"Suddenly regretted it, I would not have followed you to eat sand."

Kushina said after using Chakra to block the sandstorm.

"Unlucky, encountered a sandstorm."

Ryu shrugged and said, but the country of the wind is really not a good place. Although the country of the wind is very large, the place where people really live is very small.

"Don't complain, we will be at Sand Shinobi Village soon."

Looking at the village ahead, Ryu has never been to this place before, but it will be his from now on.

This time Ryu came to Sand Shinobi Village, and the ninjas of Sand Shinobi Village also knew it, but they didn't know the purpose of Ryu's coming here.

Eilao Zang personally greeted Ryu. In fact, Eilao Zang didn't think that Uchiha Ryu's visit to Sand Shinobi Village was good news.

"Ye Cang."

Eilaozang glanced at Ye Cang, but Ye Cang completely ignored Eilaozang.

Although it was Luo Sha who was going to kill her in the first place, Ye Cang did not have a good impression of the high-levels of Sand Shinobi Village, including Eilao Zang.

"What's the matter with Master Mizukage coming to Sand Shinobi Village?"

With a slight sigh, Ezra asked Ryu.

"This time coming to Sand Shinobi Village is a huge advantage for you. I am giving you a chance." Ryu smiled and said to Eilaozang.

"What opportunity?" Eilaozang was already wary. Wuren Village would benefit them. Is this a joke?

"In the future, Sand Shinobi Village surrenders to Wunin Village and becomes an affiliate of Wunin Village. What do you think of Erazo?"

Ryu looked at He Lao Zang lightly.

"Master Mizukage, are you a bit too much?" Ezang angered in his heart and told them Sand Shinobi Village to submit to Wunin Village. Wouldn't there be no Sand Shinobi Village in the future.

Even if they keep the name of Sand Shinobi Village, Sand Shinobi Village will not be one of the five great Shinobi villages, so Ezang certainly refused.

Not only did he refuse, but all the villagers in Sand Shinobi Village would never agree.

"Is it too much? If it's too much, I'll just fight you guys, old man, don't know what is good or bad." Kushina showed a threatening look at Ezra.

Eilaozang's heart sank and he took a peek at Uchiha Ryu, who looked calm. This time Uchiha Ryu came in person, and it seemed that things could not be changed.

There are only two roads in front of them. Uchiha Ryu is promised and Sand Shinobi Village chooses to surrender or resist.

If you resist, you will almost die without life. If you choose to surrender, then Sand Shinobi Village should not exist in the Shinobi world.

Hai Lao Zang didn't want to choose between these two roads.

If the strength of Sand Shinobi Village is strong enough, in fact, Eilao Zang has another option, which is to choose to resist and directly defend Sand Shinobi Village with strength.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

But it's a pity that they don't have this strength, and they have only two ways to perish and surrender.

"Can you give us some time to think about it."

Eilao Zang, who couldn't think of a solution for the time being, could only delay time first. Although delaying time might be useless, he just wanted to struggle, in case there was a miracle.

"Give you time? Yes, I will give you half a day."

Ryu generously gave Ha Laozang half a day, but what is enough time for this half day?

Originally, Eilao Zang wanted at least seven days, so that he could find out if there was any other way out. Just when Eilao Zang was about to bargain, he saw Ryu's eyes.

The emotionless indifference to his gaze, instantly made Eilaozang's words to say in his heart, and it is probably useless even if he speaks.

"What are you still thinking about, isn't it good to surrender to Wunin Village? Even if you don't surrender, can you still be one of the Five Great Ninja Villages in the future?" Kushina glanced at Ezura and said.

"If Sand Shinobi Village does not surrender to Wujin Village, other Dajin Villages will not let go of Sand Shinobi Village. At that time, Sand Shinobi Village will only have the way to perish. I think it was based on the situation of Sand Shinobi Village. Remind you."

Ye Cang also spoke at this time.

"After half a day, I will give Master Mizukage a message."

Eilao Zang smiled bitterly, his sister died in the hands of Akatsuki, and the tail beast was also taken away by Akatsuki's people.

Nowadays, people in Sand Shinobi Village who want to find a wind and shadow cannot be found. Originally, he has retired to go fishing freely, but now he has to go out of the mountain.

Perhaps surrendering to Wuren Village is not a bad thing. Surrendering to Wuren Village is better than surrendering to other Shinnin Villages.

Now that Sand Shinobi Village is so weak, it will be targeted sooner or later. If it hadn't been for the Akatsuki organization to attract the attention of the entire Ninja world, Sand Shinobi Village would have been attacked long ago.

"I'll give you half a day, don't test my patience."

Ryu waved his hand to Eilao Zang, and then Eilao Zang arranged people to wait for Ryu and them, and then called all the Jōnin of Sand Shinobi Village for a meeting.

"That's how it is, Wunin Village wants us to surrender, do you agree or disagree." Ezang asked Baki and the others.

"Consultant Eilaozang, do we have other choices now?" Baki asked bitterly.

The other Sand Shinobi Village Jōnin was silent. In fact, they did not object. What happened during this period made the ninjas in Sand Shinobi Village very confused.

So far, no Fengying has been selected. The strategic weapon One Tail Shouhe was captured, and they all felt insecure.

"I agree to surrender to Wuren Village, otherwise Sand Shinobi Village will definitely be destroyed."

"Huh, I don't agree, how can Sand Shinobi Village surrender others."

Those who agree are naturally also opposed, but those who choose to agree occupy the majority. It doesn't seem ashamed to become an affiliate of Wuren Village. Today, Wuren Village is the strongest village in the world.

"Consultant Eilao Zang, can't we delay for more time? Let's think about whether there are other countermeasures. Unexpected situations may occur in a few days."

Baki said to Ezo.

"Baki, Uchiha Ryu only gave me half a day. If he doesn't give him a reply in half a day, I am afraid he will start Sand Shinobi Village."

Eilao Zang opened his squinted eyes and said helplessly.

"Even if we agree, we absolutely must have a certain degree of autonomy." Baki gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Of course, I don’t want Sand Shinobi Village to submit to other villages, but the best option right now is to surrender, unless they are desperate to resist.

If the resistance is successful, it is estimated that most of Sand Shinobi will go desperately, but even if they resist desperately, there will be no results in the end.

Eilao Zang nodded slightly. Even if he finally agreed to Uchiha Ryu and surrendered to Wunin Village, he must have some autonomy.

If possible, try to just attach to Wuren Village instead of merging the entire village into Wuren Village.

If you just rely on Wuren Village, if you find an opportunity in the future, you may be able to get rid of the control of Wuren Village, and you will not surrender to Wuren Village forever.

"Vote for it. Those who agree to surrender to Wuren Village can stand up." Eilaozang said.

After Eilao Zang finished speaking, more than 80% of Sand Shinobi Village Jōnin stood up, leaving only a small part unwilling.

"In that case, Sand Shinobi Village will surrender to Wunin Village from now on, and I hope Wunin Village will not treat us too much."

Eilao Zang seems to be even older. I never thought that Sand Shinobi Village would one day surrender to other villages.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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