[Ding, you complete the task ‘defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’, and you will get a reward: 1 million points, Zanpaku Knife·Rapid Blade! 】

There was an extra long sword in front of Ryu, the simple and unpretentious Taito. The moment Ryu held it, he felt connected to his own soul.

The Zanpakuto is made by the god of death based on his own soul. Ryu's Zanpakuto comes from the system, but he uses the same as his own.

Bringing on the weak Uchiha Madara, Ryu was out of the starting ball space.

"Did you know it from the beginning?"

At this time Uchiha Madara couldn't help but asked Ryu.

Now Uchiha Madara is very frustrated, prepared for decades of plans, and finally became a joke by herself.

"Yes, I knew the truth about Project Tsuki no Me from the beginning."

Ryu calmly said to Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara was silent. If Uchiha Ryu told him at the beginning, he would not fall to this point, but Uchiha Ryu had no reason to tell him.

"Don't worry, you can't complete the peace, just let me complete it, and you can have a friendly chat with your good base. Anyway, you don't have much time."

Now Uchiha Madara is not far from death, so let him talk to his good friend Senju Hashirama in the last time.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi should also be relieved."

The method of Infinite Tsukuyomi's cancellation is actually not complicated. As long as the person who owns all the tail beast Chakra and the person who owns Rinnegan form a sub-print together, Infinite Tsukuyomi can be cancelled.

Ryu has the power of Rinnegan as well as the power of Ten Tails Chakra, which of course can dispel Infinite Tsukuyomi.

In the original book, Naruto and Sasuke still have to be together, and Ryu himself can dispel Infinite Tsukuyomi.

After the Ziyin was born, Infinite Tsukuyomi was relieved, and all those who had been entangled by the sacred tree were freed, and the previous White Zetsu army had also been wiped out.

"It seems to be over."

Mikoto looked at Infinite Tsukuyomi, who had been cracked, and said to Kushina and the others.

"It's a pity, Ryu didn't take me to fight with me." Kushina said with a pity.

"Can you help me by letting you go to fight?" Tsunade glanced at Kushina, the opponent is the ancestor of the Ninja World, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"You are despising me, or the two of us will fight."

Kushina showed a provocative look at Tsunade, but Tsunade ignored Kushina's provocation. This provocation could no longer make Tsunade angry.

Mainly because I was provoked by Kushina too many times, I didn't care about Kushina's provocation.

"It seems you are afraid of me."

Seeing Tsunade quietly, Kushina said proudly.

"Afraid of you? Hehe, I just don't want to bully an idiot."

Tsunade looked at Kushina with contempt, and Kushina was furious, "Who are you stupid?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Oh, what are you arguing about." Ryu just came back here and saw Kushina and Tsunade fighting at each other.

"Ryu, Tsunade said I'm an idiot. You can't leave it alone. Help me teach her."

Angrily Kushina took Ryu's hand and said.

"If you have the ability to do it yourself, what does it mean to let Ryu take the shot?"

Tsunade glanced at Kushina, angrily said.

"Come on, we are not going to fight in the end." Kushina directly used the Sage of Six Paths mode, and several Truth-Seeking Balls appeared behind him.

"I said you have enough."

Seeing that they were really about to fight, Ryu directly stopped them with his hand, then squeezed his fist and punched both of them on the head.

"Only by teaching you two will you be honest."

"Huh, Kushina provoked me first." Tsunade said very upset.

"Is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya sealed?"

Mikoto looked at their noisy scene and changed the subject.

"Well, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was sealed by me, and Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo was also killed by me. There is no threat to Ninja for now."

The threats are all members of the Ōtsutsuki family. Now Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is killed by Ryu, and Ōtsutsuki Hamura has long been killed by Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was sealed by Ryu, and the threat that may still exist in the ninja world is the Ōtsutsuki style and the Ōtsutsuki trio that may come at any time.

Ōtsutsuki is the Boss in the blogger's biography. The earth that Kaguya came to with at the beginning should be in the Ninja World, but I don't know where it is hidden.

This guy will not come out for the time being, it can only be regarded as a potential threat, and the Ōtsutsuki trio should not come in a short time, they can only be regarded as a potential threat, at least not a threat right now.

However, these threats will definitely be eliminated by Ryu, but there is no time to do these things now. First, solve the things that should be solved now.

"Terumi Mei, let the ninjas of Kirinin Village do it."

Ryu said to Terumi Mei.

Take action to completely rule the entire ninja world. Under Ryu's rule, I believe that the entire ninja world will never break out in a big war.

Terumi Mei was very excited, and directly ordered the ninjas of Wunin Village to shoot at the ninjas of other villages.

Rock Shinobi, Konoha Shinobi, and Cloud Shinobi, who had just awakened from the illusion of Infinite Tsukuyomi, were attacked by Ninja Ninjas in Ninja Village.

Onoki was surprised and angry when he saw this scene, and immediately asked Ryu: "¨" Mizukage, what do you mean? "

"Don't you see what I mean? As long as there is a foggy ninja village in the entire ninja world, it will be enough, and other villages don't need to exist."

Ryu faintly said to Onoki.

Jiraiya was silent, originally guessing that Wunin Village was going to expose his ambitions and took action against other villages. Now it seems that the guess has become a reality.

"Tsunade, do you want to see Konoha Village collapse?" Jiraiya looked at Tsunade.

Now it seems that only Tsunade can be asked for. If Tsunade speaks, maybe Uchiha Ryu will let Konoha Village go.

"Don't look at me." Tsunade didn't mean to save Konoha Village. He had cut contact with Konoha Village a long time ago, so now Tsunade will not speak for Konoha Village.

Not far away, Senju Hashirama, who was in Impure World Reincarnation state, had already got rid of the restrictions. His face was not very good. He just watched Uchiha Madara die in front of him, and then Ryu was about to destroy Konoha Village.

"First Hokage, do you want to stop it?"

Ryu glanced at Senju Hashirama who was walking by, and asked him.

If Senju Hashirama insists on stopping, then (李王赵) Ryu will not be merciful.

"I know I can't stop you, so I decided to let Konoha Village surrender." Senju Hashirama sighed, then said to Ryu.

Uchiha Ryu wants to rule the entire Ninja World, and nobody can stop it, so the only way to reduce the loss is to make Konoha Village surrender.

"Master First Hokage." Jiraiya's face changed slightly, but he didn't expect him to say that Konoha Village should surrender.

"Fifth Hokage, there is no other way now. The villagers are the most important."

Senju Hashirama said to Jiraiya.

This is the decision of First Hokage Senju Hashirama. Although he is dead, his prestige is still very high. In addition, he cannot resist Wunin Village.

In the end, Jiraiya decided to follow Senju Hashirama's words and chose to surrender to Wunin Village, and Senju Hashirama also relieved himself of Impure World Reincarnation and returned to the pure land of the underworld where the deceased was.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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