
Obito asked Ryu painfully.

"Are you asking me why I extracted Ten Tails from your body?" Ryu listened to Obito's question and said.

"You want to help Uchiha Madara, why?"

Obito is not confused about Ryu's extraction of Ten Tails from him. He shoots Uchiha Ryu, and it is not surprising that the other party wants to kill him.

But Obito feels that Uchiha Ryu is going to help Uchiha Madara. He doesn't understand why.

Ryu did not answer Obito's question and destroyed Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, then threw Obito in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

Seeing Obito falling beside him weakly, Uchiha Madara didn't understand what Ryu meant, but it didn't hinder his movements.

Black Zetsu appeared suddenly, using mental fusion to control Obito's body.

"Wai Dao Wheel Revolving Heaven Technique."

Controlling Uchiha Obito, Black Zetsu resurrected Uchiha Madara.

Originally, Black Zetsu looked forward to Obito while watching, but after Obito was easily defeated by Ryu, Black Zetsu didn't have any expectations anymore.

Sure enough, I still have to rely on Uchiha Madara according to the original plan. I hope Uchiha Madara can do his best not to let him down.


After the resurrection, Uchiha Madara laughed wildly, but at this time his eyes were black holes, and his Rinnegan was not there, so the resurrected Uchiha Madara was in a state of mutilated eyes.

But immediately Black Zetsu offered Rinnegan. Originally, Black Zetsu grabbed one, plus Obito's Rinnegan transplanted on him. Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan was instantly complete.

In the original work, Uchiha Madara took a lot of effort to get her eyes back, and now it's too easy to get her eyes back.

After the resurrection, Uchiha Madara's strength is about half a step at the sixth level, and it is infinitely close to the sixth level, but it is not for the time being.

"Uchiha Madara, I am going to kill you."

Obito's hatred can't be extinguished even if the water of the sea is poured out. His life has been played by Uchiha Madara, and his beloved Lin was actually calculated to death by Uchiha Madara, Obito couldn't accept it.

"You want to kill me now, a joke...?" Uchiha Madara looked down at Obito with disdain.

After Ryu took out Ten Tails, Obito was already very weak and reluctantly relied on the Ten Tails Chakra remaining in his body to hang his life.

Then Black Zetsu controls his mind, uses the Waidao·Ran Revolving Heaven technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara, and uses the Waidao·Ran Revolving Heaven technique to resurrect Uchiha Madara. The price of using the Waidao·Ran Revolving Heaven technique is death.

Obito is not dead yet, it is the blessing of Ten Tails Chakra that is still in his body.

"Black Zetsu, get him a pair of eyes to transplant." Uchiha Madara said to Black Zetsu.

The Rinnegan transplanted by Obito was taken back by Uchiha Madara, and the original Mangekyō Sharingan was destroyed by Ryu, so now Obito is blind.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Black Zetsu doesn't know why Uchiha Madara told him to do this, but Black Zetsu will not refuse. It is easy to find a pair of eyes on the battlefield.

However, the eyes that Black Zetsu looked for were those belonging to the clone of White Zetsu, and they were transplanted directly to Obito.

After regaining the light again, Obito's gaze did not move away from Uchiha Madara, his gaze full of endless hatred was like a sharp blade.

"Obito, if I hadn't saved you in the first place, you wouldn't have survived now." Uchiha Madara said lightly to Obito.

"I would rather not need you to save me."

Obito gritted his teeth and said with bitterness, how is he alive all these years, who knows how painful he is to live, the world without Lin exists, for him is a world full of despair.

If he knew that the cost of surviving was Uchiha Madara's calculation of death, Obito would rather be crushed to death by a stone.

"Do you know why I asked Black Zetsu to find you a pair of eyes?" Uchiha Madara asked Obito.

Without waiting for Obito to speak, Uchiha Madara said to himself: "I want you to see the moment I complete the plan. I hope Obito you can hold on to that moment."

Uchiha Madara knows that Obito will not die so soon, although he is sure to die, but at least he can survive the struggle for a while.

Obito can survive before the Ten Tails Chakra in his body is gone and clean.

"Your Project Tsuki no Me will not be completed."

Obito sneered and looked at Uchiha Madara. Although Uchiha Ryu helped Uchiha Madara, Obito didn't think they were in the same group.

"Just look at it."

Uchiha Madara glanced at Ten Tails and then shot, but the target of Uchiha Madara's shot was not Ten Tails, but Senju Hashirama not far away.

Just after suppressing the army that came out of Yakushi Kabuto Impure World Reincarnation, Senju Hashirama was attacked by Uchiha Madara.

Senju Hashirama is the body of Impure World Reincarnation. The advantage is that he is not afraid of death. As long as he is not hit by the Truth-Seeking Ball, he can be resurrected.

And also has unlimited Chakra, but Senju Hashirama can't fully display the strength of his heyday.

So now Senju Hashirama of Impure World Reincarnation can't beat Uchiha Madara after Rinnegan at all after the resurrection.

Senju Hashirama of Chakra, who was snatched from Xianshu, gave a wry smile. At this time, he was pierced by a black stick, disturbing Chakra temporarily unable to move.


This time he lost.

"¨" Hashirama, I will create a truly peaceful world. "

Uchiha Madara can now completely eliminate Hashirama, making Impure World Reincarnation's Senju Hashirama unable to recover, but Uchiha Madara does not intend to do so.

He wants Senju Hashirama to see the truly peaceful world he has created.

I have always competed with Senju Hashirama, so Uchiha Madara wants to be recognized by Senju Hashirama.

Perhaps he is still opposing his own ideas, but Uchiha Madara is confident that he can convince Senju Hashirama.

Uchiha Madara is also full of confidence after acquiring Chakra, the fairy magic that he once expected, but everything still needs to wait until Ten Tails is sealed before the plan can officially begin.

He turned his head and walked towards Ten Tails, but soon Uchiha Madara saw Uchiha Ryu standing on top of Ten Tails.

The expression is a little stiff, the question is, how to snatch Ten Tails from Uchiha Ryu's hands?

"Uchiha Madara, thanks to me for your resurrection, don't you thank me now?" Ryu stood on top of Ten Tails and asked Uchiha Madara condescendingly.

(Li Li Zhao)    Thank you? It’s weird to be able to say the word thank you from Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Madara doesn’t think that Ryu is here to save him. There must be another purpose.

"Ryu, I want to know what do you think of Project Tsuki no Me now?" Uchiha Madara looked at Ryu deeply and asked.

This questioning is a kind of temptation to test Uchiha Ryu's thoughts. Does he support Project Tsuki no Me or block it? Uchiha Madara wants to know how to play.

Ryu also understands Uchiha Madara's temptation, and at the same time, many people's eyes are on Ryu.

Now Ten Tails is controlled by Ryu, but Jiraiya and the others cannot be happy.

Because until now they couldn't determine which side Uchiha Ryu was on, so they were a little nervous.

For fear that Uchiha Ryu and Uchiha Madara will cooperate with each other, if the two of them cooperate, who else in the entire ninja world can stop them?


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