"Orochimaru, control them first."

Nagato has brought the people from Akatsuki to the Rain Country and found the place where Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto is imprisoned.

This is a trap, and Nagato also knows that, so Nagato does not intend to let his own people take the initiative, intends to let Orochimaru send Second Tsuchikage, Third Kazekage and Fourth Kazekage from Impure World Reincarnation to explore the bottom.

Of course Orochimaru would not refuse, and it was not him who rushed up anyway. The people who came out of Impure World Reincarnation were not afraid of being killed at all. Even if they were beaten to death, they could be resurrected.

At the beginning of the attack, under the control of Orochimaru, Third Kazekage and Fourth Raikage used Magnet Style at the same time, and a large-scale attack ninjutsu attacked Ohnoki and the others.

"finally come."

Onoki was a little excited, and it was worthwhile for them to wait so long.

Mother-in-law Qiandai's face was not very good-looking, and the excitement on her face disappeared instantly after Ohnoki saw the incoming person, and she looked particularly ugly.

"Master Second Tsuchikage."

Onoki looked at his teacher Wu, his angry face turned into pig liver color, his teacher was released by Impure World Reincarnation.

The mother-in-law of the thousand generations is actually even more miserable here. The two wind shadows were passed out by Impure World Reincarnation and Sand Shinobi Village might be embarrassed.

"As far as I know, there is only one Orochimaru who can Impure World Reincarnation Technique."

Fourth Raikage looked at Jiraiya and Danzo, saying this was to help Jiraiya and Danzo deliberately pull hatred.

Danzo's face was calm. Anyway, what went wrong was when Hokage was in front of him. He is not Hokage now. Jiraiya will take care of this matter.

Jiraiya glanced at the unkind Fourth Raikage, and at this time he even deliberately gave him hatred.

"The people who come out of Impure World Reincarnation can't be killed by conventional means, and they have inexhaustible Chakra and physical strength, so we still think of a way to solve these three Impure World Reincarnation shadows."

Jiraiya changed the subject.

"In addition, Fourth Raikage should really want to rescue his righteous brother. In this case, we should work together so that we can rescue Killer Bee."

This is a reminder to Fourth Raikage that the biggest enemy now is Akatsuki, not fighting each other.

Fourth Raikage was silent for a moment when he heard the words. Indeed, the most important thing for him is to rescue Killer Bee.

"The old man thinks Killer Bee should be dead..."

At this time, Danzo poured oil on the fire of Fourth Raikage.

"Old Danzo, what did you say?" Fourth Raikage stared at Danzo furiously, already wearing the armor of Lightning Style Chakra.

"There is no place for you to speak here."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Jiraiya stared at Danzo coldly, deliberately provoking Fourth Raikage, not knowing Danzo's intentions, anyway, Jiraiya does not want to provoke Fourth Raikage now.

"Even when Sarutobi was alive, he didn't dare to talk to me like this."

Danzo's face is ugly. Jiraiya's words are completely slapped Danzo's face. It would be weird if Danzo has no emotions.

"This is not the time for conflict."

The mother-in-law of the thousand generations is angry, this is a group of things, the enemy is right in front of her, first engage in infighting by herself.

Soon, Jiraiya and the others didn't have time to quarrel with each other, because Impure World Reincarnation's Third Kazekage and Fourth Kazekage had already been killed, and Onoki focused on Second Tsuchikage.

"Be careful of Master Second Tsuchikage's dust escape."

Onoki reminded them of Fourth Raikage that they were companions at this time, and if they died, it would not be a good thing for Onoki.

The conflicts between their various villages can be put after the Xiaoxiao organization is resolved, and now the most important thing is to deal with the Xiaoxiao organization.

"You guys hold them down, I will find Nine Tails Jinchūriki." Nagato said to Kakuzu, Deidara, Uchiha Itachi and the others.

Then Nagato began to act, Kakuzu, Deidara and the others also took action to create pressure on Ohnoki and the others.

Deidara was more afraid of Ohnogi's might, so she didn't dare to provoke Ohnogi, and died to deal with the thousand-generation mother-in-law on the other side, thinking that this old guy was a bully.

Although Oh Yemu is also an old guy, the grandmother of the thousand generations is obviously better to bully. She is a puppet master. She fights more with poison and puppets. Using detonating clay has a chance to kill her.

Kakuzu's goal is Fourth Raikage. He combined Impure World Reincarnation's Third Kazekage and Fourth Kazekage to suppress Fourth Raikage.

Fourth Raikage was injured by Kushina before, and the other injuries are almost healed, but his finger being broken by Kushina has become a permanent injury.

"Uchiha Itachi, have you forgotten your identity?"

After Danzo saw Uchiha Itachi, he asked Uchiha Itachi faintly.

Uchiha Itachi joined Akatsuki as an undercover agent at the beginning, so now he dare to do something with them.

Danzo's words made Kakuzu and Deidara a little surprised when looking at Uchiha Itachi, whether they were deliberately provoking their relationship or it was true.

"You just joined Akatsuki as an undercover agent, not a real Akatsuki member. I hope you can recognize it clearly." Danzo stared at Uchiha Itachi and said.

"Hi, something interesting is coming."

Orochimaru stood in the distance watching the show and didn't have the slightest intention to help. He used Impure World Reincarnation to help. It was impossible to expect Orochimaru to go on his own.

Originally, Orochimaru was very upset when he was forcibly pulled over to help, so it was impossible to help Akatsuki with all his might.

"¨" Amaterasu. "

Uchiha Itachi turned on Mangekyō Sharingan and looked at Deidara with indifferent eyes. A black flame rose from Deidara's body.

That's right, at this time Uchiha Itachi turned to the other side. Knowing Akatsuki's plan, Uchiha Itachi now intends to destroy Akatsuki's plan.

"Itachi, you are really a traitor."

Deidara's face is ugly, he knows how terrifying Amaterasu's black inflammation is, it can't be extinguished.

Seeing the black flames of Amaterasu burning on his right arm, Deidara's face was ruthless, and he cut off his arm decisively.

Survival with a broken arm, this is the best way to survive. Let Amaterasu black flame burn, and he will undoubtedly die. Who will let Deidara not find a way to seal black flame?

"Itachi, your actions will disappoint the leader." Kakuzu said lightly to Uchiha Itachi.

Jiraiya let out a sigh of relief. Uchiha Itachi is indeed a relatively big threat (Lee?). Mangekyō Sharingan is too strong. Whether it is illusion or that difficult pupil technique, it is difficult to deal with.

To be honest, Jiraiya was not sure to defeat Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Itachi fell on their side, which is good news.

"Hey, this is giving me a chance." Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Itachi greedily, and he felt that the opportunity had come.

In fact, Orochimaru doesn't care if you can catch Nine Tails Jinchūriki this time. If you can unite with Akatsuki to directly defeat Uchiha Itachi and capture Uchiha Itachi, you may not need Uchiha Sasuke.

Compared to Uchiha Sasuke, Orochimaru still feels that Uchiha Itachi is more valuable, and wants to seize Uchiha Itachi's body as a container.

If Uchiha Itachi can be won, then Uchiha Sasuke can be discarded. With a better substitute, he doesn't need the guy whose character he hates.


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