The air cannon fired by Ryu is fast, but Rinnegan has far more insight than Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, so Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo can detect the trajectory of the air cannon.

After gaining insight into the trajectory of the air cannon, as long as Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is not stupid, he will not stand here and be beaten.

"Want to run? Time goes back."

Ryu saw that Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo wanted to run, so he raised his eyebrows and used the pupil technique to trace back the time, and in an instant, the Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo who had left traced back to the original place again.


Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's body was hit by an air cannon, and his abdomen was pierced by an air cannon. His body was almost split into two pieces. It hit the ground like a cannonball, and his body pierced 100 meters underground.

The ground cracked, and some hapless ninjas who had not had time to escape died under the influence of this time.

In the distance, Jiraiya, who had escaped from the battle center of Ryu and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, gave a wry smile. Is this Uchiha Ryu's true strength?

At this moment, they were a little grateful. Fortunately, Uchiha Ryu hadn't thought about them before, otherwise they would be destroyed. Who can stop them?

Even if they all unite, they can't stop Uchiha Ryu.

A group of ants gathered together and could not shake a dragon.

"Tsuchikage, who do you think will win in the end?"

After taking a deep breath, Jiraiya asked Ohnogi.

"I was optimistic about Sage of Six Paths, but I don't know now. Based on previous observations, Sage of Six Paths seems to have suffered a loss. To be honest, I hope Sage of Six Paths can win."

Onoki hopes Sage of Six Paths can win, but can the ending really be what he thinks? Who knew Uchiha Ryu's strength would be so terrifying.

In the face of the legendary Sage of Six Paths, it won't fall behind and even have the upper hand.

However, their strength can really be called a god, if it weren't for them to run fast, they might also be killed by the aftermath of the battle.

When did these shadows of them be unbearable even the aftermath of other people's battles, it really became cannon fodder.

"This old guy ran away."

In Ryu's perception, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo had disappeared. After being punched into the ground by Ryu, he took the opportunity to escape.

"You are left with the Flying Thunder God technique. As long as you don't run out of this planet, I can find you wherever you are."

Ryu didn't worry at all, how could Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo really run away from him, just to prevent him from escaping, so Ryu has long left Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo with the Flying Thunder God technique.

He used his own six-level Chakra technique, even Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo could not get rid of it, except Ryu himself, no one wanted to get rid of his Flying Thunder God technique.

"After I finish the task, I will look for you again."

Ryu looks at Uchiha Madara, who has become Ten Tails Jinchūriki. No, it should be called Six Way Madara now.

In fact, the strength of Madara is not much weaker than that of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo. After mastering the power of Ten Tails, Madara is really strong.(Read more @

Especially with his combat experience, with the current strength of Madara, it is estimated that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya after the resurrection is not as good as him.

"What about Sage of Six Paths?"

After Madara took control of Ten Tails' power, she asked Ryu.

Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo disappeared just with the control of Ten Tails. Could it be that Uchiha Ryu killed Sage of Six Paths in such a short time?

Impossible. No matter how strong Uchiha Ryu is, it cannot be so exaggerated. Sage of Six Paths is not so easy to solve.

However, Sage of Six Paths is still alive, indeed beyond Madara's expectations, but Madara's original plan has not changed. He decided to continue to implement the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan.

"Run." Ryu looked at the six points, Madara said lightly.

"You can actually force Sage of Six Paths to escape."

Liudao Madara frowned. Originally, she planned to become Ten Tails Jinchūriki to solve the threat of Uchiha Ryu, but now she discovered that even becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki might not be able to solve Uchiha Ryu.

He would like to know how Uchiha Ryu's strength has risen to this level.

You must know that even he was trapped on the threshold and could not reach the sixth level before he became Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

"Ryu, let's cooperate."

I don't think I can beat it, but I don't want to give up the plan, so Rokudo Madara once again proposed to Ryu to cooperate.

If you use Infinite Tsukuyomi so that Uchiha Ryu can't resist Infinite Tsukuyomi, it's best. If Uchiha Ryu is really resisted, then you can only share the fruits of victory with Uchiha Ryu.

"Cooperation, good."

Ryu smiled at Liudao Madara.

Seeing Ryu's refreshing appearance, Liudao Madara became vigilant and prepared some rhetoric to convince Ryu, but these rhetoric was useless.

But Uchiha Ryu agreed too decisively, which made him feel a little worried.

Uchiha Ryu did not agree, he would be worried, but now Uchiha Ryu has agreed to cooperate, he is more worried...

If Uchiha Ryu hesitated a little, after thinking about it, he might not be so worried, it seems that Uchiha Ryu had already considered it.

"Why, it seems you don't want to cooperate with me anymore." Ryu looked at Liudao Madara.

"You didn't want to work with me before, didn't you have any interest in Project Tsuki no Me, why do you agree so decisively now?"

Six Ways Madara asked her own doubts. If she didn't ask them, Six Ways Madara couldn't be at ease.

"I was not interested in Project Tsuki no Me before, but now I am suddenly interested in Project Tsuki no Me, can't it?"

Ryu's remarks silenced Madara, can you believe this? Anyway, Madara couldn't believe it.

"Now I am not easy to provoke, there is no need to be so jealous of him."

Soon Liudao Madara stopped thinking about it, and he was not easy to provoke. After becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, Liudao Madara felt that even if he couldn't beat Uchiha Ryu, he would never suffer a big loss.

Both sides are considered opponents at the same level, so there is no need to be too afraid of Uchiha Ryu.

"Are you going to release Infinite Tsukuyomi."

Ryu left directly, and then using Infinite Tsukuyomi, Liu Dao Madara can do it by himself. No one should come out to stop Liu Dao Madara.

The protagonist Uzumaki Naruto is gone, and Uchiha Sasuke is gone, unless Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo will come out to stop Rokudo Madara, otherwise no one can stop him.

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo just ran away, so he probably won't come back so quickly.

Looking at the leaving Uchiha Ryu, Liudao Madara fell into deep thought. Ten Tails has evolved into a sacred tree of full body state. He can release the sacred tree at any time to display Infinite Tsukuyomi and complete Project Tsuki no Me.

Only after reaching this point, Madara Liudao had concerns. What did Uchiha Ryu leave just now?

What purpose did he promise to cooperate with himself? Madara couldn't help thinking about these things.

When Rokudo Madara was concerned about this, Black Zetsu, who was attached to Rudo Madara, was very anxious.

It's the last step, why Uchiha Madara hasn't started yet, obviously the plan of resurrecting the mother has come to the end, but Uchiha Madara, who is a chess piece, doesn't move.

Black Zetsu was very anxious but didn't dare to show it, so as not to be found out by Madara.


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