"This time I subdued Sand Shinobi Village. The other big Shinobi Villages should be very jealous and may join forces against us."

Terumi Mei began to analyze that as long as Konoha Village, Rock Shinobi Village, and Cloud Shinobi Village are not stupid, they will definitely unite against them.

"What's the use of analyzing these? Even if they unite, what's the use? Can they beat us?"

Kushina curled her lips and said.

"The Akatsuki organization hasn't moved yet, which makes me very strange."

Ryu doesn't care about the affairs of the big Shinobu Village. To be honest, Ryu has never put them in his eyes. At this time, Ryu cares about Akatsuki.

Akatsuki has obtained Nine Tails. Although it is only half of Nine Tails, it is enough to resurrect Ten Tails, but there is still no movement, as if the world has evaporated.

Wait a minute, if Akatsuki still doesn't do anything after waiting for a while, then Ryu will have to go to Akatsuki himself.

While Ryu was looking forward to Akatsuki's resurrection of Ten Tails, Obito came to the place where Akatsuki was hiding now, looking embarrassed.

Now there are three members of Akatsuki's organization, including Obito and Zutsu.

Although Uchiha Itachi is not dead yet, he is already a traitor of Akatsuki, not a member of Akatsuki.

"Finally succeeded."

Obito saw that he was pierced through the heart injury. If he were a normal person, he would definitely be cold, but Obito was obviously not a normal person anymore.

This injury was caused by Kakashi. Obito went to Kakashi deliberately and used Kakashi's hand to destroy the curse mark on his heart. After the curse mark was destroyed, Obito didn't need to worry about controlling it.

At the same time, this is also breaking the bond with Kakashi, letting go of the previous friendship, and can implement Project Tsuki no Me wholeheartedly.

He didn't kill Kakashi this time, but when I see Kakashi next time, Obito will never show mercy anymore.

After transplanting the cells of First Hokage and having the possession of White Zetsu, Obito's injury quickly recovered, and it is not difficult for others to recover from the fatal injury.

"The plan should be implemented."

Obito found Nagato.

"You're back, is the plan going to start?" Nagato's voice was a bit vicissitudes of life, not seen for a few days. Nagato looked a lot older, and looked almost exhausted.

"It's about to start, but in my plan, you are not there."

A cold color flashed in Obito's eyes, and he shot like lightning, and Kunai directly pierced Nagato's heart.

Because Nagato didn't have much defense against him, Obito's sneak attack was successful, and Nagato's intentions were part of it.

Rinnegan's explosive repulsion hits Obito, but Obito's Kamui is blurred and can ignore the repulsive attack.

"Nagato, your mission is over. I will help you realize your wish."

Obito took off his mask directly and said coldly to Nagato.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Now he doesn't worry about revealing his identity anymore. Nagato has already doubted himself anyway. It's better to let Nagato be a ghost when he is dying.

"You... really aren't Uchiha Madara."

Nagato said with difficulty, life began to pass, even though he was a Uzumaki tribe, his vitality was tenacious, but the one who was stabbed by Kuwu was at the heart of his heart.

"I am not Uchiha Madara, but your eyes belong to Uchiha Madara, but he will be mine immediately."

Obito stared at Rinnegan of Nagato. Rinnegan is the tool for Uchiha Madara to be resurrected, but Obito does not intend to resurrect Uchiha Madara now.

Without resurrecting Uchiha Madara, Rinnegan is still useful. It controls Ten Tails. Rinnegan can control Ten Tails. Without Rinnegan, Obito really cannot complete the Infinite Tsukuyomi project.

"Uchiha Madara's eyes, what Konan said to me was true."

The expression on Nagato's face was a little lost. Konan came to him and told him that Rinnegan was not his. There was a conspiracy, but Nagato didn't believe it.

The news was that Konan got it from Uchiha Ryu. Nagato didn't believe in Konan, but Uchiha Ryu.

But it turns out that what Konan said is true, Rinnegan is really not his, and there is definitely a big conspiracy in it, even since he was young, the conspiracy against him has already begun.

Indeed, Nagato is indeed miserable. His tragic life began when he was selected by Madara Uchiha.


Heiyan passed through Obito's body without hurting Obito a bit.

"Uchiha Itachi, how did you find this place?"

Obito turned his head to look at Uchiha Itachi whose eyes began to bleed from using Amaterasu.

If he hadn't been careful and had been using Kamui to blur, he might be infected with Amaterasu black inflammation now. Although there are many ways to get rid of Amaterasu black inflammation, it does not mean Obito is willing to get it.

Uchiha Itachi did not speak, but appeared next to Nagato using the Body Flicker Technique, grabbed Nagato and left immediately.

"If you want to go, you can't escape."

Obito's face turned cold. Obito didn't really care about Nagato's life or death, but Rinnegan had to stay.

"Why... come to rescue me?"

Nagato, who was carried by Uchiha Itachi at this time, weakly asked Uchiha Itachi.

"I just wanted to stop Akatsuki's plan, and happened to see this scene." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"I can't live anymore. Leave me here. Take this away."

Nagato's hair looked a little pale, and his life had come to an end, and he couldn't live even if he left here, so Nagato didn't intend to hurt Uchiha Itachi.

After handing a Rinnegan to Uchiha Itachi, Nagato said lightly: "Go, I will help you block him, remember to block his plan."

Uchiha Itachi glanced at Nagato, tacitly did not dissuade him, took the Rinnegan that Nagato gave him, and left decisively.

After Uchiha Itachi left, Nagato turned around and looked at Obito with the only Rinnegan left, with endless indifference in his eyes.

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng."

No longer caring about consuming his own vitality, Chakra didn't have enough vitality to get together, the super god Luo Tianzheng who was able to razor a village, the power made Obito look at him.

"Rinnegan is very powerful. Without Kamui, it would be difficult for me to survive from your hands."

Obito was unscathed. Kamui's blurring of spatial pupils is the same as a bug. If you are not proficient in spatial ability, you can't get Obito even if you come to the sixth level.

"It seems that I can't kill you."

Nagato's face became paler and paler. He couldn't kill Obito, and he was determined to destroy Rinnegan. If he couldn't kill Obito, he wouldn't let Rinnegan fall into his hands.

It's a pity that Nagato's movements were too slow when the oil was exhausted, and Nagato's hand was blocked, and then Obito decisively poached Nagato's Rinnegan.

But as a price, Obito was pierced in the abdomen by Nagato with a black stick.

Obito didn't care about this kind of injury. Looking at Nagato who lost his breath of life, Obito turned and left indifferently.

"Uchiha Itachi, I didn't expect you to come to ruin my plan, but it doesn't matter, I have got my eyes."

Obito only got one Rinnegan, but one Rinnegan was enough. Even if he got two Rinnegan, he was ready to transplant one.


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