Being pinched by Ryu's neck, Uchiha Itachi had difficulty breathing, and his face was suffocated to the color of pig liver.

"Uchiha Ryu, you who have become Mizukage, have been restricted by the clan, this is your measure." Uchiha Itachi said to Ryu with some difficulty.

"Huh? Even things that are inferior to beasts are worthy of teaching me?"

Ryu smiled. In his eyes, Uchiha Itachi is really inferior to a beast. If Senju Tobirama is a dog, then Uchiha Itachi is not as good as a dog, and a dog knows that he is loyal to his lord.

Comparing Uchiha Itachi with a dog is an insult to the dog.

"Your kind of life is miserable."

Ryu shook his head. People like Uchiha Itachi are too sad.

"Do you know what is most important to me? Family, followed by the Uchiha family, and then the villagers of Kirinin who are loyal to me."

"Do you know what you belong to in my eyes?"

"Weeds, weeds on the side of the road, I won't care if it's dead."

"In my eyes, people like you are the beasts that killed their relatives for some weeds. In my eyes, they don't even have the concept of home, so they are worthy of focusing on the world?"

"Your thinking is too dangerous, even more dangerous than Madara."

After standing by and listening to what Ryu said to Uchiha Itachi, Senju Hashirama said with a calm face. At this time, Senju Hashirama had already regarded Ryu as an object that must be eliminated.

For this ninja, Uchiha Ryu is too dangerous.

There are only two kinds of people in his eyes, his own and others. Senju Hashirama faces ordinary people, and people from other villages can also show fraternity.

But Uchiha Ryu is different. He treats other people as grass, and irrelevant people are grass and grass in his eyes, and he can get rid of it at any time.

"Danger? Yes, I am dangerous to others, but to my own people, I am their patron saint."

Ryu nodded and approved Senju Hashirama's words.

"Squeeze this trash fish to death first, so as not to be an eyesore."

With a click, Ryu squeezed Uchiha Itachi's neck directly, as if squeezing a chicken to death.

"Orochimaru, as long as you are willing to loyal to Kirinin Village, Uchiha Itachi's body will be handed over to you." Ryu looked at Orochimaru.

"Thank you Ryu-san, then."

Orochimaru did not hesitate to choose allegiance to Kirinin Village. For Orochimaru, his interests are paramount. He is not a good person, but Uchiha Ryu has more appetite for him.

Ryu didn't break his promise. Uchiha Itachi's body was thrown directly at Orochimaru. Anyway, it was just a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, which was not of high value to Ryu.

Orochimaru is an individual talent. Using Uchiha Itachi's corpse to solicit Orochimaru is considered a waste use, but Ryu will not completely believe in Orochimaru.

Just kidding, can you trust a snake? Ryu knows the story of the farmer and the snake.(Read more @

Although he wanted to subdue Orochimaru, he didn't need to be too kind to him, so Ryu didn't hesitate to leave Orochimaru's body, to be precise, leaving a curse mark in his soul.

"If you join Wujin Village, don't want to betray, otherwise you won't even have the chance to make Living Corpse Reincarnation." Ryu warned Orochimaru.

Orochimaru understood that what Ryu said was not false, and he had expected such a situation a long time ago, but Orochimaru was also prepared.

What if life is in the hands of Uchiha Ryu, as long as he does not betray him, Uchiha Ryu will not kill himself.

What's more, Uchiha Ryu really wanted to kill him, even if he didn't leave a curse in his soul, he could easily kill him.

Then Ryu looked at the pitch-black crow, Shisui’s Mangekyō Sharingan should be destroyed and burned directly with Amaterasu black flame along with the crow.

"Forget it, I'll give you a good time, just treat it as a face to Tsunade."

Ryu looked down at Senju Tobirama again.

Tsunade on the side looked sullen and gave her a face. If Ryu really gave her face, he would not humiliate Senju Tobirama so much.

However, between Ryu and Senju Tobirama, Tsunade chose Ryu because Ryu is his own. As for Senju Tobirama, the second grandfather, she hasn't been very angry since she came to Konoha Village.

The reason is of course that Tsunade has become the rebel of Konoha Village. Senju Tobirama cares about Konoha Village, even if he knows that Tsunade has become a rebel, he is unhappy.

The Truth-Seeking Ball was held in the palm of Ryu, and then fell into a black cloth to wrap Senju Tobirama who was stepped on by Ryu.

Senju Tobirama is dead, even in the state of Impure World Reincarnation, don't even think about resurrecting, the soul no longer exists, it is really dead.

"Death is a relief for you, otherwise I might continue to humiliate you."

Ryu glanced at Senju Hashirama and said.

"Tsunade, Senju Hashirama will leave it to you, you have to block him, lest he annoy me."

Ryu looked at the furious Senju Hashirama and said to Tsunade.

"Tell me, what's wrong with Tobirama?" Senju Hashirama stared at Ryu and asked. He is usually not angry, but it is really scary to be angry.

At least no one dared to stand beside Senju Hashirama now. The horror Chakra that broke out of him was so terrible that it had surpassed the Nine Tails in his full body state.

"Dead, completely dead, my soul is destroyed by me, and Impure World Reincarnation can't resurrect him." Ryu told Senju Hashirama flatly, anyway, not afraid of Senju Hashirama's anger.

"I have to settle the matter you have caused." Tsunade was also very angry at this time.

Killed her second grandfather in front of her. If it weren't for the deep feelings with Ryu, Tsunade would really have to turn her face with Ryu.

"If you don't settle it, he will definitely die too. You know me, I can't be merciful when I act."

Ryu spread his hands towards Tsunade and said.

Even if Senju Hashirama is Tsunade's grandfather, he can't be merciful to Ryu, so letting Tsunade solve it is a good thing for Tsunade.

What else can Tsunade say, don't you take action and watch Ryu take her grandfather away, so that even if she loves Ryu again, she will definitely turn her face with Ryu.

The helpless Tsunade stood in front of Ryu.

"Tsunade get out of the way."

Senju Hashirama said with a cold expression.

At the beginning, he was willing to replace Senju Tobirama, which shows that Senju Hashirama's affection for Senju Tobirama is a veritable younger brother.

"Grandpa, you are not Ryu's opponent at all, you can't even beat me." Tsunade said helplessly to Senju Hashirama.

Ryu was angry just now, and she couldn't stop it. Now Ryu is probably relieved, so she was given this opportunity, so Tsunade absolutely wanted to stop her grandfather's death.

"Master First Hokage calm down." Jiraiya said to Senju Hashirama.

This is Konoha Village. According to what Orochimaru said earlier, Tsunade also mastered Wood Style ninjutsu. If Tsunade fights with First Hokage, the ninja of Konoha Village will suffer first.

The gods suffer from fighting with mortals, so I try my best to dissuade Senju Hashirama from coming.

"Teacher, this is inside Konoha Village." Sarutobi Hiruzen reminded Senju Hashirama tactfully.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen also wants to avenge his teacher Senju Tobirama, his first concern is Konoha Village.

Besides, with Uchiha Ryu's method, he really doesn't like First Hokage.


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