In Wuren Village, Yecang is reporting to Ryu about what happened in the world of Shinobi not long ago. Akatsuki successfully obtained Nine Tails, and the four major Shinobu villages have suffered considerable losses.

"It's a pity, Deidara didn't blow up a few shadows." Terumi Mei felt a pity.

"Sand Shinobi Village is scrapped."

Ryu heard the news of the death of a thousand-generation mother-in-law, and said, what else can Sand Shinobi Village do now? It seems that there is only one old fellow He Lao Zang left.

There is only one new generation of outstanding people, Temari, Gaara was drawn to One Tail and no one rescued him, Kankuro died on the poison of Sasori of the red sand.

Although Temari's talent is good, it is only good, and he is not qualified to play the role of the wind shadow, and only one Eilao Zang barely supports it.

"The world is unpredictable, and I didn't expect Sand Shinobi Village to go to extinction."

Ye Cang couldn't help but sighed. Although it is a bit early to say that Sand Shinobi Village is going to die, even if it doesn't die now, it won't be regarded as a Shinobi Village in the future.

"Ye Cang, there is a task for you." Terumi Mei said to Ye Cang.

"What task?"

Hearing Terumi Mei said that she had a task assigned to her, Ye Cang's expression was a bit ugly, it wouldn't be for her to work overtime.

These days Terumi Mei did not leave the matter to her, she was almost crushed.

"Very simple task, you think it can be done perfectly."

Terumi Mei smiled and said to Ye Cang, but seeing the smile on Terumi Mei's face, Ye Cang didn't believe it was a simple task. It was definitely not as simple as Terumi Mei said.

"You see that Sand Shinobi Village is so weak now. I decided to send you to subdue Sand Shinobi Village. What do you think?" Terumi Mei asked Ye Cang.

"Let me conquer Sand Shinobi Village?"

Yekura froze for a moment, then looked at Ryu, wondering if this was the idea of ​​Master Mizukage or Terumi Mei.

"It's not bad to conquer Sand Shinobi Village. Although I don't like Sand Shinobi Village, Terumi Mei, if you want to rule the entire Ninja world, then Sand Shinobi Village should conquer."

Ryu also knows that now is a good time to conquer Sand Shinobi Village, but Terumi Mei asks Yekura to conquer Sand Shinobi Village. Will it not be counterproductive?

In the past, Yekura was the hero of Sand Shinobi Village, and his reputation in Sand Shinobi Village was very high, but now Yekura has joined the Mist Shinobi Village, in the eyes of Sand Shinobi Village, he is a betrayer who betrayed the village.

So now Ye Cang, let alone prestige, is directly resisted by all Sand Shinobi Village villagers. Let Ye Cang now go to Sand Shinobi Village to subdue the ninjas of Sand Shinobi Village, which is counterproductive, and it is more likely to encounter Sand Shinobi Village resistance.

Ye Cang pondered for a while, and then said: "I am afraid it is inappropriate to go. There should be a lot of people who hate me in Sand Shinobi Village."

Maybe the new generation doesn't have many people who hate her, but Baki and the others absolutely hate herself. If she used to, it might be difficult to subdue Sand Shinobi.

Don't be self-defeating when the time comes. Not only did you fail to conquer Sand Shinobi Village, but you made Sand Shinobi Village more resistant to Wujin Village.

Also, although the current situation of Sand Shinobi Village is very bad, if you want to subdue Sand Shinobi Village by this, the possibility is not very high.

"Actually, this is also my plan. Those who hate you must not stay. If anyone opposes it, they will directly suppress it with the momentum of thunder."(Read more @

There was a cold light in Terumi Mei's eyes.

"I will try my best."

Ye Cang finally agreed, but Ye Cang still told Terumi Mei that it was impossible for Sand Shinobi Village to be shocked by himself.

Now that Yecang's strength is at the peak of the film class, Sand Shinobi Village should now have no ninjas stronger than Yekura, but Sand Shinobi Village is a village.

If you really fight, you don't know how to be moral. When the time comes, people will go side by side, Ye Cang will have to run away even if he has the strength of the peak of the shadow level, and it will be difficult even to escape.

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to let you go by yourself. Mizukage-sama, can we bother to walk?" Terumi Mei smiled and looked at Ryu.

"Anyway, you are fine in Wunin Village. Why don't you go to Sand Shinobi Village? If you don't want to go, then I can only go to Kushina."

"Well, I will go to Sand Shinobi Village myself."

Ryu considered it for a while and agreed. It is boring in Kiri Shinobi Village anyway, so it's better to go to Sand Shinobi Village. Ryu hasn't been to Sand Shinobi Village once.

I even went to the Kingdom of Wind once. The last time I went to the Kingdom of Wind, I went there when I helped Ye Cang kill Fourth Kazekage.

"Master Mizukage is going, do you still need me?" Ye Cang asked silently, feeling that she was useless.

"Of course it needs to be. How can Mizukage travel without a guard? You are the guard." Terumi Mei said to Ye Cang.

Ye Cang was a bit wronged. I am a guard with me. How to say I am also a strong man at the pinnacle of the film class.

However, the peak strength of the Shadow Rank is really not enough to be placed in the Wunin Village. For example, Terumi Mei in front of him, the strength of the Super Shadow Rank is much stronger than her.

"I want to go to Sand Shinobi Village..."

The door was suddenly pushed open, and then Kushina walked in from outside.

Kushina heard what Ryu and the others said just now, so Kushina also wanted to go to Sand Shinobi Village.

"Kushina, we are not going to play in Sand Shinobi Village." Ryu said to Kushina.

"Isn't it going to play? I think it's going to play."

Kushina curled her lips and said, heading to Sand Shinobi Village to subdue them. It's not the same as playing. Does Sand Shinobi Village have the strength to resist?

"Anyway, I just want to go, even if you don't promise me to go."

"Okay, I'll take you there, I'm really afraid of you." Ryu looked at Kushina with a bit of doting.

Kushina secretly gestured a victory sign, knowing that Ryu would definitely agree.

"Let's go."

Ryu intends to set off now, taking advantage of the fact that Sand Shinobi Village is very confused and it will be easier to conquer them.

"Ryu, what are you going to use to subdue? Do you use force?"

Kushina clenched her fists eagerly, just to use Sand Shinobi Village to try the feeling of punching through a big Shinobi Village.

"We are all civilized people, how can we use force."

Ryu glanced at Kushina, then said lightly.

Well, as long as Sand Shinobi Village is acquainted, then force will definitely not be used, but if Sand Shinobi Village is unaware and has to fight Ryu to the end, then of course, force must be used. It depends on Sand Shinobi Village.

Kushina pouted, I still don't know what you think.

"Do I still need to go?" Ye Cang asked at this time.

Kushina is going to follow her, but it doesn't seem to make much sense for her to follow.

"It depends on your own wishes. If you are willing to follow, follow me. If you don't want to, stay in Wunin Village." Ryu said to Yecang.

"There is no need to choose, I will definitely go with Master Mizukage." Yecang decisively chose to follow Ryu.

If she stays in Wunin Village, she has a lot to do. It’s so easy to go out with Ryu, which is equivalent to giving herself a vacation, so fools don’t go with Ryu.

Ye Cang was thinking very well, but she didn't know that Terumi Mei had already planned it at this time. The original job would be reserved for Ye Cang, waiting for Ye Cang to come back and let her take care of it.

If Ye Cang knew that Terumi Mei was so "good" to herself, she would definitely thank Terumi Mei's eighth generation ancestors.


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