In the end Tsunade and Senju Hashirama still failed to fight, and Senju Hashirama gave up.

After all, it is still impossible to abandon Konoha Village. Konoha Village will inevitably be destroyed in a fight, so Senju Hashirama can only give up revenge.

But this matter made Senju Hashirama very dull, and he ignored Tsunade. He didn't expect that Tsunade would choose to stand on Uchiha Ryu's side.

But Senju Hashirama didn't criticize Tsunade either. Perhaps in Tsunade's heart, Uchiha Ryu is more important.

"Everyone, our enemy is Uchiha Obito."

At this time, Onoki stood up and reminded that they came here to deal with Uchiha Obito, but Uchiha Ryu and Senju Tobirama fought.

Jiraiya's expression became serious, and then he looked at Ryu.

"Mizukage, I don't know how strong Ten Tails is?"

I learned about Ten Tails from Ryu, so Uchiha Ryu should know the strength of Ten Tails. Asking Ryu is no problem.

I just don't know if Uchiha Ryu will tell them that if Uchiha Ryu doesn't say it, they can't force it.

"How strong is Ten Tails? Anyway, better than you."

What Ryu said was the truth, but Jiraiya and the others felt it was unpopular, but thinking about the strength of Nine Tails, even Nine Tails couldn't deal with it.

Even in order to deal with Nine Tails, Namikaze Minato's life was taken. How strong is the strength of Ten Tails than Nine Tails.

Jiraiya looked at Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Ryu couldn't count on it, because no one knew what Uchiha Ryu had.

Only Master First Hokage can be counted on. I hope Master First Hokage can solve it. If Master First Hokage can't solve it, then there is really no way.

"They will be here soon, and you will see Ten Tails in a while."

Ryu said plainly, Ten Tails is in Ryu's perception, not far from Konoha Village.

Soon, ninjas from Konoha Village, Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village came to report that the White Zetsu army and Ten Tails were getting closer and closer to Konoha Village.

"You can't put the battlefield in Konoha Village, so we have to take the initiative." Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

"Yes, you must not let the opponent hit Konoha Village."

If Sarutobi Hiruzen from Impure World Reincarnation also supports Jiraiya, if he is beaten to Konoha Village, even if he wins in the end, it will be a fiasco for Konoha Village.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is already a dead person, with his feelings for Konoha Village, it is absolutely impossible to watch Konoha Village suffer.

"Minato, let's find out what's going on first?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Namikaze Minato awkwardly.

"it is good."

Namikaze Minato nodded stiffly. Because of Naruto, Namikaze Minato has not forgiven Sarutobi Hiruzen yet, but Namikaze Minato also knows that this is not the time to be willful.

After that, Namikaze Minato took Sarutobi Hiruzen and used Flying Thunder God Technique to quickly investigate the situation.(Read more @

"Mizukage, didn't you bring Mizukage?"

Fourth Raikage asked Ryu a little uncomfortably.

The news of 100,000 White Zetsu has been inquired, it is quite difficult for them to deal with, but Kiri Shinobu only came to Ryu and the others, do they want to preserve their strength?

Thinking of this, Fourth Raikage also didn't care about Ryu's ability to offend, and couldn't help but question Ryu.

"Don't worry, all the ninjas from Wujin Ninja Village are on the road, and it won't take long to come over. I will definitely surprise you at that time."

A smile appeared on Ryu's face. This smile made Fourth Raikage feel a little uncomfortable looking at him.

"So much the better."

After knowing that Kirimin will be coming, Fourth Raikage is also relieved, and Ohnoki and Jiraiya who are listening next to him are also relieved for the time being.

However, what they didn't know was that the arrival of the ninja from Ninja Village was not a good thing for them. Ryu asked the ninja from Ninja Village to come, but he dealt with them.

To be precise, it was all cleaned up, as long as it was a person who didn't surrender to himself, they would all be solved, and this matter would rule the entire Ninja World.

Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, they all know Ryu's plan, so after seeing the smile on Fourth Raikage's face, they are a little weird in their hearts. I don't know if you can laugh after you know that Kurinin Village is targeting you.

"This is Madara's Chakra breath."

After feeling the Chakra of Uchiha Madara, the dull Senju Hashirama instantly left Konoha Village and headed towards the direction Uchiha Obito had killed.

Uchiha Madara deliberately released his Chakra, mainly from Obito knowing that Senju Hashirama was also released by Impure World Reincarnation.

Knowing the news, Uchiha Madara was very happy and couldn't wait to release his breath to attract Senju Hashirama to come, um, it's like an animal courtship in the animal kingdom.

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"No loss is Uchiha Madara's love, and I am really sensitive to Uchiha Madara's Chakra."

Ryu looked at Senju Hashirama's leaving back and said.

"what are you saying?"

Tsunade squeezed his fist and looked at Ryu unanimously. Then he couldn't help but punched Ryu. In fact, Tsunade felt a bit resentful today.

Before, Ryu seemed to be really angry, so Tsunade's resentment didn't vent. Now Tsunade doesn't bother to vent his resentment.

Of course Ryu didn't resist, knowing that I was a little sorry for Tsunade today.

Jiraiya looked at Ryu and Tsunade who seemed to be flirting in front of him, with a somewhat complicated expression.

"We should do it too."

Jiraiya glanced at Ohnoki and Fourth Raikage, and they did not refuse, regardless of whether there was any conflict between them, but the first enemy in front of them was Uchiha Obito.

..... ..... 0

The name Uchiha Obito, Ohnoki and others had never heard of it before, this is a small person.

But who would have thought that someone who had never heard of it would pose such a big threat to the entire Ninja World.

Onoki and Fourth Raikage didn't hold back, but Jiraiya let out a sigh of relief. I was really afraid that Onoki and Fourth Raikage would hold him back at this time.

This worry is not superfluous, because it is possible for them to do this kind of thing.

In fact, if they change to other times, they will really hinder Konoha Village, but now Mizunin Village is also a threat.

They have the idea of ​​forming an alliance with each other to fight against the powerful Wunin Village, so naturally they will not come to Konoha Village at this time.

There is no benefit to pitting Konoha Village at the moment. If it is pitting Konoha Village, they will eventually have to eat their own evil results. The truth is clear.

"My righteous brother Killer Bee should be reported." Fourth Raikage's eyes flashed cold, thinking about his righteous brother Killer Bee.

Of course, the death of Killer Bee must be counted on Akatsuki's head. At the moment, Akatsuki seems to be left with Uchiha Obito. Only by killing Uchiha Obito can he avenge his righteous brother.

Onoki and the others started to move, and Ryu followed them to the battlefield. Konoha Village has no scenes to watch. Now the battlefield is here.

Today, there are about 50,000 ninjas in the three ninja villages. The quantity is far inferior, but the quality is slightly higher.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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