaker, but Hidan relies on the immortal body and the curse of death by blood, which can kill the strong.

"Fourth Raikage, you just came here to use my strength to avenge you, but can you let me take a shot?"

Ryu looked at Fourth Raikage lightly.

"I know, you can't get you to act with just a few words."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Everyone is the leader of a village, not so naive, and Fourth Raikage is not unprepared.

"I wonder if Mizukage is interested in Shinobu left by Sage of Six Paths?"

Fourth Raikage is a bit painful. The ninja left by Sage of Six Paths was once held by the two brothers, the golden horn and the silver horn, but he finally found it.

"not interested."

Of course Ryu knows the so-called six ninjas, but it is of little use to Ryu, or even useless at all.

Fourth Raikage's expression stiffened.

"Are you really not interested?" Fourth Raikage asked Ryu unwillingly.

This is the ninja from the legendary Sage of Six Paths. Each ninja possesses special abilities. Even the strongest shadow-level players will be killed by accident.

"Do you think that with my strength, I need those waste things?"

Ryu asked Fourth Raikage faintly.

"I thought you were going to bring out something good to impress me, but I was so disappointed."

"Well, I know Raikage you are very busy, so I will not send it far away." Ryu motioned Fourth Raikage to leave.

Fourth Raikage stood here and didn't leave, and wanted to persuade Ryu to take action.

"Master Mizukage asked you to go. Are you still standing here and don't understand Master Mizukage?" Terumi Mei asked Fourth Raikage with a cold face.

Taking a look at Terumi Mei, who stared at him coldly, Fourth Raikage was annoyed. He was communicating with Uchiha Ryu, a Mizukage. What qualifications do you have to interject?

But after feeling the threat of Terumi Mei's body, Fourth Raikage held back for a while.

"I hope Mizukage won't regret it when Akatsuki is killed."

Fourth Raikage reminded Ryu.

"Regret? No one can make me regret it." Ryu's plain words contained unparalleled confidence.

Even if Sage of Six Paths came over, it was not qualified to make him regret it.

Finally Fourth Raikage left helplessly. After Fourth Raikage left, Terumi Mei asked Ryu: "¨"Do you really care about the ninjas left behind by Sage of Six Paths? "

The ninja left by Sage of Six Paths is a good thing. Why don't you agree? Anyway, you don't have to work hard when you take things away. Then Fourth Raikage can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Those endures are actually pretty ordinary."

Ryu doesn't need that kind of endurance.

"Then I will ask if Kushina is interested." Terumi Mei left Mizukage's office and went to Kushina.

"Kushina must be interested. It seems that Fourth Raikage's way back is not smooth."

Ryu felt that Kushina would be very interested, and he would definitely rob Fourth Raikage when he got the news.

With Fourth Raikage's strength, Kushina can't be beaten at all, and surrendering the ninja to save his life is the only way to survive.

On the other side, after Terumi Mei notified Kushina, Kushina was really interested in the ninja left behind by Sage of Six Paths.

"Ryu doesn't want it. He can give it to me if he doesn't like it. No, I want to grab the ninja from (Li Haohao)."

Kushina asked Terumi Mei about the whereabouts of Fourth Raikage, and then left immediately.

"If it's not for me, I have to go to the theater with Kushina."

Terumi Mei looked at Kushina's back and said involuntarily.

Kushina didn't go there by herself. She still took Konan together. In fact, Konan was originally not interested in following Kushina, but Kushina forced it.

Fourth Raikage hasn't left Wunin Village for too long. With Kushina's speed and information about Fourth Raikage's group, it is too easy to catch up with them.

"I heard that you have a ninja from Sage of Six Paths. I am very interested in this ninja. Show it to me." Kushina said to Fourth Raikage unceremoniously.

Fourth Raikage's face was darkened.

"Uchiha Ryu sent you here?" Fourth Raikage was angry.


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