Ryu didn't intend to shoot Obito, but it was counterproductive, maybe Obito himself was swollen, he actually took the initiative to shoot Ryu.

After slightly suppressing the rioting Ten Tails, Obito slew towards Ryu.

The arm formed by Ten Tails Chakra grabbed Ryu, and the sharp claws could cut even the hardest metal.

"Who gave you the courage to shoot at me?"

Ryu had a question mark on his face, why would someone always come over and die.

The Truth-Seeking Ball blocked Ten Tails Chakra's arm, then turned into a long knife and appeared in Ryu's hand.

"You are the last obstacle. As long as you are removed, no one can stop my plan." Obito said coldly.

He shot Ryu only because he felt that Ryu would definitely affect his plan, so he shot Ryu.

Only after Ryu is eliminated, Obito can proceed with Project Tsuki no Me with confidence.

"Hehe, in fact, I won't stop your plan at all, forget it, even if I say you don't believe it."

Ryu knew that Obito was very hostile to him and would not believe him.

Obito and Ryu have no hatred. The reason why he is very hostile to Ryu is mainly because he takes 28 soil and regards Ryu as a threat.

Uchiha Ryu's strength is too strong, he is uneasy if this threat is not eliminated.

There is also Uchiha Madara, which is also a threat in Obito's heart. Even Uchiha Madara of Impure World Reincarnation, Obito wants to get rid of it.

However, in Obito's mind, Uchiha Ryu is the most threatening, so Obito decided to deal with Uchiha Ryu first, and then deal with Uchiha Madara.

"Shooting me is your biggest mistake."

At this time, Ryu has opened Tenseigan, the reincarnation of the nine-gou jade jade, and the terrifying pupil power directly crushes Obito. He has an extra celestial robe on his body, and the collar is a dark gou jade.

The fairy robe looked similar to Obito's, but slightly different.

The knife that the Truth-Seeking Ball turned into slashed towards Obito, and with a bang, the six tin rods in Obito's hand were cut by Ryu.

"Eighty gods air strikes."

Countless fists struck towards Obito, fists can distort space, and now Obito's Kamui is temporarily unavailable.

In the face of this blow, Obito could only resist, and the Truth-Seeking Ball floating behind him appeared in front of him, blocking the huge vacuum fist made by Ryu.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Even if the Truth-Seeking Ball is destroyed by Ryu, the most important thing is that the Truth-Seeking Ball destroyed by Ryu, Obito cannot be made again.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Obito doesn't make Truth-Seeking Ball at all. His Truth-Seeking Ball is only obtained by Ten Tails Jinchūriki. If you count it, Obito does not belong to the sixth level at all.

Although he has six levels of power, this power was obtained by opportunism, and it was obtained by relying on Ten Tails.

Ryu can make Truth-Seeking Ball by relying on the Snare of Blood. Even if the Truth-Seeking Ball is destroyed, he can make it.

Obito’s Truth-Seeking Ball is destroyed, and it’s gone, as is Uzumaki Naruto in the original book.

Truth-Seeking Ball is not omnipotent, ordinary ninjutsu cannot break the Truth-Seeking Ball defense, but the Eighty God Air Strike is the ultimate physical skill.

The steel body was interrupted by Ryu, not knowing how many bones he was, and he fell to the ground embarrassed with blood.

"You can't hold it at the beginning? Now you know the strength gap, do you regret it?"

Ryu lowered his head and asked Obito.

Obito's strength is still too tender for Ryu, and in the system, Ryu has also drawn six Obito projections many times.

It's not once or twice that the projection of Obito defeated Liudao. Obito Ryu didn't feel proud of it.

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng."

Rinnegan transplanted by Obito trembles like waves, using Rinnegan's repulsive force with all his strength, and the invisible and intangible repulsive force rushes towards Ryu.

"You want to compare with me with a Rinnegan?"

It was not Ryu but Obito that was hit by the repulsive force. The destructive repulsive force directly blasted Obito out, and a pit of several hundred meters appeared around him.

"This is the strength of Uchiha Ryu, what kind of eyes are his eyes?"

Uchiha Madara has been observing Ryu. Uchiha Madara was very happy after Obito went to Ryu's troubles, but after watching the match between the two sides, Uchiha Madara found that he couldn't be happy at all.

Crushing, Obito is completely crushed. He wants to rely on Obito to test the strength of Uchiha Ryu. In the end, Uchiha Ryu's strength is still unknown.

Is Obito too weak or Uchiha Ryu too strong.

"Universal Pull."

Ryu stretched out his hand and Obito was directly pulled over by Ryu's Universal Pull. He wanted to use Kamui, but at this moment Obito found that his Kamui could not be used at all.

Suppressed by the pupil power, Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan automatically turned off under Ryu's pupil strength, and there was no power to turn on Mangekyō Sharingan.

Being pinched by Ryu's neck, Obito knows that he is over, and whether he can survive now depends on whether Uchiha Ryu doesn't let him go.

"Obito, you have always been a pawn. You are just a pawn of Uchiha Madara, understand?" Ryu said to Obito.

Obito's expression did not fluctuate much after hearing Ryu's words. He knew that Uchiha Madara treated him as a chess piece, otherwise Obito would not think of betraying Uchiha Madara.

"It seems that you understand, and you are not stupid."

Ryu saw that Obito didn't fluctuate much, and nodded with a smile, but what Ryu wants to say next is that he doesn't believe Obito can keep calm.

"Obito, tell you a secret. In fact, Rin Nohara's death was designed by Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara arranged for Rin Nohara's death to stimulate you in order to use you and turn you into a suitable pawn."

This time Ryu didn't believe that Obito could remain calm.

Sure enough, the Rinnegan transplanted by Obito almost stared out, his expression gradually sullen. It turned out that his life full of tragedy was caused by Uchiha Madara.

The tragedy of Obito's loss of love was caused by Uchiha Madara, but Uchiha Madara also saved Obito. If it weren't for Uchiha Madara, Obito would have died in the battle of the bridge of the gods.

But Obito, who knows the truth, can never be grateful to Uchiha Madara. He can't wait to kill Uchiha Madara right away.

"Do you really want to kill Uchiha Madara? It's a pity you don't have this chance."

Ryu shook his head regretfully. If Uchiha Obito can become a suitable container for the resurrection of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, then Ryu doesn't mind letting him go and ask him to find Uchiha Madara for revenge.

It is a pity that Obito is unqualified and can only use Uchiha Madara, so it is impossible for Ryu to let Obito take action against Uchiha Madara.

Let him kill Uchiha Madara, who will be the resurrection vessel of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Reached out and pulled Ten Tails out of Obito's body. What surprised Ryu was that Ten Tails was still not in the form of a full body tree.

Then looking at the extremely weak Uchiha Obito, Jinchūriki was drawn to the tail beast must die, Ten Tails Jinchūriki is also Jinchūriki, in fact, death can be avoided, but Obito may not be able to do it.

However, Obito will not die for a while, because there is still a part of Ten Tails Chakra in Obito's body, and this part of Ten Tails Chakra can make Obito survive for a while.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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