"The eight-tailed beasts have been successfully sealed, and now there is only one Nine Tails left."

Obito looked at Nagato and said faintly, with excitement mixed in his tone, Project Tsuki no Me will not be completed soon, he wants to create a beautiful world with Lin's existence.

Then a cold light flashed in Obito's eyes, Nagato was useless now, and Nagato was not needed for the final plan.

The meaning of Nagato's existence is to resurrect Uchiha Madara, but Obito does not want to resurrect Uchiha Madara now. Obito already has his own selfish mind.

He feels that even if Uchiha Madara is not resurrected, he will be able to complete the follow-up plan, and if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, it is not him who holds the initiative.

"The imprisonment charm in the body must also be cracked."

Although Uchiha Madara is not going to be resurrected, it is difficult to guarantee that Uchiha Madara has other successors, so the imprisonment charm must be cracked.

If this imprisonment charm always exists, Uchiha Madara can easily control him.

It's okay if Uchiha Madara is not resurrected. If he is resurrected, he will not have any resistance against Uchiha Madara.

"According to the information investigated by White Zetsu, Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto is in the hands of Onoki and the others. It seems that they are waiting for us to take the initiative."

Obito let go of the many thoughts in his mind and calmly said to Nagato.

It's time for Nagato to give play to the last remaining heat. After catching Nine Tails Jinchūriki, it's time for Nagato to die.

"My plan is for you to take everyone from Akatsuki to snatch Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and then we will resurrect Ten Tails to achieve peace."

"I will do it."

Nagato glanced at Obito lightly, but he had already noticed that Obito was wrong.

From the very beginning, he knew that the man who claimed to be Uchiha Madara was plotting wrongdoing, and now at the last moment, the other party may show his minions.

The next step is not only to capture Nine Tails, but also to be careful of the masked person in front of him.

"Could it be true that what Konan asked me to say was true?"

Nagato put his hand in his eye socket, feeling a little complicated.

Over the years, Nagato has discovered that perhaps these eyes are really not his own, and the cost of using Rinnegan is too great.

"I'm leaving first, and wait for you to return with Nine Tails."

Obito used Kamui to leave. Obito left to try to get rid of the curse mark in his body. Because the curse mark was on his heart, and he couldn't remove the curse mark by himself, it was very troublesome.

After Obito left, Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne to take him, and met the members of Akatsuki's organization for the first time with their real identity.

"Are you really our leader?"

Deidara looked suspiciously at the yellow and thin Nagato in front of her, who looked too sick.

When Uchiha Itachi saw Nagato, his expression fluctuated a little, and then returned to indifferent calm.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It's completely different from what I imagined."

Kakuzu was also surprised by Nagato in front of him, but did not question his true identity.

"The final action is about to begin, but before the plan begins, let's find Orochimaru." Nagato announced aloud.

"What are you going to do with the traitor Orochimaru?" Kakuzu asked involuntarily, disliked Orochimaru, after all, Orochimaru had betrayed the Akatsuki organization in the first place.

"Ask him for help."

The more you get to the end, the more you have to be safe, not to mention that Nagato is not as confident and arrogant as in the original book, mainly because he was beaten by Ryu more often.

Although he felt that he could get rid of Ohnoki and the others and catch Nine Tails, but accidents were not impossible.

In fact, Nagato doesn't care about the strength of Orochimaru. What Nagato cares about is Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation Technique.

If Orochimaru is allowed to use Impure World Reincarnation Technique, maybe he can find some good helpers. As for whether Orochimaru will refuse, Nagato has never thought about this question.

Even if Orochimaru refuses, Nagato will definitely use force to get Orochimaru to agree.

Dispatch White Zetsu to look for Orochimaru's traces. Originally, White Zetsu had spied on the traitor Orochimaru, so it was not difficult to find Orochimaru.

A secret base in the territory of Tanokuni, today ushered in uninvited guests, Nagato brought Uchiha Itachi, Deidara and Kakuzu here.

"Orochimaru, do I need me to invite you out myself?" Nagato said coldly.

"Hi~! Are you Payne?"

Orochimaru walked out of the dark slowly, staring at Nagato with dark yellow pupils, and asked with questions.

"Orochimaru, I give you two choices, one is death, and the other helps us catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki."

"Are you threatening me?"

The shocking chill was released from Orochimaru, anyone would be upset when threatened, and Orochimaru's character was even less willing to be threatened.

So Orochimaru had murderous intent in his eyes.

"Yes, I was threatening you." Nagato said coldly.

Taking a deep breath, Orochimaru's reason prevailed, and he played with Payne. The chance of him winning is negligible. Moreover, Payne is not the only one in front of him, and Uchiha Itachi, who makes him afraid.. ...... ..

As for Kakuzu and Deidara, in Orochimaru's eyes, they are nothing to worry about.

"Pen, Ryu-kun seems to take Uzumaki Naruto very seriously. Are you sure you want to shoot Uzumaki Naruto?" Orochimaru stared at Nagato and said.

"You don't need to worry about this. Now your choice is to help me or not to help me."

Nagato won't care about Orochimaru's words. If Uchiha Ryu really cares about Uzumaki Naruto, he won't let Uzumaki Naruto run around in the ninja world.

"I promise you, as if I had accepted Akatsuki's favor in the first place."

Orochimaru finally agreed, and the main reason was to admit it. Although it was certain to escape from them, the Orochimaru base was very important.

The container of Uchiha Sasuke is in this base. He can run away, but Uchiha Sasuke can't. Orochimaru doesn't want to lose this container.

"Smart choice."

Nagato was quite satisfied with Orochimaru's promise, but even though Orochimaru agreed, his willingness to contribute depends on his subsequent pressure.

"Uchiha Itachi, I am going to kill you."

A roar of resentment came from behind Orochimaru, and then a cold blade of light slashed towards Uchiha Itachi.


A kunai blocked the cut long knife, Uchiha Itachi indifferently looked at the figure in front of him staring at him with hatred.

Only Uchiha Sasuke could hate him so much. After seeing Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke rushed towards Uchiha Itachi without reason.

"You still haven't grown much." Uchiha Itachi looked at Uchiha Sasuke calmly and indifferently, facing Sasuke without any extra expressions, as if he really didn't care about Uchiha Sasuke.

"Oh, is this guy Itachi's younger brother? It's far behind Itachi." Deidara stared at Uchiha Sasuke and shook his head disappointedly, both in strength and personality.

Uchiha Itachi is the opponent Deidara wants to defeat, but Uchiha Sasuke he doesn't like it at all.

"Itachi-san sees his younger brother, don’t you have anything to say?" Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Itachi playfully. Although Uchiha Itachi was calm, Orochimaru had already sensed Uchiha Itachi’s emotions. He was not so calm. .


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