Fourth Raikage used the Lightning Style Chakra Mode furiously, wearing an armor made of thunder and lightning, showing his murderous aura.

"Uchiha Ryu is really mean."

"Bah, it's the ninja I want from Sage of Six Paths. What does it have to do with Ryu?" Kushina said angrily.

Fourth Raikage didn't believe Kushina's words, he thought it was Uchiha Ryu who wanted Sage of Six Paths' endurance.

Saying that he was not interested in the six ninjas, and shot from behind, Fourth Raikage scolded Ryu in his heart.

"Hmph, Ryu is not rare with six ninjas, but I want the six ninjas in your hand. I'll give you two choices, either keep Genin gimmicks or stay together with your life."

With a cold snort, Kushina gave the notice coldly.

"Hell Spike·Four Benkanshou."

The strongest ninjutsu mastered by Third Raikage, Fourth Raikage, the son of Third Raikage, of course also learned.

Fourth Raikage, who shot towards Kushina, has already expressed his attitude and will definitely not hand over the six ninjas.

"Konan, those Cloud Shinobi will be handed over to you." Kushina said to Konan, and then used a strange force punch to strike Fourth Raikage.

Click~! ! !

The sound of breaking sounded, Fourth Raikage's four fingers were directly interrupted by Kushina's strange force punch, and the whole person was blown out by a punch.

As for the other Cloud Shinobi, the paper spear formed by Konan used paper escape to pierce the heart, and the breath disappeared in a blink of an eye, including two elite Jōnin.

Konan's strength is not weak, at least better than in the original, Fourth Raikage and Konan can't beat her.

"So unattended, I didn't expect you to be worse and worse than before."

Kushina looked at Fourth Raikage, who was lying on the ground and unable to get up, with disappointment in her eyes.

Kushina also played Fourth Raikage once, when it was in Konoha Village.

However, Kushina's strength has improved rapidly over the years, and now Fourth Raikage's injury has not healed, so Kushina can't get up with a punch.

If not dragged down by injuries, Fourth Raikage can at least fight Kushina with a few moves.

"I ask you for the last time, do you choose to hand over the ninja or die?"

Kushina asked Fourth Raikage faintly, if Fourth Raikage really refuses to hand it over, then kill him. Anyway, Wunin Village's current plan is to destroy the other big Ninja villages.

Now that the Fourth Raikage is resolved, it is treated as a threat to be removed in advance.

"This is a ninja."(Read more @

Fourth Raikage aggrievedly handed over the five ninjas. His life was more important than the ninjas. He had to rescue Killer Bee and couldn't die here.

"If you take it out early, you won't be able to get it. For the sake of my patience to rob you, I will spare your life."

Kushina got the ninja, and didn't shoot Fourth Raikage again, pulling Konan away directly.

Fourth Raikage, who had recovered his life, took a sad look at the bodies of the guards he had brought. This time he came to Wunin Village because he lost his wife and broke down.

The elite guard who followed him died, and the ninja was gone. The point is that Uchiha Ryu's goal of dealing with the Fu Xiao organization has not been achieved.

With injuries, Fourth Raikage left quickly, and was cautious along the way, for fear that Kushina would suddenly regret killing him again.

"I will avenge this enmity sooner or later."

When leaving, Fourth Raikage secretly vowed in his heart that he would take revenge if he had a chance in the future.

However, Fourth Raikage may never wait for this opportunity. The strength of Cloud Shinobi Village is not weak compared to other Shinobi Village, but the gap is too big compared to Wu Shinobi Village.

Kushina returned happily with five six ninjas.

The five ninjas are the golden rope, the seven-star sword, the red gourd, the banana fan and the amber bottle.

Do you think it is very familiar? Yes, it is the magic weapon of the Taishang Laojun stolen from the gold horn and silver horn in the pirated Journey to the West. The ability is somewhat similar, but it is more than ten thousand miles away from the original one.

The Amber Purifying Bottle does not look like a bottle at all, but a big tank, with the ability to be sealed as long as it responds to the holder.

Banana Fan, ignoring the nature of its own Chakra, can release five weapons of fire, water, thunder, and terroir at one time, which consumes a huge amount of Chakra.

The golden rope, the person who touches the golden rope will spit out the spirit of their common vocabulary.

The seven-star sword can cut off and curse the opponent's Yanling.

The Red Gourd, which holds the decapitated Yan Ling, can record and seal the Yan Ling. When the person talks about keywords, or does not speak for a long time, or if the pronunciation is similar to the keywords, they will be sucked into the gourd.

The Horde Gold String is used in conjunction with the Seven Star Sword and the Red Gourd. It seems to have a very good ability, but in fact it plays a very limited role.

It's okay to deal with ordinary shadow-levels, and it has no effect on super shadow-levels. Even if the enemy is sealed, it can forcefully break the seal.

What's more, it requires conditions to launch. As long as you know the effects of these stubborn tools, you will definitely not be hit.

"Kushina, you better pray not to be caught by me."

Tsunade looked around angrily, trying to find Kushina's trail.

Previously, Kushina used Tsunade to experiment with the ability of the amber purifying bottle, and then Tsunade was really sealed in, and then the amber purifying bottle was forcibly broken by Tsunade.

At most, the amber purifying bottle can trap the peak of the shadow level, but can not trap the Tsunade that can use the Sage of Six Paths mode to burst out of the six powers.

But Tsunade was very upset when Kushina teased him.

"Huh, it's very risky, it seems that I can't go home these days." Kushina fled to Mizukage's office, used Kagura's eyes to perceive it, and found that Tsunade hadn't killed it, and then relaxed.

"What have you done badly?"

Ryu asked Kushina, and at the same time glanced at the six ninjas in Kushina's hand. Kushina really snatched it from Fourth Raikage.

I don't know what happened to the hapless Fourth Raikage now, and whether Kushina would kill him.

"I didn't do anything, just that Tsunade experimented with the abilities of the six ninjas, alas, these ninjas are actually like this."

Kushina was no longer interested in the six ninjas in her hand, and threw it aside.

The amber bottle has been destroyed, and the red gourd must have no effect on Tsunade.

As for using the banana fan to release ninjutsu, hehe, it feels not as powerful as the ninjutsu released by herself.

Moreover, the use of this banana fan can't release fairy magic. If you can use the fairy magic, then the value of this banana fan may be greater.

"You should be thankful that you didn't experiment with me, otherwise I can make you cry." Ryu glanced at Kushina and said.

It is estimated that Tsunade should want to kill Kushina now. Kushina is quite dangerous. She dared to show up in front of Tsunade these days and absolutely must meet Tsunade's rage.

Actually, Kushina doesn't need to be afraid of Tsunade, but Kushina feels a little bit wrong. After all, she deliberately pitted Tsunade. If you really do it with Tsunade, you will not be embarrassed to start, so you can only avoid it.

Then Kushina asked Ryu not to expose her here. She is going to stay here for a few days and wait for Tsunade to calm down.


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