"Master Madara, let's use Infinite Tsukuyomi while we release Ten Tails soon, so that Uchiha Ryu won't regret it."

Black Zetsu saw that Madara hadn't moved for a long time, and finally couldn't help it.

But for Black Zetsu, Madara did not have any doubts, because he always believed that Black Zetsu was his will, and it was absolutely impossible to betray him. Of course, he would not doubt Black Zetsu.

"White Zetsu, do you know where Uchiha Ryu is?"

Liudao Madara asked White Zetsu.

Just now Uchiha Ryu left. He didn't know where Ryu went. Maybe he went to search for Sage of Six Paths, or he might have other purposes.

Anyway, the whereabouts of Uchiha Ryu could not be found, so Madara felt uneasy.

"My avatar found him, and he is now reconciling with the ninja in Wunin Village, and there is no movement for the time being."

White Zetsu immediately reported to Rokudo Madara.

Liudao Madara nodded. It seemed that the plan was indeed about to begin. He glanced at Uchiha Obito, who was not dead, and Senju Hashirama, whose movement was restricted by him.

"Look, I will create an ideal world for everyone."

Black Zetsu was a little excited, and finally started. After planning for more than a thousand years, now he finally has a chance to resurrect his mother.

As for Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, the guy who betrayed his mother, and Uchiha Ryu, everything is not a threat until the mother is resurrected.

Madara Liu Dao released the Ten Tails in his body again. It should be called the sacred tree at this time, and the trunk of the sacred tree can be seen from a distance.

A flower blooms at the top, and inside the flower is Sharingan.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi is about to start, you should have a sweet dream."

Ryu turned his head and glanced at the ninjas in Mist Ninja Village, and said faintly.

If you want not to be drawn into the illusion world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, you must either have the mental power to fight the illusion or use Susanoo.

Inside Susanoo, it is immune to the effects of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

But there are so many hazes here, no matter how big Ryu uses Susanoo, it can't completely cover them, mainly because Ryu can't always take care of them here.

It won’t hurt if you got Infinite Tsukuyomi for a short time, but if no one gets rid of it, then the person who got Infinite Tsukuyomi will become White Zetsu.

"You all enter Mikoto's Susanoo."

Ryu said to Kushina, Tsunade, Konan, and Terumi Mei.

Afterwards, Ryu continued to look at the sacred tree. In the original book, the tail beast was not complete, so it took a long time from the operation to the flowering of the sacred tree.

But now the Chakras of the Nine Tailed Beasts are all gathered, and a large part of this process is naturally omitted.

"The god tree world is born."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Madara, who has opened the third eye on his forehead, displayed the prelude skills of Infinite Tsukuyomi. This technique has the widest range and can affect the entire Ninja world.

With the power of the sacred tree, in conjunction with the caster, the creatures of the entire Ninja World are wrapped in the sacred tree and connected to the sacred tree.

Flying into the sky, Madara, the six paths closest to the moon, finally displayed Infinite Tsukuyomi. The power of Samsara Sharingan was projected on the moon, and as long as it was irradiated by light, it would hit Infinite Tsukuyomi.

When the light was shining down, Mikoto used Susanoo to block the light and protect Kushina and the others.

Except for the people of Impure World Reincarnation, none of them were spared. The people who came out of Impure World Reincarnation had already died once, so Infinite Tsukuyomi had no effect on them.

"I should go over and take a look, and you guys should be careful too."

Ryu reminded Mikoto and the others that there is another Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo hiding in the dark. It is impossible to guarantee that Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo will not do anything.

"Don't worry, we will be fine." Kushina said confidently.

If they join forces, no one but Ryu can beat them.

Ryu can also rest assured of them. After all, they all have the power of the sixth level. Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is really doing things, and it may not be possible to get benefits in their hands.

Then Ryu used Huangquan Hirazaka to come to the front of the sacred tree, but he came a bit late, and when he first arrived, he saw Black Zetsu give Rokudo Madara a heartbreak.

"Madara, really embarrassed."

Ryu looked at Liudao Madara with a smile.

"Black Zetsu, you betrayed me." Liudao Madara was unable to use all the power at this time and could only be slaughtered by Black Zetsu.

He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of Black Zetsu. Isn't Black Zetsu a product of his will? How could he betray him.

"Are you united?"

Liudao Madara stared at Ryu with wide eyes.

"Do you think I will unite with this thing? Madara, in fact, you have always been a pawn. Black Zetsu resurrected Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's pawn. You are no different from Obito."

Ryu said to Madara of Liudao. At this time, Madara looked very sad and was stabbed back at the last moment.

"He is right. I am Kaguya Hime's will, and my purpose is to resurrect my mother Kaguya Hime, Madara-sama."

There was a sinister smile on Black Zetsu's dark face.

Now that Madara of the Six Paths is doomed, his end is doomed from the moment he was successfully backstabbed by Black Zetsu.

In fact, if Ryu makes a move, he can save the six Madaras, but why does Ryu save him? It will not do him any good to save the six Madaras, and it even affects his mission.

In the fury, Madara of Rokudo loses consciousness, and using Madara's body as a container, the goddess of Utsutsuki Kaguya is successfully resurrected.

Looking at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, although it was the first time I met, Ryu knew her too well.

The number of projections of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya drawn in the system should be the most. Ryu doesn't know how many times her projections have been sealed.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, who had just returned from the resurrection, was a little confused, but immediately Black Zetsu began to remind Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"Mother, the person in front is an enemy, very dangerous."

"Black Zetsu, did you rescue me from the seal?" Ōtsutsuki Kaguya looked at Black Zetsu's eyes slightly softly.

But when thinking of the two Nizi, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's body was icy cold, and even the air could freeze.

"Yes, your mother, but now your mother should solve the enemy in front of you first. The danger of that person is not weaker than that of Hayi and Hamura."

Black Zetsu quickly reminded Ōtsutsuki Kaguya again.

He saw that Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo was defeated by Uchiha Ryu with his own eyes, and even took the initiative to escape. The threat was too great, I don't know if his mother can get rid of him.

After two reminders, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya finally looked at Ryu seriously. From Ryu's body, she did feel the terrifying Chakra.

"All Chakras in the world belong to the concubine, you thief." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya shot Ryu angrily.

"Heh, this stinky woman is really unreasonable." Ryu sneered on his face.

The starting hand is the Eighty God Air Strike. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is a little bit careless, but the possibility of this kind of attack threatening Ryu is zero.

Using Hiroizumi Hirazaka to evade the attack, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was a little dumbfounded.

"You can also Huangquan Biliangzaka?"

Although this level of space ninjutsu is not exclusive to her, besides her, there are really not many Huangquan than Ryosaka.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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