In the past few months, Akatsuki made a lot of noise again, and Obito caught Five Tails who had fled before and handed it to Nagato.

Then Nagato led Akatsuki to attack Rock Shinobi Village with all his team members. The targets were the Four Tails and Seven Tails of Rock Shinobi Village.

Seven Tails originally belonged to the tail beast of Takinin Village, but during the Third Ninja War, Ohnoki snatched Seven Tails from Takinin Village. Since then, Seven Tails has become the tail beast of Rock Shinobi Village.

As for the later protests of Takinin Village, it was of no use. They would protest at best, and they did not dare to turn their faces with Iwa~nin Village.

And this time Rock Shinobi Village was attacked, Seven Tails was snatched by Akatsuki, Four Tails Jinchūriki was not in Rock Shinobi Village, but was found by White Zetsu outside, and then easily-taken it.

"Hahaha, that old man Oh Yemu is going to be mad-he is going crazy."

Deidara laughed.

He is the rebel of Rock Shinobi Village and a disciple of Onoki, but Deidara often creates terrorist incidents in Rock Shinobi Village and is forced to leave Rock Shinobi Village.

After all, no matter which village, they don't want to have an explosive demon in their own house.

In fact, Deidara has no hatred for Ohnoki, and he is quite grateful to this teacher, but Ohnoki doesn't allow him to study the detonation clay, which makes him very upset.

At the same time, he was also very afraid of the old man Oh Yemu, he was very happy to let Oh Yemu suffer a big loss.

Attacking Rock Shinobi Village snatched Seven Tails, but Akatsuki was not without losses.

Hidan, the second product, was broken down by Chen Dun, and it should have died. Deidara's injury is not light, and Uchiha Itachi's pupil power is not small.

Even Nagato looked weaker than before.

Because Rinnegan is not Nagato's own, so every time you use Rinnegan, Nagato pays a lot of money.

If this continues, Nagato himself may die because he can't afford Rinnegan.

"Hurry up and seal the tail beast, the time left for us is running out."

Tiandao Payne said lightly, there is no time to rest at all, Cloud Shinobi, Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi are frantically looking for their whereabouts.

Although Konoha Village and Wujin Village didn't have any actions, they had to guard against them.

Now they still have a Nine Tails. Now Nine Tails Jinchūriki hasn't caught it yet. In fact, they can find the whereabouts of Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Uzumaki Naruto's whereabouts are not a secret in the Ninja world.

At the same time, Fourth Raikage, Third Tsuchikage Onoki, and the grandmother-in-law who temporarily manages Sand Shinobi Village gathered together.

Fourth Raikage's eyes are bloodshot. After losing his wife and breaking down from Wunin Village a few months ago, he plans to rely on Cloud Shinobi Village's own power to deal with Akatsuki.

The Akatsuki organization is so good at hiding, it is as difficult to deal with as a mouse, and it is difficult to find their tracks.

I used to know that Akatsuki’s nest was in the country of rain, but now Akatsuki has left the country of rain a long time ago, mainly because they are not fools, they will not stay in the country of rain.

"Ohinogi, tell me about your plan."(Read more @

Fourth Raikage said to Onoki.

"The younger generation should know how to respect the old and love the young." Onoki glanced at Fourth Raikage dissatisfied, and was dissatisfied with Fourth Raikage calling him by his name.

"I don't have time to talk about these now, and I don't want to conflict with you."

Fourth Raikage's expression is a bit sordid. It has been a few months since his brother Killer Bee was arrested. It is very likely that Killer Bee has been killed.

Well, actually Killer Bee is dead, and the tail beast was extracted by Akatsuki. Although Eight Tails wanted to save Killer Bee’s life and left a part of Eight Tails Chakra in Killer Bee’s body, he was still given by Akatsuki’s people. killed.

But Fourth Raikage doesn't know yet. As long as there is no news of Killer Bee's death, Fourth Raikage does not believe that Killer Bee is dead.

Because Akatsuki couldn't find the organization and could not save Killer Bee, Fourth Raikage's temper became more and more grumpy, and it exploded like a barrel of explosives.

"Well, we got together to discuss things about Akatsuki's organization." Mother-in-law Qiandai said.

I don't want them to fight, it is the most important thing for the mother-in-law to find One Tail now.

Now that Sand Shinobi Village has not selected the next Fengying, and has not found a suitable one, it must retrieve One Tail as soon as possible. One Tail is at least a deterrent.

"Huh, the old man doesn't care about you."

With a cold snort, Oh Yemu found a step down.

"The Akatsuki organization is very hidden, and it is difficult to find them in hiding."

"It's up to you." Fourth Raikage said full of gunpowder, and it didn't give Oh Yegi any face. Oh Yemu's face was as ugly as it was.

"If you don't want to hear Raikage, you can go." Onoki said angrily.

Fourth Raikage glanced at Ohnoki, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. Forget it, let's see what Ohnoki has.

"Who made Akatsuki hide deep, but we know that their goal is the tail beast. Now we only have to find Nine Tails Jinchūriki. After catching Nine Tails Jinchūriki, we can wait for Akatsuki to take the bait."

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Onoki didn’t care about Fourth Raikage. He told his plan that he needed Cloud Shinobi’s help to deal with Akatsuki. Because he needed Cloud Shinobi’s help, Onoki endured it.

"I also contacted Danzo about this matter, and Danzo will also take action."

"Danzo shot? Where's Fifth Hokage Jiraiya?" Mother-in-law Chidai asked Ohnoki.

Jiraiya is the key. Danzo can't represent Konoha Village. Now the Naruto of Konoha Village is Jiraiya not Danzo.

"You can't let Fifth Hokage participate. Don't forget the identity of Fifth Hokage. His relationship with Nine Tails Jinchūriki is too close. You may not agree that we use Nine Tails Jinchūriki as bait."

Onoki's words were approved by the thousand-generation mother-in-law, and it would be nice to have one more Danzo to join.

..... ... ...

It's just that for Danzo, the thousand-generation mother-in-law has no good feelings, mainly because Danzo's personality is too insidious, and he must be careful to be calculated when working with him.

"You should know the whereabouts of Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Without further ado, we will set off today to catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto."

Onoki's proposal, Fourth Raikage and Chi-dai mother-in-law, both nodded and agreed.

They went to catch Uzumaki Naruto, but they didn't take many people. It didn't make much sense for ordinary ninjas to take it. They just took some elites to take action.

Uzumaki Naruto is able to use the power of Nine Tails to play a strength comparable to that of the movie class, but it can't beat Ohnoki and the others.

Onoki, Fourth Raikage, Danzo, and a thousand-year-old mother-in-law, a total of four movie-level shots against Uzumaki Naruto, nowhere can Uzumaki Naruto, who is less than thirteen years old, be able to stop them.

It was useless for Nine Tails to help him, they naturally prepared everything, and finally Uzumaki Naruto was caught.

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki, let the old man take care of it." Danzo said.

After taking down Uzumaki Naruto, Danzo wanted to take Uzumaki Naruto in his own hands. Who made Nine Tails Jinchūriki as bait, but Danzo also wanted Nine Tails afterwards.

"Huh, can you give you such an important bait?" Fourth Raikage snorted coldly.

He knows what Danzo is. If you give it to Danzo, Fourth Raikage doesn't worry at all, and Oh Nogi and Chiyo's mother-in-law don't worry Danzo.

After finally discussing it, it was announced that the four companies would send someone to take care of Uzumaki Naruto at the same time, and no one should even think about making minor moves.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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