Senju Tobirama was stepped on by Ryu. The most embarrassing thing here is Tsunade, because she doesn't know whether she should open her mouth and let Ryu let her second grandfather go.

Tsunade knew that as long as he spoke to himself, Ryu would definitely let Senju Tobirama go, but he couldn't live with Ryu in this way, so the tangled Tsunade was temporarily silent.

"Young man, can you give me a face?"

Senju Hashirama has a sullen face. Just now Senju Tobirama was hit by Kushina. He was not angry, because it was not a big deal that at most made Senju Tobirama lose some face.

But now that Ryu stepped on Senju Tobirama, that was humiliation.

Ryu looked at Senju Hashirama and wondered if Senju Hashirama had eaten the fruit of face, but even if Senju Hashirama had eaten the fruit of face, Ryu would still not give him face.

He doesn't have a bad feeling for Senju Hashirama Ryu, but he doesn't have a good feeling for Senju Tobirama, even this guy is one of Ryu's most annoying people.

It is undeniable that Senju Tobirama has made great contributions to Konoha Village. The early development of Konoha Village depends entirely on Senju Tobirama.

From the perspective of Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama is really good, but Ryu is from the perspective of the Uchiha clan.

The Uchiha clan is often squeezed and suppressed by Senju Tobirama, because of this he is the object of Ryu's disgust.

"Senju Hashirama, you really have no face in front of me." Ryu said lightly.

Then Ryu looked at Senju Tobirama who was stepped on his feet, and asked with a sneer, "Does it feel humiliating? Humiliation is right, I am humiliating you."

"Second Hokage, right? Do you know that you are now stepped on by me like a dog, so how about I let you go as long as you learn how to bark?"

Ryu ignored the anger in the eyes of Senju Hashirama, Sarutobi Hiruzen, etc. Konoha Village ninjas, what about the anger, made up his mind to humiliate Senju Tobirama, even if Tsunade spoke up, it was useless.

"You... don't go too far."

Senju Tobirama's teeth are almost crushed.

"Hehe, by coincidence, how about I like to be too much? Didn't you also be too much to the Uchiha family back then?"

Ryu sneered.

The Uchiha family doesn’t have a good thing. This is what Senju Tobirama said. Can Ryu pretend not to hear it?

With Ryu's character, can it be regarded as not heard? Ryu is not a good person, if you dare to insult me, I will make you not even a human being.

"Ryu, you are too much like this..."

Tsunade gritted his teeth and said to Ryu.

This is already humiliating Senju Tobirama's personality, and looking at Ryu's appearance, it seems that he is going to continue.

"Tsunade, obey, don't interrupt." Ryu turned his head and smiled at Tsunade.

Mikoto stretched out his hand to hold Tsunade, and whispered in Tsunade's ear: "Ryu is already angry, don't you feel it?"

At this time, even if Tsunade talks, it's useless. Didn't you see that Kushina, who likes to make noise, just watched and stopped talking.(Read more @

"Is it so embarrassing for you to be a dog? It's better to be a dog for a second than being stepped on by me. I'll give you a chance, why don't you continue?"

Ryu lowered his head and asked Senju Tobirama.

"In fact, even if you don't learn how to bark, you are still a dead dog in the eyes of others."

Ryu stepped on Senju Tobirama's feet slightly, and Senju Tobirama's head sank into the ground. There was no pain in the body of Impure World Reincarnation, but Senju Tobirama could feel the tingling at this time.

It's not an illusion. Ryu can cause damage to Senju Tobirama's soul by using Chakra, and the pain in the soul can be a hundred times stronger than the pain in the body.

"Ohinogi, ask you, do you think he looks like a dead dog?" Ryu looked at Ohnogi with a smile on his face.

Oh Yemu who is eating melon is stunned. What does it have to do with me? Oh Yemu is just watching the show and eating melon.

But when faced with Ryu's question, Onoki really didn't dare not answer, because Onoki felt that Uchiha Ryu was terrifying at this time, and he felt a fatal sense of crisis.

If you don't answer or answer incorrectly, I'm afraid Uchiha Ryu will kill himself without hesitation.

For the sake of his own life, Oh Yemu of course chose to follow his heart.

"Like." After Onoki finished speaking, he took a few steps back and stood with Rock Shinobi, lest the ninjas of Konoha Village attack him.


Senju Hashirama finally couldn't help but shoot. Tobirama did the wrong thing this time, but Uchiha Ryu's humiliation was too much.

"No, not enough, or are you planning to stop me?"

Ryu asked flatly to Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama of Impure World Reincarnation is not as good as him before his death, and even Senju Hashirama before his death, facing Ryu is a dead end.

"Wood Style·The tree world is coming."

Senju Hashirama uses his actions to prove what he wants to do.

Ryu was submerged by trees rising from the ground, but Senju Hashirama also scruples that this is Konoha Village, so the scope of using Wood Style only spreads to Ryu.

Oh, and Senju Tobirama stepped on by Ryu, but Senju Tobirama has the immortality of Impure World Reincarnation, so there is no need to worry about him being killed.

"Is this kind of attack useful?"

Ryu asked flatly, and the repulsive force directly shredded the trees made by Senju Hashirama.

"¨" Senju Hashirama, you have a lot of courage. This is Konoha Village. You dare to shoot at me. Believe it or not, let Konoha Village be razed to the ground immediately? "

Ryu smiled and looked at Senju Hashirama.

Now Ryu doesn't panic at all, Senju Hashirama really dare not use any powerful ninjutsu, otherwise the entire Konoha Village does not need to exist.

"You are not qualified enough to save him from me."

"Distinguished Heavenly Gods."

At this moment, a crow appeared in Ryu's line of sight. The crow's eyes had a Mangekyō Sharingan, which was Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Obviously Uchiha Itachi shot Ryu this time.

"Distinguished Heavenly Gods is a good illusion, but unfortunately it is useless to me, but Uchiha Itachi, you really disappoint me."

Ryu directly ignores Distinguished Heavenly Gods. Distinguished Heavenly Gods is known as the strongest illusion. The effect is to manipulate others without knowing it, and permanently and completely change the mind and will of people.

However, there are also conditions. For example, the gap should not be too large. How much (Li Ma Zhao) pupil power is contained in Shisui's eye, can it modify Ryu's will?

Even Ryu's spirit can't be shaken. This pupil technique can only be used for targets that are weak or not much different from oneself.

"Universal Pull."

The gravitational force erupting in Ryu's palm pulled Uchiha Itachi over, and directly pinched Uchiha Itachi's neck and lifted it up like a baby chicken.

"You are not worthy of the Uchiha family name. You were born in the Uchiha family and enjoy the resources of the Uchiha family. What have you done for Uchiha?"

There are not many people who can make Ryu really hate, but Uchiha Itachi and Senju Tobirama are definitely in the forefront.

Even in Ryu's heart, Uchiha Itachi is more disgusting than Senju Tobirama. Senju Tobirama is opposed to the Uchiha family and is an enemy in itself.

But Uchiha Itachi is a traitor. Although he betrayed the branch house, he doesn't deserve Uchiha in Ryu's eyes.


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