In the wind shadow office of Sand Shinobi Village, Ryu sits in the main seat at this time.

"Eilao Zang, you have made a wise choice to submit to Wuren Village. I can guarantee that you will be better than before."

Ryu has a gentle smile on his face.

Eilaozang grinned reluctantly, but it could be seen that the smile on Eilaozang's face was stiff, as if he was forced to laugh.

"In the future, Sand Shinobi Village will no longer exist, and you will all be from Wunin Village."

Since Sand Shinobi Village has surrendered, Ryu will not retain the name Sand Shinobi Village.

"Mizukage-sama, this seems a bit wrong." Ezang quickly said to Ryu. In this case, what is the difference between Sand Shinobi Village and being destroyed, at best, they are not dead.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Ryu's eyes cooled, he actually knew that Eilao Zang would refuse.

"Eilao Zang, now that you have made your choice, don't think about it anymore. Don't you still think about letting Sand Shinobi Village get rid of the control of Wunin Village in the future?" Ryu asked Eilao Zang faintly.

In fact, Ryu knows exactly what Eilaozang is thinking, anyway, Sand Shinobi Village must become history in the future.

"If you are unwilling, it is too late to refuse at this time. I won't mind refusing to surrender to Wunin Village."

Ryu said he didn't mind, but Ezang knew that if he refused, what awaited Sand Shinobi Village would be perished.

"All follow Master Mizukage's instructions." He Laozang lowered his head and said.

Everyone who refused to submit to the whole village would die. Uchiha Ryu was not a gentleman. I don't know how many people died in his hands during the Second Ninja World War.

"Ye Cang, you stay here for the first time. Anyone who doesn't agree, you can take action to solve it. I don't want too much trouble."

Ryu ordered Ye Cang.

"Yes, Master Mizukage."

Ye Cang immediately replied and agreed. In fact, she was really unwilling to agree. Now Ye Cang didn't want to stay in Sand Shinobi Village.

No, I can't call Sand Shinobi Village now. This is also part of Kiri Shinobi Village.

"Don't worry, after I go back, Yakura will take your place, and then you can return to Kirinin Village..."

Ryu said to Ye Cang.

"Thank you Master Mizukage." Ye Cang showed some joy on his face. He was used to staying in Wuren Village, and he was really not used to the life here.

"Eilao Zang, since you have chosen to surrender, I hope you can suppress the voices of other people's opposition, otherwise I don't mind cleaning it all over again. To be honest, I don't care how many of you die, I only need loyal people."(Read more @

Ryu knocked at Eilaozang.

Nowadays there must be many Sand Shinobi who are not convinced. This Ryu can expect that if these people do not jump, Ryu can sit idly by, but if they come out, Ryu will definitely shoot them to death.

"I see."

Hearing Ryu's warning, Ezang was in a daze. It seems that some people need to take care of it so that Uchiha Ryu will not be angry with everyone.

In the face of the interests of most people, sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice a small number of disobedient people.

"Let's go Kushina, we return to Wunin Village."

Ryu said to Kushina, "If you want to stay, I don't mind if you stay."

"Of course I won't stay here."

Of course Kushina didn't want to stay in this poor place, it was really far from the inside of Wuren Village.

However, it is not difficult to develop this place in the future. For example, if you control the name of the country of wind, you will have money to develop. Ye Cang should handle these things well.

Ryu used Huangquan Hirazaka to take Kushina back to Kirinin Village.

"Originally I thought there would be a battle. Who knew that Sand Shinobi Village was so uncomfortable, so I just chose to surrender us." Kushina was quite disappointed after returning.

"They are not idiots, and they can't do things like hitting rocks with pebbles." Ryu said to Kushina.

As long as they are not stupid, they will not resist, because there is only a dead end to resist. If they refuse to surrender to Wunin Village, Ryu will really not leave anyone in Sand Shinobi Village.

Soon, the matter of Sand Shinobi Village's surrender and Wujin Village spread throughout the Shinobi world, and the news spread very quickly, and there was Ye Cang promoting it.

The original Sand Shinobi Village no longer exists. There will be no Sand Shinobi Village in the entire Ninja World, and there will only be Wunin Village in the future.

When this news reached the ears of other shadows, whether it was Jiraiya, Onoki, or Fourth Raikage, they were shocked.

"Mist Shinobi Village has subdued Sand Shinobi Village, has the ambition shown." Jiraiya's face was worried.

Konoha Village is also very weak now, and the Hyuga clan was taken away by Uchiha Ryu and joined Wunin Village to become the big clan of Wunin Village.

"We can't trust Kirinin Village to give up on Konoha Village. It seems we need to prepare."

The only way Jiraiya thinks of now is to unite Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village to fight against Wunin Village, so as not to end up like Sand Shinobi Village.

Konoha Village is very difficult now. Internal troubles and external troubles. External troubles refer to Wunin Village and Uchiha Ryu. Of course, the internal troubles are Danzo.

Danzo is also very restless in Konoha Village. Recently, he has done a lot of things. He is very coveted for the location of Naruto in Konoha Village. Jiraiya is also very exhausted to deal with Danzo.

Especially now that Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, two elder advisors, suddenly stood on Danzo's side and attacked him together. Jiraiya said it was difficult.

In addition, there are the major families of Konoha Village. At this time, their minds are also beginning to float. The Hyuga clan joins Wunin Village. In addition, this time the news that Wunin Village has taken over Sand Shinobi Village has caused some families in Konoha Village to also want to join the fog. Shinobu Village.

It is safe to join Wuren Village. If Wuren Village takes action against Konoha Village in the future, wouldn't they be in danger of being destroyed.

Even the three big secret technique families of Pig Deer Butterfly who were close to Hokage had other careful thoughts at this time.

The main reason is that the threat of Wuren Village is too great. When Wuren Village did not show its ambitions, they could still sleep steadily.

Now Wunin Village seems to be revealing ambitions, and they have the mind to rule the entire Ninja world, of course they can't settle down.

Ohnoki was also in a hurry at this time. Originally, Ohnoki wanted to take a shot at Sand Shinobi Village, but now it is preempted by Wunin Village (Lee?).

Now he didn't dare to continue to fight, because that was already the territory of Wunin Village.

And now Ohnoki still needs to worry about the Shinobi Village. He has already taken action against Sand Shinobi Village. The original five Shinobi Villages have become the Four Shinobi Villages, and Ohnoki has a sense of crisis in his heart.

With the strength of Wujin Village, it is not difficult to destroy Rock Shinobi Village.

"¨" It seems that we need to join forces with Konoha Village, Cloud Shinobi Village, and Akatsuki Organization, which are also troublesome enemies. "The more Oh Nogi thinks about it, the more it feels bad.

Onoki was panicked, and Fourth Raikage was the same. It can be said that Sand Shinobi Village surrendered to Wunin Village and became a part of Wunin Village, breaking the balance altar that had lasted for decades.

In the three consecutive wars of Shinobi, none of the five major Shinobi Villages was destroyed, but now Sand Shinobi Village is silently gone.

Not to mention Da Ninja Village, even Xiao Ninja Village is panicking at this time.


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