"Ten Tails is too ugly."

When Kushina saw Ten Tails for the first time, she was stunned by the ugly appearance of Ten Tails. It was really ugly. Among the tail beasts, the face value was the lowest, and Ten Tails should be ranked top.

"Although it looks a little ugly, but the power is really strong." Mikoto said to Kushina.

At this time, Mikoto has already felt the terrifying Chakra from Ten Tails, and Mikoto feels that when he enters the Sage of Six Paths mode, it is absolutely impossible to have such a huge Chakra.

It seems that only Ryu can surpass Ten Tails in Chakra.

"Ten Tails is so ugly, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, as the body of Ten Tails, what will she look like?" Kushina was curious.

"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, she was once called the Goddess of Uganda, but she is not actually ugly."

If you remove the third eye on the forehead of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is actually not ugly, but if you add the third eye, it is really ugly. It looks very hideous, like a ghost.

"How did you know, have you seen it?"

Kushina looked at Ryu suspiciously.

"I did see it, but I haven't seen it either."

What Ryu has seen is the projection drawn by the system. Of course, the projection is exactly the same as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, but the real Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ryu has not been seen yet.

"I have never seen it before. I feel like you are teasing me."

Kushina curled her lips, then continued to ask Ryu, "Since you know that she is not ugly, are you interested in her?"

"You are wrong, I am not interested in old women."

Ryu glanced at Kushina, then said lightly.

"Oh, since Ryu, you are not interested in old women, what about Tsunade?" Kushina suddenly looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade, who hadn't interrupted, got angry and stared at Kushina.

"Kushina, I think you owe you, do you mean I'm an old woman?" Tsunade asked Kushina.

"Yes, congratulations on your answer, I do think you are an old woman."

After Kushina finished speaking, she hid behind Mikoto, pulling Mikoto to block Tsunade, lest Tsunade hit herself.

"You do it yourself and don't pull me up, okay?" Mikoto said helplessly.

Every time Kushina died, she used herself as a shield, and now Mikoto wanted to hand over Kushina.

Well, if you really give Kushina to Tsunade, I don't know what Kushina's mood is.

Just do it if you want, and suddenly broke Kushina's hand, and then directly handed Kushina to Tsunade.

"Mikoto, you betrayed me." Kushina glanced at Mikoto angrily.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Why, are you going to turn your face with me?"

Mikoto is not afraid of Kushina at all. Even if Kushina is angry, it can't help. Mikoto, after all, the chef at home is Mikoto.

If you offend Mikoto, you won’t even be able to eat food in the future, so how to choose Kushina knows that he must not offend Mikoto, even if he feels aggrieved, it’s useless.

"Hmph, when I don't need you when I learn how to cook by myself, let's see how I get everything back." Kushina whispered to herself in her heart.

Of course Mikoto didn't know what Kushina was saying. At this time, Mikoto was smiling and watching Kushina being educated by Tsunade.

Originally, Tsunade was in a bad mood. Kushina took the initiative to send her home to educate Tsunade. How could she let this Kushina go and spread all her anger on Kushina.

Ryu didn't pay attention to their fight. At this time, Ryu paid attention to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

At this time, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are retelling their old relationship, but it is obvious that the two sides have obviously collapsed in the end and have begun to use force.

"Hurry up and let me go, Ten Tails is about to release Tailed Beast Bomb."

Kushina yelled to Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at Ten Tails and found that Ten Tails did release the Tailed Beast Bomb. Uchiha Obito controlled Ten Tails and released the Tailed Beast Bomb of Ten Tails.

And this Tailed Beast Bomb is still fighting here, I don't know if it is a coincidence or deliberate.

In fact, Ryu has been able to determine, it should be intentional, Uchiha Obito discovered that Ryu is here, and then deliberately shot at Ryu.

"Obito is fat, did it swell after the resurrection of Ten Tails?"

Ryu calmly looked at the Tailed Beast Bomb. Suddenly the space channel of Huangquan Biliangzaka appeared in front of him, and the Truth-Seeking Ball disappeared directly into the space channel.

"Is that time and space ninjutsu again?"

Obito saw that Ryu was unscathed, with some unwillingness on his face. Obito knows this space-time ninjutsu. This is one of the few space-time ninjutsu that can deal with his Kamui.

boom! ! !

The Tailed Beast Bomb, which had not entered the space channel before, suddenly appeared, landed on the head of Ten Tails, and then exploded. Ten Tails was directly blown out by the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Uchiha Obito, who was standing on Ten Tails, reacted very quickly, and instantly used his body to be virtual, and then he escaped.. ........

"The reaction is quite fast, if you slow down, you will die."

"It seems that you are one of the pawns of my resurrected Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. Let me spare your life for the time being." Ryu didn't make another move against Uchiha Obito.

And Uchiha Obito was also very acquainted. After this shot had no effect on Ryu, he stopped it decisively and didn't dare to do it against Ryu again.

"You have to become Ten Tails Jinchūriki so that you can deal with Uchiha Ryu." Obito said silently in his heart.

Why deal with Uchiha Ryu? The main reason is to regain the face lost in front of Ryu and wash away the previous shame.

He used to be cautious in front of Uchiha Ryu. Obito regarded these as humiliating things and wanted to find Ryu back.

Controlling the direction of Ten Tails, Obito started to deal with Namikaze Minato.

"Obito, can you tell me why?"

Namikaze Minato asked Obito. At this time, Namikaze Minato knew everything about him. The person who killed him was Uchiha Obito.

If it weren't for Uchiha Obito, maybe his life would not be the same as it is now, and the whole family would be dead.

So even if Obito is his disciple, the current Namikaze Minato cannot forgive him. After all, now that Naruto is dead, Namikaze Minato is naturally a little different from the original.

"All this is a punishment for you." Obito said to Namikaze Minato with a distorted expression.

Then he controlled Ten Tails and attacked Namikaze Minato, trying to catch Namikaze Minato and take away the other half of Nine Tails still in Namikaze Minato.

"Uchiha Obito."

Kakashi looked cold. He had seen Obito once before, and even used Raikiri to penetrate Obito's heart, but Obito was not dead.

Now Kakashi's heart is actually very complicated. Obito is not dead. It should be good news. Kakashi's most important friend is Obito. Obito is actually more important than Lin in Kakashi's heart.

Rin Nohara likes Kakashi, but it doesn't mean that Kakashi likes Rin Nohara. Kakashi still prefers his friend Uchiha Obito, but now Obito's behavior makes Kakashi unacceptable.

If it is possible, Kakashi hopes that Uchiha Obito will die forever. No, that Obito is dead. Obito is no longer the original Obito.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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