Uchiha Itachi glanced at Orochimaru. In fact, Uchiha Itachi knew that Sasuke was in Orochimaru for a long time.

In fact, Uchiha Itachi has been paying attention to Uchiha Sasuke over the years, and he is also aware of Orochimaru's plot against Sasuke, but he has not interfered.

It's not bad to let Orochimaru train Uchiha Sasuke, as long as you wait for Orochimaru to take action at the last moment to prevent his plan from succeeding.

"Monthly reading."

Taking a look at Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi relentlessly used the monthly reading to pull him into the illusion space, and then he abused him.

"As expected of Itachi-san, he shows no mercy to his brother."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Sasuke who fell to the ground and passed out, and was very satisfied with what Uchiha Itachi did.

What Uchiha Itachi does will only make Uchiha Sasuke hate him more, and will do everything to become stronger. Orochimaru cultivates Uchiha Sasuke, just to get a powerful container.

"Pocket, take him in."

Orochimaru commanded the respectful Yakushi Kabuto.

By the way, check if there is anything wrong with Uchiha Sasuke. There is nothing wrong with this container. Although I think Uchiha Itachi will not be killed, but who knows if Uchiha Itachi will suddenly go crazy.

Confirming that Uchiha Sasuke is nothing serious about this container, it's just that he was traumatized, and Orochimaru was relieved.

"How do you need me to help you?"

Orochimaru asked Nagato.

"Impure World Reincarnation, I need you to use Impure World Reincarnation to revive a large number of powerful people."

Nagato stated the purpose decisively, but Orochimaru did not refuse, using Impure World Reincarnation Technique, this is ok, anyway, he won't lose any.

However, for Impure World Reincarnation, graves need to be digged, at least part of the body of the deceased must be used, and a container for the soul of the deceased is also needed.

This container is easy to find. For example, the clone of White Zetsu is the best container.

As for the things that Impure World Reincarnation needs, I give them all to White Zetsu. White Zetsu is very good at digging graves.

"I hope that Impure World Reincarnation will produce First Hokage and Second Hokage."

Orochimaru frowned and looked at Nagato. Just now, Nagato proposed that Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation resurrect First Hokage and Second Hokage. Because Orochimaru had already passed Impure World Reincarnation before, Nagato knew that Orochimaru could bring them out of Impure World Reincarnation immediately.

"I can agree to other people in Impure World Reincarnation, but First Hokage and Second Hokage are fine."

Thinking of the last time Tsunade was almost killed, Orochimaru would no longer offend Tsunade.

"If you are willing to offend Ryu-kun and Wunin Village, I can bring them out of Impure World Reincarnation, but you will bear the consequences."

Orochimaru had something strange on his face, while staring at Nagato closely.

The unpredictable Penn, have the guts to offend Uchiha Ryu?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Impure World Reincarnation First Hokage and Second Hokage, what does it have to do with Uchiha Ryu?" Nagato couldn't help asking.

"Payne, have you forgotten Tsunade? Last time I had a lot of effort to escape from Tsunade's hands."

When Orochimaru thought of the last time Tsunade had killed him, he couldn't help but feel a little palpitating. At the same time, he was a little envious of Tsunade, the powerful force of Wood Style Tsunade had been obtained.

"You should know the relationship between Tsunade and Ryu, Payne. To offend Tsunade is to offend Uchiha Ryu. I don't have the strength to fight Kirinin Village."

"I will take care of it if something goes wrong."

Nagato spoke to Orochimaru lightly.

As long as you catch Nine Tails, you will be able to resurrect Ten Tails. It should be no problem to deal with Uchiha Ryu with the power of Ten Tails.

Nagato has decided that after Ten Tails is resurrected, he will control Ten Tails to find Uchiha Ryu for revenge.

"Sorry, I still can't help you."

Orochimaru refused again. Although Nagato said that he was responsible for it, Orochimaru didn't think Nagato, the leader of Akatsuki's organization, could bear it.

Akatsuki’s recent events Orochimaru knows all about it. Being chased and killed by several large Shinobu villages, hiding and not daring to see people, it’s definitely not as good as Uchiha Ryu.

What's more, even if you throw all the pot to Payne, Tsunade will really let him go? impossible.

"In that case, forget it."

Losing the two combat powers of First Hokage and Second Hokage will not be affected too much. The power from other historical movies, Impure World Reincarnation, is also enough to take down Nine Tails.

Let Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation produce some strong players just for the sake of safety. In fact, Nagato is confident that even if he does not need the power of the strong players from Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation, he can catch Nine Tails.

Because time is tight, there is not much time to collect so many corpses, so Orochimaru is just Impure World Reincarnation coming out Second Tsuchikage, Third Kazekage, Fourth Kazekage.

Speaking of which, Third Kazekage is also unlucky. It was originally assassinated by Sasori and made into a puppet, but now it is controlled by Orochimaru by Impure World Reincarnation.

Today, Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation Technique is much better than before, and the people who come out of Impure World Reincarnation can exert stronger power.

"lets go."

Nagato controlled the human world, Payne walked behind, staring at Orochimaru.

This time, let Orochimaru help, more by persecution, so Nagato also worried that Orochimaru would stabbed in the back.

After catching Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto in the country of rain, Onoki, they imprisoned him in the country of rain and waited for Akatsuki to deliver him.

"Ohinogi, you released Naruto."

Jiraiya angrily brought people over. Although he tried to hide this matter, he finally knew it.

"Naruto belongs to Konoha Village, so you can't handle it."

"Jiraiya, he has betrayed Konoha Village and doesn't belong to Konoha Village anymore," Ohnoki said lightly.

It is impossible to let go of Naruto, otherwise, are there other baits?

In the end, Jiraiya failed to take Naruto. Fourth Raikage, Onoki, Mother-in-law, and Danzo were all opposed. What can he do?

Is it going against Cloud Shinobi Village, Sand Shinobi Village and Rock Shinobi Village? Jiraiya wants to turn his face, but he needs to consider the safety of Konoha Village.

"I hope you don't hurt Naruto."

With a sigh, I can only hope that Naruto can survive this game safely.

Jiraiya got involved, and Akatsuki really needed to deal with it. At the same time, Jiraiya talked to Danzo for a while, but finally broke up.

"Oh Nogi, are you sure that Akatsuki's people will definitely come?" The grandmother thousand generations asked Oh Nogi.

She thinks it is unlikely that Akatsuki will come. Will she step in if she knows there is a conspiracy? As long as Akatsuki's leader is not stupid, he knows that there is a conspiracy.

"Their target is the tail beast, I don't think they will give up Nine Tails."

In fact, Ohnogi is not sure that Akatsuki will really come. I hope Akatsuki will take the bait. If Akatsuki doesn't get the bait, Ohnoki has no choice but to continue to find Akatsuki in the old way.

The grandmother Qiandai sighed and waited slowly. If Akatsuki didn't get the bait this time, she would find them even if she rummaged through the entire Ninja World, and snatch One Tail Shouhe back.

Fourth Raikage was more anxious than the two of them. While waiting for Akatsuki to take the bait, Fourth Raikage did not forget to send Cloud Shinobi to look for Akatsuki's whereabouts.


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